Endless Dantian

Vol 4 Chapter 1675: Have him in my heart

Xie Nieyun speculated in his heart that he didn't stop at his feet and followed the crowd to enter the Wanfa Palace soon.

The splendid palace was a bright red, and everywhere was singing and dancing, and the strong sense of celebration echoed throughout the room, which made people's mood happy.

"These are Nie Yun, Xiaoyao, Sunrix, Fuyin Chao, Duan Ye, Zi Tong. Do not destroy the master, or come to see them?"

He walked into the palace, and Wan Fa master shouted, and countless strong men in the hall stood up, respectful.

"Have seen you master!"

These people are either disciples or subordinates dominated by Wanfa, or relatives and friends. Each of them has great strength. Outside, at least one member of the party, but in front of Nie Yun et al.

At a glance, six masters appeared, including the prestigious Nie Yun, which was unexpected by everyone.

既然 "Since the big marriage, Master Wanfa, haven't you invited your bride out yet? Could it have made us wait?"

Everyone sat down, and the sunless Lord Haha smiled.

"That's right, I'm not ready to invite the bride out!"

Wan Fa master also smiled, turned his head and ordered.

"Yes!" A young man nodded and hurried out. After a moment, the ritual music played, and a bright red woman came out slowly.

The woman did not cover her head like other mundane children. Instead, she wore a golden phoenix crown, bright red cassia, and a white face shining in the surrounding light, shining like a warm, warm jade. Come to the crowd completely. Has eclipsed all surrounding light.

Emperor Wu Lingxiu!

"The Emperor Lingxiu claims to be the first beauty in the Three Realms, and it really has a good reputation!"

"It's so beautiful. My biggest wish in my life is to be able to marry a Lingxiu woman. Everyone must help me!"

"I've always heard how beautiful Xiuling Emperor was. I used to think it was a lie, but now it seems that it's all true ..."

"Seeing her, all the women I've seen before have become colorless ..."

Uh ...

Emperor Wu Lingxiu slowly walked out, and everyone in the entire hall was shocked by his appearance. Immediately afterwards, all kinds of envy sounded.

"Your Majesty!"

Seeing her appearing, Qin Yunxian hurried forward.

"Why are you here?" I saw her. The Emperor Lingxiu was a bit wrong.

"Subordinates are worried about your safety, did not obey the order to guard Lingxiu Mountain, and hoped that His Majesty would forgive him!" Qin Yunxian fell to the ground.

"Just, get up!" Emperor Lingxiu waved his hand. There was no slight expression on his face.

His Majesty, "Your Majesty, Lord Nie Yun is here too. If you are unwilling, he said that he can take control of you!" The fairy Qin Mao slowly stood up, and hurriedly transmitted the voice.

"Nie Yun dominates?"

Emperor Wu Lingxiu turned his head and looked at it. When he contacted Nie Yun and others, his eyes faded again, and he shook his head: "Nothing unwilling! You don't need to worry about this!"

"Your Majesty ..."

Qin 钏 Fairy looked anxious.

不用 "Needless to say!" Lingxiu Emperor waved his hand. A gentle force immediately shrouded the fairy Qin Mao, took him to his seat, and couldn't get up again.

"Haha. Let's start the wedding!"

Seeing this, Wan Fa master secretly sighed and laughed.

Hearing his orders, a monk who looked like a master came over and presided over the wedding with a smile.

虽然 Although these two dominate the strong, the wedding procedure is the same as the secular. Not much difference.

He also worships heaven and earth, parents, and husband and wife.

The ceremony is simple, but it makes everyone feel familiar. Warm.

The two of them lived for so long, their parents and others have long ceased to exist, but the link has not been saved. The monks who presided over the wedding were proceeding step by step, and suddenly a faint voice sounded.


Qi Nieyun stood up.

I don't know if there is a relationship between Emperor Lingxiu and Nie Tong. Now I know that when I saw her getting married, I didn't ask clearly. I met Nie Tong in the future and how to explain it.

"Dominated by Nie Yun, may we say something later, can you give me a bó face today when I am happy?"

Seeing him get up, Wan Fa dominated his expression involuntarily, and smiled.

The other masters are not afraid of him, but he has a lingering fear for this person in front of him.

Although he didn't see his shot with his own eyes, from the various news passed, this person's strength was not something he could compete with at all.

"Do not mind the master of the law, I only ask the bride a few words, presumably ... you don't want to marry a bride who has only a body and no soul!"

Nie Yun waved his hand.


Wu Wanfa dominated his face, but he dared not say anything.

"Lingxiu, we meet again, I just ask you a sentence, how to answer depends on you!" Ignoring the angry master of Wanfa, Nie Yun looked at Lingxiu the emperor with a calm tone.

"Nie Yun, please speak!" Lingxiu exhaled a breath.

"I heard that you have had a lover and was hurt by him. Do I know who this person is?" Nie Yundan said.

"Dominated by Nie Yun, you asked a little too much about this! Did she ever have a lover in the past, now I am her husband, you ask, it is too important to put people in your eyes!"

Wan Fa dominates the roar.

At the wedding, he asked his bride directly who his lover was. This kind of face-breaking behavior could not help even Wanwan ’s master knew he was not Nie Yun's opponent.

"Now you have nothing to say, I just want to know about this, it is important!" Nie Yun expressionless.

"You ... dominated by Nie Yun, although you are strong, it is too much to do this at a wedding!"

A middle-aged man suddenly stood up on the banquet and shouted loudly.

人 This man half dominates the strength of the major three, depending on the position and behavior, he should be regarded as the number one figure in the Wanfa Palace.

"Master talks, you have to intervene? What are you!"

Nie Yun did not answer, Duan Yi yelled, his eyebrows raised, and a wave of mental turbulence shot in the past.


半 The half-step dominated the junior triple strong had no chance to refute again, immediately exploded into minced meat, and his soul did not escape.

He did not match his words, and killed his men in the palace ruled by Wanfa, immediately showing a domineering and mighty attitude.


Seeing this scene, everyone's scalp exploded.

I am too arrogant, this is simply a rhythm that does not put Wan Fa master in my eyes.

"Nie Yun dominates ... what do you mean?"

Seeing Duan Yi's move, Nie Yun did not stop, Wan Fa dominated his face with red and white.

"Nothing, I don't want to fight with others, I only hope that the Emperor Lingxiu answered truthfully, and I hope that the Master of Laws will not do anything more. My patience is limited. I don't want a good wedding to become a funeral!"

Nie Yun turned the wine glass in his palm, expressionless.

He didn't come here to make trouble, but wanted to ask the situation clearly. If this Lingxiu Emperor had a relationship with Nie Tong, and he still can't let it go, others will force her to marry him.

Of course, if this is not the case, turn around and leave, and you will not continue to be a bad person.

"You ..." Wan Fa ruled the whole body trembling, but didn't know what to say.

Even if you do n’t understand Nie Yun ’s strength, seeing so many masters behind him, you also know their power ~ www.readwn.com ~ Seeing the other party ’s determination, if he continues to insist, the wedding becomes a funeral, it is not impossible .

"I have had a lover, but that's all past tense, I don't want to say more!" Lingxiu the Great Emperor Xiumu fluctuated, I don't know what to think.

"Is it King Shura!" Nie Yun was too lazy to speak, and spoke directly.


Ugly face, Lingxiu the Great Road.

"I ask you now, do you still have any feelings for King Shura? If someone forces you to match, I can make the decision for you! If you don't have feelings, you will marry the other person voluntarily, and I won't be a bad person. Turn around and leave!"

Nie Yundao.


Wu Lingxiu, the great emperor, bit his red lips, seems to have no idea how to answer.

"Want to answer again, King Shura has now been resurrected. If he still has feelings for him, but was forced to marry him, I can help you. If he has no feelings for him, and no problem, I can guarantee that No blame, you can still live a happy life! "

Nie Yun waved his sleeve.

"I ... I still have him in my heart!"

Hesitated for a moment, the Lingxiu emperor finally took a deep breath, and Jiao's body shook, his voice trembling slightly.

When she heard the news that King Shura was resurrected, she couldn't stop her feelings.




[To be continued 『』 If you like the work, welcome to the official website to support the author. 】

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