Endless Dantian

Vol 4 Chapter 1700: Altar

"Lin Can was clenched around his neck and slapped. Is there no chance of resistance?"

"It's ... how is it possible that Lin Can is the third person in the hidden potential list ..."

Seeing the scene right now, everyone is crazy.

Especially for Xu An and Qian Qingzong, others may not be clear about the strength of Lin Can. The two of them are quite clear. Such a powerful person is no different from the ants in the youth. What kind of strength is this?

Mysterious Powerhouse?

how can that be! Doesn't the entire Qihai continent have only three mysteries? When is one more?

There was a deep fear in everyone's eyes.

The strength is only a little stronger, there are treasures on the body, others will be embarrassed, too much strength, in the eyes of others, only fear.

Poppy poppy!

The slaps finally stopped, no more than exactly ten.

"Master, can you teach him this way?" After slapping, Xiaofeng still carried the forest residue and did not let down, and turned to ask Nie Yun.

"The technique is a bit thinner, but it's not bad!" Nie Yun nodded.

"This method is still thin? Hey ..." After hearing the young man's comment, Lin Can almost vomited blood and died.

The attendant called Xiaofeng in front of him, although he pulled ten slaps on the bright side, each slap contains a special force, which invades a special dark energy into the body. This kind of power cannot be cured or cured. Make yourself suffer!

If this method is called thin, is there any complicated method in the world?

"Your name is Lin Can, right now, I tell you that the reason why you were beaten today is not because you offended me, but because you were used by others to be used as a gun. I beat you to make you sober!"

Seeing Lin Can's face swollen, his father and mother could not recognize it, Nie Yun said lightly.

Dealing with people like Lin Can, if you tell him at the beginning that you have been used by others, you will definitely not listen. Now he has a meal, so that he has no temper, but will listen to himself.

This is human nature.

Ten fingers danced, and Nie Yun formed a special seal in front of Qi, and the seal appeared. There was a loud voice in the yard.

"By the way. I do n’t think it ’s safe enough. During the day, when I saw the bitch, she not only dared to come back. She was with the kid from Nie Yun. In this case, I will give them a big gift tonight Make them sleepless! Haha! "

"Rest assured, I just asked someone to notify Gan Qingzong. The traitors came back and let them fight you to death, I can come out and pretend to be a good person, kill two birds with one stone!"


This voice is the dialogue between Her Majesty Huang Ling and Tu Xin, which was restored by Nie Yun by special means. The voice has not changed at all, and the tone has a conspiracy.

"It's barren, how dare he kill me?"

Hearing that Lin Can was stupid, he understood that he was indeed shot by someone. The irritability shivered.

I recalled carefully that the news that Bai Huaxi came to Bright City was indeed informed by His Majesty Ling, and it seemed that he had a premeditated plan.

"Now that you know, you should know how to do it!" Nie Yun beckoned Xiaofeng to put down the forest residue.

Actually he explained the same whether he explained it or not. Anyway, my strength is here, and I am not afraid of the other side, but it is really uncomfortable to be conspired by tricks.

"Baihua shy sister. I listened to the words of others and apologized to you. I also look forward to forgiving!"

Lin Can knows that if he doesn't make it clear today, the teenager can't let himself go, he said with a fist.

"Brother is not as lavish as this. If Master did not forgive me then, it would not be possible to know that I had established a sect in the Divine Empire without investigating it!" Bai Hua nodded shyly.

"Yes, it's my ignorance. Today I went to Huang Ling to ask for an understanding, and I will come back to apologize to my sister! Your Majesty Nie Yun, leave!" Lin Can bowed.


This time Nie Yun didn't stop, but let Xu An and the two go together.

Huang Ling wanted to harm himself, make things clear, and let Lin Can bite the dog with his dog, and he was too lazy to be quiet.

"His Majesty Nie Yun, it is because we have no idea about Taishan. Your adult has a large number, so please spare us ..."

His Majesty Longxi and others saw the death and injury of the four people in the Mystery Potential List, where they dare to say nonsense, and hurriedly begged.

"Well, you have also been misled by others, I don't count!"

Nie Yun waved his hands freely.

These people are empire leaders anyway. Although they like to see the wind to make the rudder, they can't kill them all. After all, if they really do this, they will definitely cause a lot of unnecessary trouble.

Of course, it is mainly because your own strength hasn't reached the realm. If you become the first person in the Qihai continent and suppress all countries, it will not matter if you kill them all.

Nie Yun has always been a lawless figure. The lives of several emperors are like children's plays.

"Yes, yes, Lord Nie Yun, we're going to leave immediately!" Longxi and others all wiped their sweats and were about to exit the yard.

"The host doesn't care, don't you think that's it? It's too easy to leave without paying some compensation and wanting to leave!"

Xiaofeng took a step forward and said blankly.

In the past, when Xiaofeng was so young, when everyone said this, everyone would be angry and yelled. Now thinking of Lin Can's appearance, no one dared to speak.

Lin Can's strength is not the kid's opponent, he dare to scold him is definitely looking for death!

"We know something wrong. This is the special [Snow Mountain Spirit Liquid] of my God of Heaven Empire. It can help people increase their physical strength after taking it. It is my compensation to His Majesty Nie Yun this time!" His Majesty Longxi took out first A jade bottle was sent over.

"This is the eighteen supreme refiners of our God Cloud Empire who succeeded for three years. It can change one's physique and greatly increase their strength ..." His Majesty Ling Tian also came up.


Soon after, the four great nations took out their most precious treasures and placed them in front of Xiaofeng.

The value of each of these treasures is no less than that of the nine-hearted demon fruit tree. It is indeed the Supreme Baby.

"These babies are really good, but what my master wants most is the spirit stone. Do you have anything?" Xiaofeng asked again.

"Lingshi? We have them, but they are all subordinates, and because we don't have dandans, we don't bring much ..."

Everyone contributed all the spirit stones that they brought with them, and the four empires added up to a total of 1,000 inferior stones.

"Okay, get out!"

Take away the spirit stone. Xiaofeng let everyone leave.

Nie Yun's soul reached great consummation, and the use of spirit stones was more efficient. The more spirit stones, the better.

"You also take some of these elixir, and improve your strength as soon as possible. I am afraid that there will be a tough battle tomorrow!"

The searched elixir was distributed to everyone. Nie Yun said.

"Xiaofeng. Come with me, I have something to arrange!"

After dividing the elixir, Nie Yun shouted Xiaofeng, and the two went into the room.


Deep in the palace of the Holy Empire.

"Encourage the remaining five imperial lords to come to trouble. Then let the people of Gan Qingzong look for Baihua shamelessly, hehe, I think this time Nie Yun will definitely be busy and uncontrollable!"

His Majesty Ling smiled, holding a few beards on his chin. Indescribably proud.

"Even if the strength of the five empires is not Nie Yun's opponent, he will definitely not dare to kill it. The three strong candidates of Qian Qingzong are even more powerful. Gao is really high! "

Tu Xin sat under the barren hands and smiled.

Huang Ling arranged his own strategy, and ran over excitedly to talk about the plan and Tuxin. At the same time, both eyes narrowed with excitement. Indescribably proud.

Such a perfect plan will surely force Nie Yun's hands to mess up, and if he can't, he will force his Master to show up and let himself see the strength of this Supreme Elder.

"Wait a while, I'll clear up the mess. By the way, be a good person and take advantage of this opportunity ..."

His Majesty nodded and nodded, just wanting to continue speaking, just listened to "Boom." His main hall was hit by a force of energy, and it collapsed instantly.

"Who dares sneak up on the Bright City Palace?"

The room was about to fall down and the room came out. Huang Ling shouted with his forehead cramped.

The Bright City Royal Palace, the core of the Holy Empire, toppled the Royal Palace. Isn't this ground breaking too old?

"Desolate, you mean man, dare to frame us, today our three brothers will teach you a meal and let you know what can and cannot be done!"

Lin Can screamed, rushing up first, grabbing with his hands, the rolling waves rushed down.

"Who are you ... I don't know you?"

Huang Ling suddenly saw a gray-clad man rushing over, and hated his wife as if he had taken away his wife. He was fierce and merciless. He looked carefully, and saw that his face was distorted like a shoehorn and did not know Can not help but feel depressed.

"Don't know me? I'm Lin Can!"

Hearing this, Lin Can was more angry, stronger on his hands, and torrential rain.

"Lin Can, you are Lin Can ... Hey, how did you make this happen?" Huang Ling was startled.

Lin Can has always been known for his handsomeness. Why is it swollen like a pig?

"Are you sorry to say? Today you will die or I will die ..." Hearing the irony of the barren lingering, the forest dregs poured oil on the fire, and the anger lit up the sky on half of it.

Bang Bang Bang Bang!

Under the anger, his hands attacked with strength, and he kept sweeping. The entire palace was like a leaf hit by frost, and countless beautiful buildings turned into flying ash.


"It is indeed the most precious treasure in each country. Overnight, it increased my strength to 6,000 elephants. Not bad!"

Regardless of Lin Can and Huang Ling fighting to survive, Nie Yun practiced overnight, slowly opening his eyes.

Using the treasures gathered from various countries, Nie Yun's strength has changed again, from 5,000 elephants to 6,000 elephants, but the level has not yet increased, and it is still the middle of the Supreme.

With 6,000 elephants in the middle of the Supreme Extreme, Nie Yun is definitely the first person on the continent.

"Your Majesty Nie Yun is here?"

Suddenly, a voice came, and Nie Yun heard the voice of His Majesty Ling.

He got up, walked out of the yard, and he saw his desolation standing outside. Although he didn't show any injuries at this time, unlike Lin Can, his face was swollen like a pig's head, but his face was tired, obviously Yesterday's fighting gave him a lot of energy.

Lin Can is a disciple of Gan Qingzong and Huang Ling is an emperor of the empire. Although the words of the two are fierce enough to weigh the pros and cons, they can't really kill the other one. The fierce fighting is the most furious.

"Your Majesty Ling didn't sleep well last night, why is he so indifferent?" Nie Yun asked with a smile.

"Oh, something happened in the palace yesterday, and I dealt with it! I have prepared the altar. Let's go together, and as long as the purple jade seal is sacrificed at the same time, the breath inspired by the eight jade seals, Find the remaining two and go! "

His Majesty Huang Ling said.

Yesterday Lin Can and he were enemies. They were in full swing. Naturally, it was impossible to elaborate. Huang Ling only knew that Lin Can was found to be fooled. He didn't know that his plans were overheard by Nie Yun and recorded.

"Altar? Where is the altar? Isn't it here?" Nie Yun had already guessed this, and smiled slightly, asking knowingly.

"Once this altar is started, it will cause a strong shock, so I set it on the top of the bright mountain not far away, and the remaining four empire leaders have passed, let's go!"

Desperately busy.


Nie Yun knew that these were just his rhetoric. He didn't say anything at the moment. With a slight smile, he flew to Guangming Mountain behind Huang Ling.

Yesterday he killed His Majesty Xuancheng. Naturally, the purple jade seal on his body was also in his hands. Nie Yunji received one in the north city and the Mi Tianzong received one, which means that there are now three jade seals on his body!

There are three of the nine, accounting for one-third. If you do not enter the inner hall, you can enter the outer hall alone.

Soon everyone came to the top of Guangming Mountain, and the remaining four empire leaders saw Nie Yun, all of them looked like cats, showing fear from their eyes.

Yesterday, the shock from Nie Yun was too strong, and Qiang's heart did not have the slightest idea of ​​resistance.

"This is the prepared formation method. Put in the purple jade seals you got. As long as you drive well, we will soon get the exact position of the two remaining jade seals!"

Huang Ling pointed forward, looked in the direction of his fingers, and sure enough he saw a huge altar standing above the mountain peak.

This altarpiece is made of black spar, and it is arranged in the shape of nine palaces. They are intertwined and inseparable. Each palace is secretly combined with the heavens to form an intoxicating picture.

"Jiugong Concentric Altar?" A glance at Nie Yun recognized it.

"His Majesty Nie Yun really has good insights. Yes, this is exactly the Jiugong concentric altar. Nine purple jade seals are connected with the same branch. We have obtained a total of seven, as long as these seven are placed in these seven palaces ~ www.readwn.com ~ will definitely be able to figure out the exact location of the remaining two! "

Huang Ling praised and said, at first he turned his hand and took out a jade seal from his arms, and put it in the position of Nine Palace.

The nine palaces are divided into: Gan Palace, Kan Palace, Gen Palace, Zhen Palace, Zhong Palace, Li Palace, Li Palace, Kun Palace, Dui Palace!

"Let's come too!"

The remaining four landlords also placed their respective jade seals in corresponding positions.

After the crowd was released, five jade seals appeared on the Nine Palace, and everyone looked at Nie Yun.

"Oh, I'm here too!"

With a slight smile, Nie Yun's palm shook, and the three jade seals flew out flat and landed in the corresponding position steadily.

"Three ... three? Do you have three?"

Everyone was stunned. (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point () to vote for recommendations, monthly tickets, your support is my greatest motivation.)

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