Endless Dantian

Vol 4 Chapter 1680: Welcome to my world!

Chapter 168 Welcome to my world!


"Master of ten thousand masters" and others entered the rotating black hole outside the chaotic meditation bottle, and at the same time felt that their bodies were light, as if they had entered another space.

"Don't underestimate the enemy, I have inquired about this Nie Yun in detail, very weird, be careful!"

虽然 Although the “Master of Ten Thousands of Laws” is strong, he is not as vain as everyone else, but he holds the Jiuyou Bone Sword in his hand tightly, and his whole body is full of energy and spirit. It seems that he will attack at any time when he is in danger.

There was a grey mist in front of my eyes, and the nine men moved forward slowly.

The space in the Chaos Meditation Bottle is much smaller than the external pressure. For these strong people, they can play a black hole at will.

"Where are they? Why can't I see the trail?"

I flew for a while, but did not find Nie Yun and others, and "Master of All Laws" and others looked at each other a little strangely.

Before I saw Nie Yun and others coming in, why can't I see a ghost now?

"This seems like a mystery ..." A man in black looked puzzled: "He knows he can't beat us, traps us in mystery, and think of other ways!"

"Mazes can't kill people. Even if we are trapped for a short time, it is useless. At that time, there will only be more severe attacks. They should not be so stupid!"

"Who knows, no one can tell the current situation. Anyway, be careful, it just won't work. If you just tear the space, any matrix method will become ineffective ..."

When the people in black saw that they had entered the meditation bottle but couldn't find Nie Yun and others, they all looked puzzled. I don't know what medicine he sells.

Under normal circumstances, the other party should fight against them again depending on the terrain, why all disappeared?

"I think they are afraid to hide. My lord, I can't seem to split this place, I see where he can hide ..."

Another man in black sneered and looked at the "Master of Laws" not far away.

"I want to trap us with this kind of mystery, and take advantage of the opportunity to hide, how can it be so easy, I will find them out now!" "Master of all ways" snorted. In his hand, Jiuyou Bone Knife stunned, a brilliant sword air. Jumped forward sharply.


With a big drink, the powerful sword intended to form a whirlwind whirlwind in the air, cutting forward, and the space was like a fragile blank paper in front of the whirlwind. "Squeak!" Break open without a pause.


The whirlwind scatters and the knife is diffused.

Half-step Feng Wang Shenbing exerted his full strength, the power was great, and it was horrible. Just one click, the entire space in the meditation bottle seemed to collapse, and the mist of fog was swept away.


The bursting method broke, and several flags fell from the air. The Lost Front just now is the layout of these flags.

"This mysterious array is of some use to the general master. It has no effect on me, but these array flags are good things, and they are left!"

Grasp the array flag in his palm, put it into the container, and raised the corners of the "Master of Law".

大 "Sir, look over there, there is a passageway. They want to escape ..."

I looked up and looked forward, when the mist was young. A passageway appeared in front of the crowd. Inside the passageway, Nie Yun and others were crowding in it, flying straight, as if trying to escape.

There is no end to the puppet channel, but from the breath of the Supreme Realm revealed in it, it should lead to the outside world.

No wonder they fled here directly and created a mysterious array. It turned out that they didn't think about fighting, but thought about running away, wanting to escape back to Shifang Tianyu and leave!

原来 "It turns out that there is still a passage behind the meditation bottle. I want to trap us in" Baidu Flash God's Word "and run away directly. Let's have a car abandoned and be handsome. Hey, how can it be so simple! "

Seeing their movements, "Master of Masters" laughed and guessed the other party's purpose.

The other party knew that they could not be beaten, and fled to the meditation bottle, then trapped them with a mysterious array, and took the opportunity to escape. Such an escape would be equivalent to throwing the meditation bottle. Using this magic weapon in exchange for their lives is also decisive.

However, maybe the other party never dreamed that they broke the mystery so quickly and caught their escape.

"I block them, you run away!"

Xie Nieyun seemed to be aware of the purpose, a panic flashed in his eyes, shouted suddenly, pushed with both palms, a powerful force blessed on Xiaoyao Xian and others.

"Nie Yun, be careful ..."

Xi Xiaoyao and others shouted out of the passage before the shouting of others and so on seemed to have fled far away.

"It's kind of morale, but I can tell you clearly that this is useless, and I promise to kill you and catch up with them. They didn't even go out to Shifang Tianyu!"

"Master of all kinds of laws" laughed, and his body moved, galloping, and he had come to the channel.

"Damn, I'm with you all!"

When I saw him appearing so quickly, Nie Yun's eyebrows not far away jumped out like a tiger at the end of the road, and gave a roar, grabbed the palm of his hand, a flame and a wave of water rushed over.

Water of Hope, Fire of Clouds!

These two chaotic treasures were almost tortured to death when Nie Yun first came, and finally he accepted the living meditation before he escaped.

At this moment, two things whistled down, with the dual powers of hot and cold, stabbing "master of all law" and others.


The wrist of the “Master of Wanfa” shook, and the fishing net that had previously blocked the ancient ship of Danshen flew out, forming a huge barrier. The hopeless water and the fire of the sky were immediately blocked by a barrier and could no longer be washed down. .

The water of hopelessness and the fire of the sky have a certain threat against ordinary half-step masters and even masters, but it has no effect on the people who know a lot about meditation bottles such as "master of the ten thousand methods".

"If your hole card is the so-called geography, I can only tell you sorry that you are going to die soon!"

"Master of Wanfa" sneered, looking at Nie Yun like a white idiot.

The other party seemed to him without any threats. He thought he could come up with something decent. Now it seems that the so-called last resort is the water of hope and the cloud of fire. These two things have nothing to do with him. Threat.

"Come on!"

He seemed to be seen through the hole cards, and Nie Yun was full of confusion. Suddenly, there was an extra long bow in the palm of his hand. He pulled a curved bow like a full moon and shot an arrow.

"Something dead!"

"Master of the Wanfa" Jiuyou Bone Cleaver slashed down, "Wow!" The arrow that was shot suddenly turned into two halves, and fell to the ground. The knife gas generated by the bone knife did not stop, and continued to move forward. "Flop!" One fell on Nie Yun.


Nie Yun screamed violently, his body quickly retreated, and fell out of the passage.


"Master of all kinds of law" saw him go out, sighed coldly, and led everyone behind him to the exit of the passage.

"He won't die so easily, don't let him escape!"

I came to the end of the passage, and the "Master of All Laws" didn't stop at all, and flew straight out.

Anyway, this is the passage to Shifang Tianyu, and Xiaoyao Xian and others have already escaped without any scruples.


Kung Fu flew out of the passage in a blink of an eye, and they really felt the breath of the Supreme Realm, as if falling into the Supreme Realm.

"Hmm? This isn't Shifang Tianyu?"

As soon as Xun Gang fell, "Master of Ten Thousands of Laws" could not help but hesitated for a moment. Although the space in front of him was the Supreme Realm, it was not Shifang Tianyu, but a place completely different from the Three Realms.

However, if it is not at www.readwn.com ~, it is nothing to them even if they are not in the Three Realms. Xiu does not care what this place is to achieve such strength.


I was wondering. Suddenly there was a violent roar behind me. I turned my head and looked around, and saw that the passage just now was closed, as if it didn't exist.

"Hmm? What's going on?"

"What is this place? I feel like the Supreme Realm, why doesn't it look like anywhere in the Three Realms?"

"I do not know either……"

"Why do I feel something is wrong, is Nie Yun pretending, the main purpose is to bring us here ... 冇"

When I saw the passage closed, everyone didn't know why the heart was so tight, and even the "Master of Ten Thousand Laws" had lost the previous pride, and an ominous premonition developed in their hearts.

"Welcome to my world!"

When the crowd was strangely shocked, a faint voice sounded.

"Master of Wanfa" and others hurriedly turned their heads, and saw Nie Yun and others standing not far away with smiles, as if looking at a pile of fish on the chopping board.

(Chapter 2 is coming!) (To be continued)




[To be continued] [This text is provided by The Shining God Tuban Group @ 新城 邓宏]. If you like the work, welcome to support the author. Bring your daughter-in-law @ 基 兄 @ 独木桥 的 客 客 @ 麒麟 迹 @】

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