Endless Dantian

Vol 4 Chapter 1664: Lingxiu

"This is the ancient ship that Danshen Valley changed? I didn't expect you to refine it!"

Looking at the ancient ship under his feet, Xiaoyao Xian shook his head helplessly.

Not to mention that the ancient ship has the soul marks of other masters, just to say that refining such a huge master soldier is impossible to complete in a few years, and the other party ... How long is this?

Forget it, don't compare with this pervert, who is more furious than anyone else.

The ancient ship of the Lord God Soldier is extremely fast, dozens of times faster than the previous broken Shenzhou. Rao is so, it still flew for a full day and stopped in a quiet wilderness.

"The Lord of the Dan God is nearby. Don't go out in the ancient ship first, so as not to strike the grass!"

Nie Yun explained that he grabbed both the ancient ship and the crowd into the world of objects at the same time, seeing the direction, hiding his whole body, and turning into an ordinary teenager.

His control of the body has already reached the point of perfection, hiding his power perfectly. Even if the master stands in front of him, he can't see who he is and what strength he has.

"Chongtong City? Could it be the territory dominated by Zhongtong?"

After flying for a while, a huge city appeared in front of me, but before entering the city, three large characters appeared in front of my eyes.

When I was in the battlefield of the Three Realms before, I had seen a heavy pupil dominate the city. This city is called the heavy pupil city, and I am afraid it has something to do with him.

Disguised as a casual repair, Nie Yun entered the city smoothly, and the talents of the genius were running. With the imprint of the soul, he quickly calculated the position of the master of the Dan god.

"There is only one person. It seems that he is hiding in the city quietly, the master of the pupil may not even know!"

After calculating the position, Nie Yun calculated for a while. Smile slightly.

I thought the Lord of the Dan came here to join hands with the Master of the Hitomi to deal with himself. Now it seems that he is just taking refuge, I am afraid that he is hiding here, the latter may not know.

It is unexpected that the mighty dominators hid in the nests of others.

Without that soul imprint. If you look for it, it will be difficult to find. Even the other side was hiding intently, and could not be found at all! But that imprint is different. I am afraid that the master of Dan God never dreamed that he would calculate his position so quickly. And chase it.

Entering the city, in order to prevent the other party from doubting, Nie Yun ran away without first rushing forward, but walked along the street.

Although Chongtong City has a dominate seat, it looks far from the bustling Yongye Imperial City. After walking along the street for a while, his eyes are raised. Looking forward, weird expressions suddenly appeared on his face.

He had figured out that the Lord of Dan was hiding in the building in front of him, but he did not expect that the building had a three-word horizontal plaque-Cuixiang Tower!

Cuixiang Tower ... Isn't this a brothel?

The practitioner also has passions and desires. There are also their own *. Therefore, this place for people to solve physiological problems has not disappeared because of the high level of the supreme realm. On the contrary, some large cities. The establishment of a bright and righteous, unscrupulous solicitation of business.

This place. In many cities, it is a well-known cave for selling gold, which can bring great profits. Because of this, it is considered legal and allowed to open openly.

In the brothel, although Nie Yun hasn't been in, but I have seen it many times, but ... the master of the magnificent dandan actually hides here ... it is incredible!

"This guy is so cruel, hiding here is really unexpected ..."

Confused, but also admired by the way that Dan God dominated.

Dominating the strong is higher and stronger than the emperor in the Three Realms. Such people are high above them, like the gods in the clouds.

Change to normal thinking, knowing that he will hide, maybe in restaurants, houses, or some famous mountains, rivers, lakes, etc., he must not have expected that he would hide in ... brothels!

Dominate the brothel ... no one believes that such a thing will spread!

But the fact is this, it is hard to imagine, it seems that the master of the Dan master grasps the human heart and is very careful in acting.

The brothel is in the eyes of the master practitioners. It is definitely a place to hide dirt and dirt. Even if you use people's knowledge to find people, you must pass by. After all, there are too many pictures in it. Blind spots for everyone.

"This boy, come here to evaluate Hua Kui, please inside!"

Standing outside, hesitating to go in, a woman greeted with a smile, and kept pulling his arm.

"Hua Kui?" Nie Yun blinked.

"Yeah, this group meeting, the evaluation of Hua Kui, was held in our Cuixiang Building. Each of the participants in the competition has the appearance of a sinking fish and wild geese. Let me break through the realm and advance to a higher level ... "

The woman introduced while pulling.

"Oh?" Nie Yun's arm trembled and slipped silently from the other side, showing a strange smile.

He had previously heard that this kind of place would allow those women to practice dual practice, and would even find someone with a special system to act as a furnace tripod to attract customers. It was considered nonsense, and now it seems that it is.

No wonder this place can be so popular. I am afraid that many people who are difficult to break through in practice will also spend money to try it.

Of course, it is hard to say if we can break through. After all, there are not many people with the qualification of Furnace Ding, and many of them are rumors, so they are mysterious.

"My son, do n’t believe it, it ’s absolutely right to say that they are a furnace tripod system! Have you heard of the Lingxiu people? These girls are all talents of the Lingxiu people. They were brought to us by Cuixiang Tower at a great cost. , And teach dual practice, absolutely good system! "

Seeing him with disbelief ~ www.readwn.com ~ The woman was a little unwilling to explain quickly.

"Lingxiu tribe? Do you dare to catch them?"

Nie Yun froze.

He has heard of the Lingxiu tribe. It is a special race in the chaotic world. Women are naturally charming.

Although this kind of person is the target of all men's double cultivation, few people dare to fight their ideas, because this race has a powerful king called Lingxiu Emperor. It is said that he is a dominant power and hates others to fight her ideas. As long as she dares to move her people, even the half-step masters will be easily beheaded.

It is said that a very powerful monk, because of the charm of the Linglingxiu woman, quietly dived in. Just after entering, he was discovered by the Lingxiu Emperor. The half-step dominated the big three strong man was cut off with a sword and hung on the clan. The zombies on the big tree outside for several years, even with the monk's ancestral door, the entire martial art was lifted up by the pot, completely disappearing in the long river of history.

Because of this deterrence, no one dares to pay attention to the Lingxiu people. This Cuixiang Tower actually has the courage to dare to arrest the Lingxiu people? (To be continued) R655

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