Endless Dantian

Vol 4 Chapter 1674: Wanfa Palace

The masses swept across the sky from Qin Maoxian and others, and the surrounding reversal space seemed to have no effect on them.

"So strong ... aren't they all the masters?"

Qin Yue Fairy's eyelids jumped.

Her strength can take a certain position in the top 100 list. When walking here, she is still walking on thin ice, being careful, like the group of people in front of her, she cannot do it!

In this way, the strength of these people in the air far exceeds her!

Can it be so much stronger than her?

"The one who turns at a glance turns the sky, and the one who is in the dark should be the legendary sunless master ... who are the other people?"

There are only a few of the masters in the Three Realms. Although Qin Yunxian can not reach this level and has lived so long, she still knows some allusions. In front of these super strong men who are on an equal footing with Xiaoyao Xian and Sunless Master, she No impression, no wonder.

. No. Wrong. The rise of Nie Yun was only a few months. The Lingxiu people had been occluded. Therefore, they did not know.

"Happy seniors, wait for us ..."

Although I don't know who these people are in front of me, I also understand that these people must be something they can't mess with, and they yelled.

Shifang Tianyu is weird and unpredictable. Although they know the way to enter the Wanfa Palace, in the past, it will still take a lot of time. With the leadership of the master, it will definitely be a lot faster.

"Come on!"

Before she shouted, she heard a faint sound, and immediately felt the light flashing under her feet, and a cloud of clouds appeared under them.

These clouds are like running horses. Holding them forward quickly, immediately caught up with Xiaoyao Xian and others in front, and stood on it without being bound by the surrounding reversing space. Safe.

"So powerful means ... even Lingxiu the Great ..."

Seeing this scene, Qin Yunxian stared round and stared, completely surprised.

For so many years behind the Emperor Lingxiu, she knew the means of the emperor very well, and she made so many clouds at once, and took everyone forward quickly, even the emperor could not do it.

Look up. It was found that it was just a young man in his twenties who looked at it and froze again.

When did such a strong man appear in the Three Realms?

With doubt in my heart. The mental power was more on Nie Yun, and he couldn't help but be surprised again.

In front of the flight, plus Xiaoyao Xian, there are a total of five dominating the strong. These strong men are faintly centered on this young man. Taking the lead of other horses, this situation is very interesting.

"Kang Jie, Ling Xiushan has only been out of you recently. Is there any new news in the Three Realms and what is the new master?"

Suppressing the shock in the heart, the fairy Qin Yue turned her head to look at a half step behind her to dominate the strong.

This strength is obviously slightly lower than her, but like the Emperor Ganxue, he is a super powerhouse who understands 299 avenues.

"I've really heard of some. It seems that a master named Nie Yun is very famous recently, killing the ancestors of the group, the ancestors of the skyscrapers, etc. This is the message I know ..."

The strong man named Kang Jie was moved, and passed the news she knew.

After a while, the shock in the eyes of Fairy Qin Yun was getting stronger and stronger. Looking at Nie Yun again, it was determined: "This should be Lord Nie Yun ..."

Except for the born-against, she can't think of anyone else who can do this.

After confirming Nie Yun's identity, Qin Yunxian bit her lip, as if she had made a decision. She slowly raised her head, her spirit moved, and an idea passed.

"Does Nie Yun dominate?"


Nie Yun was moving forward. I didn't expect the Qin Yuan Fairy to summon him.

"I have a merciless request. Could you please tell the lord that if the lord can agree, I will go to Tang Taohuo with Tang Taohuo!" Qin Yuan Xianzi gritted her teeth.

It also takes a lot of courage to talk to the strong leader. After all, once the other person thinks that you are offending him, it is likely that he will have an idea and beheaded him.

"Say it!" Nie Yundao said.

"I hope that Lord Nie Yun can rescue the Emperor Lingxiu ..." Speaking of this, the fairy Qin Yue saw Nie Yun's eyes shoot like a shot, and she couldn't help trembling, and quickly explained: "I know it's rude to speak like this , But I still hope that adults will answer! "

"Reason!" Nie Yun refused, and did not agree, said lightly.

"The Emperor Lingxiu did not marry to the master of Wanfa voluntarily ... Although I don't know the specific things, after so many years behind the Emperor, I can clearly feel her reluctance!" Said Qin Yun Xianzi: "If Lord Nie Yun can Taking the initiative to stop this will be our biggest benefactor of the Lingxiu clan, and I am willing to be a cow and a horse ... "

"I have no shortage of cattle and horses!" Nie Yun waved his hand: "No, why do you want to have a big wedding? Is there anyone who can do it for the dignified master? Needless to say, if it is not worth my shot, it will never offend other masters It ’s worth the shot, and you do n’t need to serve! "

Nie Yun will not say more.

The legend of the Emperor Lingxiu had a relationship with his brother Nie Tong, and he must not stand idly by, but there is no need to tell her more.


Qin Yunxian bit her lip and stopped talking. The other party was domineering, and she could tell her so much. She would be face-saving. If she continued to ask questions, she would be really uninterested.

"This road has nine turns and thirteen turns. I also walked once in that year, but it was too long. I can't remember it. Brother Duan Yi has a good memory. In such a dangerous place, I still remember clearly!"

The conversation between Nie Yun and Qin Yunxian was mentally fluctuating. Others didn't know it ~ www.readwn.com ~ Fu Anchao looked at the section leading the way and smiled.

The passage to the Wanfa Palace is no different from other spaces, and it is extremely curved. If you ca n’t remember to walk blindly, you can easily enter the reversing space. You can walk in the foremost section, Xiaoyao Xian. There is no stay, which means you are here The terrain is familiar.

"When I first came to the Wanfa Palace, I was far from what I am now. I lost my life by taking the wrong step. I naturally remembered all the journeys!" Duan Yi smiled and looked at Nie Yun: "Master, ahead Go through another barrier and you're here! "


Nie Yun nodded, followed closely behind, and flew forward. After a while, he bypassed the last barrier and looked up. Sure enough, as Duan Yi said, the space in front of him was suddenly bright, and a huge palace was in front of the void. Among them, quietly suspended.

With great momentum, the palace surrendered all kinds of methods and suppressed the eternity. Before it came to the palace, it gave a sense of awe-inspiring atmosphere.

Wanfa Palace, here it is! (To be continued ...)


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