Endless Dantian

Vol 4 Chapter 1666: Emperor Xiuling

The sky above, a breath of mighty shore, like the Milky Way, before Nie Yun came, Nie Yun realized that other masters were coming.

Zhongtong dominated him once. It was by no means a breath. At this time, a master suddenly appeared. What was he going to do here?

Did the Lord God see that he had arrived, arranged the means to attract him, and summoned several masters to jointly deal with it?

Nie Yun shook his head.

This is impossible, not to mention the existence of such a means by the Lord of the Dan, if it does, it will certainly not have the courage.

After all, in Danshen Valley, the four masters almost killed each other with so many dependencies. How could it be a mess in other people's territory?

Turning his head and looking at the master of the **** Dan next door, the other party seemed to notice the breath, his face showed a sense of vigilance, and he hurriedly stopped the "fight", his body flashed, and a piece of clothing appeared on him.

"Haha, the Emperor Lingxiu came to Zhongtong City. I didn't know it. The news wasn't in place. It was rude!"

A loud laugh followed, and another splendid breath came.

"Heavily dominated!"

As soon as this breath appeared, Nie Yun already knew that Zhongtong was the master.

He had thought that God would capture the Lord of Dan without knowing it, but he did not expect the sudden appearance of the two Lords, which made people feel a little depressed.

But first look at what they are going to do, and don't mind giving them a lesson if the truth blocks themselves.

Refining the chaotic red lotus and the ancient ship, the master has no threat to him.

"I don't know? I think you've been waiting for me! I'm here now and I won't let my people down!"

A cold drink rang. It was a female voice, burning with anger.

"Lingxiu the Emperor ..." After hearing the voice and the introduction of Zhongtong, Nie Yun already knew who was coming. Looking up through the wall, I saw a woman in her twenties who was floating in the air and fluttering in white. Regardless of her appearance and temperament, she was extraordinary and unrefined.

On the appearance alone. This woman is stronger than Luo Huacheng ’s master Bai Huaxu, who has a better temperament.

I did not expect the Supreme King of Lingxiu. Emperor Lingxiu is actually such a beautiful woman.

Turning his head to look at the master of Tongtong, at this time he also came forward and stood opposite the Emperor Lingxiu. A pair of heavy pupils flicker. With a smile: "What the Emperor Lingxiu said, I really do n’t know about your people, if you know, they will never be allowed to do so! Rest assured, I will investigate immediately and let them go back!"

"Well, I'm not here to pretend. We are all masters. What do you think I don't know?"

Emperor Lingxiu looked disgusted.

"It seems that the Emperor Lingxiu is very prejudiced to me. In this case, why not? I have set up a thin wine in my residence. I hope the emperor can appreciate his face and come and have a drink ..."

"No need! My people don't need you to put it, I'll do it myself!"

Regardless of the other party's apology, Ling Xiu's white as jade hand slammed down.


For a while, the mountain shook, and the tall roof of Cuixiang Tower suddenly collapsed, and the assaulted Lingxiu tribe as a commodity was caught by her in the air and included in a certain space magic weapon.

"It seems that these are indeed Lingxiu people, what is going on?"

Seeing this move, Nie Yun's turn was strange.

Almost everyone knows about the Lingxiu Emperor's protection, but what does Cuixiang Tower do?

For a little money, die, he doesn't believe there will be such a stupid person.

"It's a master-level battle, run away ..."

"The Emperor Lingxiu came in person, it's over ..."

"Who the **** are these people? How can they let the Emperor Lingxiu shoot himself?"

"I don't know about this, let's run away now ..."


As soon as the Emperor Lingxiu took the shot, he immediately deterred everyone. Many monks who were already interested in it could still enjoy it, and turned to escape in the tragic voice.

At present, the master is so short-guarded. If she is told, everyone is planning to spoil her clan without killing them all.

"The scum of a group of monks, staying with you will only hurt more people, all die!"

Seeing the crowd running around like a fly below, Lingxiu Emperor raised his eyebrows, his eyes were full of strong disgust, he drank coldly, rolled his wrists, and shot again.

This time, instead of catching people, it was a killing move. Before the palm of the hand fell, the force formed a hurricane. With the meaning of destruction, the fleeing people contacted the palm wind immediately, and their faces swelled and exploded into a pile. minced meat.

Those who can come to the brothel to hang out are not very powerful. The strongest is the armored man, how to withstand the attack of the master. For a while, he screamed and turned into a place of joy and hell.

"Lingxiu, don't be so angry, let's have something to say, they are just ordinary people, why bother shooting at them!"

Seeing that she was so fierce in one shot, Zhongtong do not intend to leave a living mouth, her eyebrows beating, her sleeves stroked, and her attack was blocked.

Anyway, here is Zhongtongcheng, his old nest, if you let the other side attack unscrupulously, you don't have to face.

"What? You want to shelter these people?"

Lingxiu the Great Lengheng.

"Where do you speak, I also think about it for you, these are ordinary people, and their shots have a great impact on your reputation!" Zhongtong dominated the smile ~ www.readwn.com ~ Zhongtong dominated the high Festival! Should I thank you? "The emperor Lingxiu's tone was full of irony:" Don't think that I don't know. You asked me out so many times, and I was too lazy to pay attention to it. Then I made a move to get my disciples and force me to show up! " Since everything is done, why not fake it! "

"This ..." Zhongtong dominated his face flushed: "It seems that the emperor has a deep misunderstanding of me. Although I have a soft spot for you, it is not enough to do so. You misunderstand me ..."


Listening to the conversation between the two, Nie Yun was a little speechless.

It turned out that this heavy pupil dominated the pursuit of this Lingxiu Emperor, so that everything would make sense.

The arrest of Lingxiu people, even if it wasn't dominated by Zhongtong, must be related to him. Otherwise, it would not dare to auction the Lingxiu people so boldly for the ten guts of Cui Xiang Lou! This guy ... I do n’t know if it ’s low emotional intelligence or stupid mind. If you want to chase people, eat something behind closed doors and do this. Even if you get people out, your feelings will be completely lost. In this case, what else can you do? hope?

"Make sure you know it by yourself! I must kill these people. If you are blocking, I don't mind fighting with you. I want to see if you have more means or my strength!"

With a sneer, the Emperor Lingxiu no longer cared about Dou Tong's domination, flipped his palm, and split it again.

(There is only one change today. I have to prepare for the interview tomorrow. I'm really sorry. I beg your pardon! Hehe!) (To be continued ...)

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