Endless Dantian

Vol 4 Chapter 1686: Crystal of True Blood


When I heard this, meditation only found out that because of the sudden growth of her body, her previous clothes had been torn off the ground, and she was naked and naked at this time.

He spit out his tongue, his face showing playfulness, and obediently tidy up the transfiguration clothes, and then he was relieved without leaking.

"You said you swallowed two wills? What happened?" Nie Yun asked.

"You have just merged Skybreaker and the golden seal. These two things also have a will, but they are very weak, much worse than me, and they are swallowed by me ..."

Jing Jingxin said, will say the details of what just happened.

After listening to Nie Yun, he immediately understood that the other side was really meditation, and he was telling the truth.

The breaking of the sky cone and golden seal also produced a will, but it was so weak that Nie Yun did not find it at first.

Such a weak will and meditation confrontation, naturally not an opponent, was quickly swallowed up by him.

Because they are the will of the same origin, once devoured, the meditation immediately changed dramatically, from a little girl to a big girl. Just after the transformation, Nie Yun came in, so the previous scene appeared ...

既然 "Since you have swallowed the other two wills, you should know what this magic weapon is!" Nie Yun asked.

"Well, this magic weapon is called the crown of true blood! However, there is still one of the most important [crystals of true blood]! As long as you put it together, you can restore this magic weapon to its original strength and reach the level of the king of magic soldiers!"

Wu Jing smiled quietly.

"Sure enough!" Although I had long guessed. But hearing the other party's confirmation, Nie Yun was still surprised.

Sealing the King Divine Soldier, a treasure that only the strong Wang Feng can possess. Without knowing it, he was looking for three, and had to say that this luck was simply against the sky.

"What is the crystal of true blood?"

"The crystal of true blood is a special kind of ore, and it is the core part of the crown of true blood. With this thing, this crown can directly reach the level of the king of the gods!" Meditation said.

"What is the specific form of this thing? Where is it likely to appear?" Nie Yun is most concerned about this.

"It's like this ..." The meditative spirit moved. A thought passed through, and Nie Yun immediately knew the specific shape. Somewhat similar to diamonds, with eight edges and eight corners, crystal clear, is the most gorgeous gem on the crown.

"As for where it appears. I don't know! But ... as long as the distance is close, I can definitely sense it!" Meditation continued.

"Induction? What distance is it?" Nie Yun's eyes lit up.

Pick up one treasure and find three. The remaining treasure is relatively easy to find.

"As long as it is within 10,000 miles, I can definitely find it!"

Quiet and affirmative said.

"Well, when things in the void world are over, I'll take you looking!" Nie Yun nodded.

The distance of 10,000 miles does not seem small, but for a vast world like the Three Realms, the range is still too small. If you really look for it, you can't do it for thousands of years without hundreds of years.

and so. The urgent task is not to find the crystal of true blood, but to find the void, find the void, and fulfill the younger brother's orders.

"OK!" Meditation nodded.

"You are here to adapt to the crown of true blood, I leave first!"

I know what I want to know. Nie Yun didn't stay, and the spirit left the meditation bottle. Back to the crowd.

"Don't resist, I will take you out!"

Looking at the ruler of the sunless day, the ruler of Wanfa and others, Nie Yun hummed and his spirit moved, and many masters appeared at the Wanfa Palace at the same time.

At this time, the Wanfa Palace has become almost as ruins. In the previous battle, the beautiful buildings were damaged and it was almost impossible to repair them.

Master Wan Wan glanced at him, and although he felt distressed, he said nothing.

In this case, saving lives is more important than everything.

"This place is broken like this, it seems that they did not escape ..."

He sighed, his face darkened.

The entire Wanfa Palace was broken. From the perspective of the master of Wanfa, all the disciples and relatives must be dead.

虽然 Although he was not married and had no children, he received a lot of disciples. The death of these disciples also dealt a heavy blow to him.

"It seems you are still a most affectionate person!" Look at him, Nie Yundao.

"Master of all kinds of laws ... is indeed a gentleman. If it hadn't been for my heart, he would have no chance!" Lingxiu said.

"Hmm!" Nie Yun nodded.

Everything is mutual. Although the Emperor Lingxiu does not like the master of Wan Fa in front of him, if he is not upright and affectionate, I am afraid that with the cold temper of the Emperor Lingxiu, it is impossible for him to take risks.

"Hehe, Master Wanfa, your disciples are not dead!" Seeing that the Master was secretly hurt, Nie Yun didn't hide it, smiled.

"Not dead? You don't have to lie to me. All the restraints of the Wanfa Palace are broken. Even the master can't survive, how can there be living people ..." Wanfa master shook his head.

"Look at it for yourself!"

Nie Yun didn't explain. The palm of his hand shook, and Dan Shen's ancient ship flew out. All the people he had taken away swept away.


"Master, you're fine, that bad guy didn't torture you ..."


Before Xun came to him, a group of disciples saw Wan Fa ruler and exclaimed excitedly.

"Xiao Chen, Du Jiang, Fu Mo ... you, you ... are alive ..."

I saw these people suddenly appear, Wan Fa dominated me in situ, and kept shaking.

Although he has reached the level of dominance and his heart is full, he suddenly saw so many beloved disciples alive ~ www.readwn.com ~ Can't help but feel happy inside.

He was in trouble, thinking that he would die, and the whole Wanfa Palace would be destroyed. It was unexpected that nothing would happen.

"Nie Yun is dominated, big gratitude is not to be thankful, starting today, I am willing to swear to follow and never give up!"

He arranged a lot of disciples, Wan Fa dominated Nie Yun in a few steps, hugged his fists, his eyes filled with sincerity.

If it were n’t for the one in front of him, he might have died already, and these disciples would not be able to survive! The other side is so powerful, the kindness can't be repaid. The only thing that can be done is to serve the people like Fu Anchao and others, and they can help him a little bit.

"Wang Fa is the master!"

He wanted to ask Master Wanfa to ask about the void world, but he did not expect to surrender directly. Nie Yun was somewhat surprised.

"I also hope that Nie Yun will dominate, otherwise I will never be able to get out of the shadows and get rid of my demon!"

Master Wan Wan thought he didn't agree and was busy.

"Okay, I promise!" Seeing the other party's firm attitude, if you disagree, Nie Yun nodded and agreed, smiling: "I just have something to ask you!"

"Master, please tell me!"

"Shifang Tianyu, is there anything you haven't been to?"

Nie Yun asked.

(The second update is complete!) [To be continued] This text is provided by the Shining Shadow Group @ 影 承

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