Endless Dantian

Vol 4 Chapter 1702: Who is behind?

"what happened?"

After hearing the shout, Duan Yi's pupils shrank.

Zi Tong is not ruined because her physical strength is strong. Although she has also reduced her repair strength, her combat effectiveness is much better than them. At this time, she shouted like this, her voice was terrified. What really happened?

"Check it out!"

Duan Yi and Lingxiu the emperor looked at each other and couldn't bear it anymore. At the same time, his body stretched along the stairs.

Nie Yun is not here. The three of them must help each other when something happens. Otherwise, something really will happen and no one can escape!

The stairs are not high, there are only dozens of floors. They blinked at their feet and came to the middle altar.

The stele in the middle of the altar is dealt with in front of it. From a close view, it is taller and taller than Zitong's indestructible. It swells out of silence and silence. The three large characters above are written like blood, with a dark red color. The font is the same as that seen in the previous village. It is unrecognizable and has never been seen before.

It is completely different from many words in the Chaos Ocean and has nothing to do with it.

Below the character is a strange pattern, with three portraits painted, with exactly the same look and expression.

The first one is like struggling in the sea of ​​bitterness, desperately trying to rush out, but there are countless thin threads around the body, wrists, ankles, and even the skull, making it impossible to escape, nor to leave.

The second sits still in a room full of flowers. The table in front is full of delicious food, and there are several beautiful women lying on the bed. The picture on the screen is drunk, rich and beautiful, but the portrait is like sinking and unable to extricate themselves. With a painful expression.

The third image looks a bit fuzzy, and at first glance, it is very clear. But the more I look at it, the more I ca n’t see clearly. I finally forget what I saw at the end. What the portrait has done in it, I do n’t remember anything for a long time.

There are only three words on the stele. Three images, exactly the same three people, no totems. There are no other hints that make people stupid and confused.

Ordinary sacrificial centers are either treasures. Either totem. The stele is so simple, just three portraits like triplets. What's going on?

Could it be that the rulers of this void are triplets? Or ... do these people have a natural worship of triplets?

These thoughts flashed in Duan Yi's heart and did not delve into it. They came because of Zi Tong's indestructible shout. They had no time to study carefully. The body turned around and bypassed the stele.

at this time. Zi Tong was standing behind the stone monument with her eyes wide. With an incredible look on his face, he was not injured, and there were no signs of fighting around him.

Seeing him all right, they relaxed.

"What happened? That's a fuss!" Duan Yi scolded.

This guy is ill. What are you doing blindly, causing them to worry for nothing, almost scared and scared, don't you know that people are scary?

"Wan ... wanfa dominates!"

Ignoring his scolding, Zi Tong eased from shock and hurriedly pointed forward.

"Master of all laws? Didn't the master go to him? What's wrong?"

With an eyebrow raised, Duan also looked in the direction he was pointing, his face also changed.

"Domination by all methods?"

The Emperor Lingxiu froze. At this time, he also clearly saw the situation in front of him. I saw that there was no texture or special items behind the stele, and only one person was locked on it by a chain.

This person has fallen into a coma, but there is no injuries on his body, and his breathing is very even.

He ... disappeared behind the crowd, but at this time ... was tied to the altar!

Looking at each other at the same time, everyone felt a cold air from the back.

what's the problem?

How did Wan Fa Master appear here? So many people worship him?

"It's not going to be sacrificed with the life dominated by Wanfa! Save him quickly!" The Emperor Lingxiu changed his face and hurriedly hurried.

Some sacrifice will be performed in the form of killing. Those who are caught on the sacrifice platform are basically sacrifices. The master of Wanfa is locked in here ... Is it to be sacrificed as a sacrifice?

"Yes, do it!" Duan Yi also understood and nodded quickly.

The scene in front of us is weird and difficult to understand. Although I don't know what will happen if he rescues the master of Wanfa, he must not see it!

When Lingxiu the Great turned his palm, the long sword appeared on the palm of his palm, and he trembled. The sword mang immediately cut off like an iron chain locked by Wan Fa.

Ding Ding Ding Ding!

Several beeps, the iron chain broke, and Master Wanfa couldn't stand and fell down.

Zi Tong did not ruin it quickly.

"Be careful!"

Hugging the Master of Wanfa, Duan Yi eyes looked around with horror, for fear of an unexpected accident at this time, but what made them strange was that he rescued Master Wanfa and cut the iron chain on the stone monument. Nothing strange happened. The sacrificial spirits and sacrificial spirits in the surroundings continued to worship without any additional actions.

It seems that saving this "sacrifice" has nothing to do with them.

"Go on!"

Nothing happened, and everyone was not assured. After all, it was so strange that the Master of Ten Thousands appeared here, and Duan Yixian flew to the outside of the altar first.

Zi Tong was not destroyed, and the Emperor Lingxiu didn't dare to stop, and flew in after him.

Falling down in the place where he stopped just now, Shitai is still the same as before, not much changed, so everyone was relieved, and looked at the Master of Wan Fa in front of them.

"I just checked it. I didn't suffer any serious injuries, but my soul was shaken. He fainted for a short time, woke him up and asked what happened? Why did he suddenly disappear behind us, and suddenly Appear here! "

Zi Tong does not ruin the road.

"Well! The owner went to him, but he's here, really weird!"

Duan Yi nodded, and his fingers were put in the past. After a moment, he turned his wrists and added an elixir: "This is a [Five Dragon Kaitian Dan]. It can be made by using the five elements of gold, wood, water, fire, and earth." wake up!"

After speaking, he pinched the mouth of Master Wanfa and gently sent in the elixir.

Now the masters of Wanfa fall into a coma, and their strength is not enough. They can only rely on the elixir to keep them awake.

The elixir melted at the entrance, Wan Fa dominated the stiff body, and his eyelids slowly opened.

Wulong opened Tiandan. As long as the ordinary people still have a breath, they can revive them. At this time, the master of Wanfa is just in a coma and it is easy to wake up.

"Where am I?"

Master Wan Fa stood with his head rubbing his head, looked around, and looked confused.

"You just fell into a coma just now, Duan Yigang just used the five dragons to open up Tiandan to make you recover!" Lingxiu explained.

"Coma?" Wan Fa dominated for a moment, then thought of something, his face became a little ugly.

"Why did you leave the team just now? How could you be tied to the altar?" Duan also asked without seeing his expression change.

Everyone's eyes were focused.

The previous things were indeed very strange. Even now they are all confused, and everyone can't figure out what happened.


Wan Fa's face tightened, and he glanced from side to side. He did not answer his question, but asked, "Where is Nie Yun?"

"He went to you after you disappeared, but he hasn't returned yet!"

Zi Tong does not ruin the road.

"Look for me? Sure enough ..." A cold mang flashed in Wan Fa's eyes, his face was ugly.

"What's going on? Did you find something?" Ling Xiu asked, looking at his expression.

"I left with you just now because someone sent me a message saying that something was found and asked me to wait at the corner!" Master Wanfa hesitated and quietly passed on the message to everyone.

"Someone's voice?" Everyone froze.

"Yes ~ www.readwn.com ~ I waited for a while, and he showed up and said that he took me to a place, who knew he hadn't walked far away, attacked me, and took me as an offering in exchange for him Chance! "Anger flashed in Wan Fa's eyes.

"Speaking to you, taking you away ... Do you mean ... this one of us?"

Emperor Lingxiu's face sank.

The master of Wanfa stopped when he heard the news without telling anyone, and followed him with such confidence that he was one of them?

Thinking of this, everyone was cold, and a name came up at the same time.

"Who is he?"

Zi Tong couldn't help but just speak.

"Yeah ... dominated by Nie Yun!"

Master Wanfa hesitated for a moment, gritted his teeth. (To be continued ...)

(Enlightenment Book Network)

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