Endless Dantian

Vol 4 Chapter 1668: Dan God dominates the collapse


Nie Yun fell in a valley.

He had spoken well with Emperor Lingxiu before. Now he has no energy to mess with other things. The most important thing is to solve the problem of the Lord of the Dan and find the void.

The spirit glanced around and found that no one followed, and the body flew into the world of objects.

"Dan master, let's meet again!"

Appeared in front of Dan God, Nie Yundao.

"Yes, we have met again. You can see my whereabouts and I know nothing about them. I am far behind. I confess!"

Lord Dan knows that he cannot escape this time, and people have become very bachelor.

"Admit it?" Nie Yun raised his mouth. "Do you think it's enough to just admit it?"

"Otherwise? Don't think that I'm afraid of you when I run away. I just don't want to take advantage of the opportunity given to me by the King of the Strong and push me to an emergency.

Dan God sneered.

"Really? Then you try, if you summon the Chaos King, it doesn't matter if you kill me!"

Nie Yundao.

It seems that this guy doesn't know that he has fallen into the world of things. In this world, even if Feng Qiang comes here in person, it is useless!

Besides, there is no permission here, the news can not be transmitted at all, summoning Wang Fengqiang, but his wishful thinking is no different from dreaming.

"This is your own death ..."

The master of Dan God did not expect that the person in front of him would not be afraid of Wang Qiang. When his wrist was flipped, a special jade card was in his palm.

At the beginning he completed the content of a Chaos King Rune. I got a chance, this time has been useless, it is this jade card to contact the Chaos King.


See each other's calm look. I know I wo n’t use it anymore, I ’m afraid there ’s no chance, I raise my hand and crush the jade brand.


A message flew to the sky immediately, but not far before, he saw Nie Yun's move, and he set it at his fingertips, struggling like a twisted snake.

"You ... you can actually block the news of the Feng Wangqiang? This is impossible ..."

Dan God dominated for a while. Frightened eyes are about to fall to the ground.

This jade card was given to him by the Chaos King personally, with the thought and might of the powerful king. Can penetrate any formation, prohibition, how could he be caught? And it's impossible to escape ... how is this possible?


Before the shock was over, I saw Nie Yun's palms in front of him.


The message and idea transmitted by the Jade brand was broken by one palm. Disappeared completely.

"This ... this ... I want you to die!"

Seeing that the message was broken by the other party, nothing was left, and he couldn't pass it on anymore. The Lord of Dan was about to go crazy. He screamed and his palms trembled. A warrior rushed to Nie Yun.

This was his last hole card. Satan Soldiers!

These eight elixir are the medicines he spent countless materials and the highest level of refining, which will greatly help the dominant power. Even he was unwilling to take it, and now these elixir have evolved their own intelligence and have a very strong combat power!

Eight elixirs formed a matrix, and joined forces to attack him. Even if Nie Yun is stronger than him, he will surely be busy. Take care of yourself!

Thinking of this, there was a fierce flash in his eyes and a flick of his wrist. A master soldier appeared in the palm of his hand. He was about to rush forward to attack Nie Yun with eight elixir, and almost fell down in the air.

It was not that he was unstable, but ... the scene in front of him scared him to death again.

I saw that his eight gold elixir warriors turned into eight gold armor warriors. Before he came to Nie Yun, he was oppressed by a special force and turned into the elixir look again. "Hoo!" Was swallowed by the latter. In the belly!

This ... this ... wouldn't be true!

Lord Dan is about to cry.

The combination of these eight elixirs, defeating a master and even killing them, is absolutely very simple. How can they return to their original form before they come to the other side?

What even made him unacceptable ... was eaten by the other party!

This is the elixir I don't want to eat ... oh!

Dan God dominated his body, and blood spewed out.

The eight elixirs represented all his hard work, and the preciousness in his heart even surpassed the ancient ship, and he was swallowed by the other person. How can such a blow?

"How could he have such strength, this ability is almost the same as that of Wang Fengqiang ..."

His eyes were red, and the Lord of Dan couldn't figure out how.

This strength is too bad, and it is definitely comparable to Wang Fengqiang. If Nie Yun had this method before, he would never be seriously injured by an ancient ship. What happened?

"This ... this is not the normal world, is this what makes Chaos Meditation Vessel special?"

Strange in his heart, only then did he notice anomalies in the surrounding space.

I was caught directly before, but I didn't take a closer look. At this time, I took a closer look and felt that it was not right. Although this place also feels like the supreme domain level, it is still a little worse than any other place in the Three Realms. No, this is the space inside the Chaos Meditation Bottle?

"Absolutely. The chaos meditation bottle is his magic weapon. The space in it is also completely controlled, so this phenomenon will occur ..."

Realizing this, the Lord Dan master "understands" what is going on. His eyes are full of hatred, but there is nothing he can do.

If it is exactly what he guessed, here is the Supreme King in front of him. Even if he is ten times stronger, there is definitely no way!

"Nie Yun, this time I admit it. What do you want to say? I can take you to the void, but ... you must promise not to kill me!"

"Understanding" the situation, the master of Dan knows that continuing to resist is just a useless struggle, and immediately stopped the means and hummed.

"Guaranted not to kill you? Do you think you are qualified to talk to me about the conditions now?" Nie Yun swallowed the elixir, feeling that his strength has grown again, full of joy, looking at the other side, with a playful smile in his eyes.

There is nothing wrong with doing anything. Immediately lowering his body and changing to another attitude, this Dan God dominated his face really fast.

"I am the only one who knows things in the void world. You killed me and all the news will be cut off. Do you think I am not qualified? If so, you can do it!"

Dan God dominated his eyes, relying on the exclusive news, with a taste of threat.

"Since you want to die ... then I will fulfill you!"

Nie Yun didn't bother to ignore his threat. A little finger, a flame flared from the tip of the finger. Red as blood, with the power to destroy space, slowly turns into a lotus flower, it seems to dry the soul of others.

Chaos Red Lotus!

Guren was swallowed by him to temper the flesh. In the world of things, you can extract them and attack others.

Chao Lian Honglian is terrible, but he has experienced it, the master is difficult to resist, with this thing in hand, do not believe the other party can stand it.

Zizi Zizi!

Honglian immediately wrapped the Lord of Dan, and the hot flame seemed to burn in the depths of his soul, making him tremble constantly.

"Chaotic Red Lotus ... There is only one plant in the world. It is said that it was obtained by Asoka, how could it be you ..."

The master of Dan God was startled, and originally thought that the Red Lotus in the other's hand had the appearance. As soon as I touched the body, I immediately understood that it was not only true, but it could not be true anymore ... This red lotus legend was obtained by Asoka and made into a weapon ... how could it be in his hands?

Strange in my heart, but no time to think, the pain of Chaos Honglian made him fall to eighteen layers of hell. Rolling up and down, screaming endlessly. Wailing constantly.

At first Nie Yun couldn't bear the power of this red lotus, let alone him!

"Ah ... whatever you want me to say, I will say ..."

Just holding on for dozens of breaths, he couldn't bear it anymore, his mad growl, his face was like dripping oil under the burning of the fire.

"What do you want to say? You think too much. I haven't asked you any questions. You don't need to answer. Besides ... aren't you very strong?" Nie Yundan said indifferently.


The Lord of the Dan God remembered that, from now until now, the other party did not ask any questions, and the other party wanted to know about the void world, which he said.

Could it be ... really want to kill him?

Don't want to find the void again?

"Master Nie Yun, please let me go. What do you want to know? I know everything. Yes, I can be your attendant. You also know that my level of elixir is very high. You want me to help you refine I can make any elixir, as long as you don't kill me ... "

After holding on for more than a dozen breaths, the Lord of Dan could not bear it, and roared madly again.

As a treasure treasured by the powerful king, Chaos Red Lotus can be imagined, even if he dominates the powerful, he cannot bear it.

"Let you make alchemy? You think too much. For alchemy, my means are not lower than you!"

Nie Yun waved his hand.

It is not that he does not want to find the Nether Realm, but that he is now completely attacking the confidence of Dan God.

This kind of person will not completely convince him, even if he talks about things in the void world, there must be true and false, even if it is true, as long as one place is not clear, I am afraid it is very dangerous.

Therefore, as long as Nie Yun took the shot, he showed no mercy, letting him collapse from the inside out.

"I beg you, please forgive me ... I dare not do anything right with you ..."

Seeing that the other party was indifferent, the Lord of Dan could not hold on anymore and roared again.

The burning of Chaos Red Lotus has made him unable to hold on. If he continues, the whole person will collapse.

"Very well, now I ask you what and what you say, as long as there is one thing I feel wrong, you will continue to suffer the burning of chaotic red lotus ~ www.readwn.com ~ until death!"

Seeing that the other party reached its limit, and then burned it, there was no doubt that it would die. Nie Yun waved the palm of his hand, and the red lotus's hot temperature dropped, and he left from the master of Dan Shen. However, he still enveloped it and would continue to spread.

"I know absolutely everything and everything ..."

Dan God dominated the "Tongtong!" And sat down on the ground, no longer arrogant as before, his expression was dispirited, and the whole person was like a bereavement dog, and his faith was completely lost.

(It's finally over. I finished the interview yesterday and I will report the results to you. 89.8 points. [We have 90 to 90 points. The interviewer has to fill in the materials. It's very troublesome, so basically no one can get ninety.] It is still very powerful. The written test is the same as the first in the state and the second in the province. The interview looks similar. It is good. Even if it is not the first in the state, it is the top three! When Ya Ya was in college, he graduated with the first major in his major. There was no way. The handsome man was so capricious. Look at the handsomeness of Lao Ya, and give him a monthly pass. Gaga!)

. . . . ,, (to be continued)


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