Endless Dantian

Vol 3 Chapter 169: 2 Jieshan


After a while, the light faded again, and the black cylinder was silent again, as if nothing had happened.

"Still not enough!"

Seeing that there were no special changes in Yuanzhu, Nie Yun knew that he had failed again.

However, failure fails. Now the cultivation speed is very fast and there are a lot of treasures. Nie Yun doesn't have much desire for things in the beads.

"Unexpectedly, it took three full days to absorb the energy of Yuanyuan ..."

The speed of absorbing the essence of the essence is very fast, but the muscle transformation requires a time buffering process. After Nie Yun has completed all his cultivation, he finds that the time is three days later!

"It is estimated that this Liufu City and even the entire Jibei City should be messed up!"

Liu Chengze is the core of the entire Liufu House, and is also the brother of Liu Jifei, the owner of the city. No one should be suspicious of his disappearance for a day.

"I didn't find this for three days, which shows that this place is very secretive. No one should know about the killing of Liu Chengze ..."

No one knows that Liu Chengze killed himself, so there is no need to cut off the grass and kill the entire Liu family.

Wanting to understand this, Nie Yun swept around again and found that there was really nothing good in the secret room, and then he stepped on the ground, and the whole person "whouted" and ran forward along another passage.

This hurricane did not exert the power of infuriating, but the speed of the flesh alone was faster than the falling-flower chase shown by Liu Yuan before!

Soon after exiting from the exit of the passage.

This exit is no longer in Liufu or in the city of Jibei, but is hidden in a mountain forest. From here, it is equivalent to Houshan.

The passage is so well designed, but unfortunately this Liu Chengze has not been spared.

Based on Tamada's induction. Nie Yun quickly found them in Black Rock, with a slight smile, one person and three beasts quickly flew in the direction of sensing Zhongning King.


Liangjie Mountain, one of the three demon clan gathering places on the mainland. At the intersection of the two wars between the Shenfeng Empire and the demon war, there are still many demon clan remnants staying here, forming a strong force.

These forces are not all composed of monsters, and there are still many "treacherous people." Bullying, arrogance, burning and looting are no different from robbers.

Because the two kingdoms are located on the edge of the Kamikaze Empire and deep in the mountains, the Empire has never sent people to kill for cost, which has made this place a place for the demon to escape. Humans rarely dare to come.

In the early morning, the dense fog had not completely dissipated, and a group of seventeen or eight people walked out from the depths of the forest and appeared near the mountains of the two circles.

These people are all five big and three thick, all wearing tight armour, with a long life and death indifference on each face. At a glance, it was clear that all of them were mercenaries who had experienced hundreds of battles.

"Head, it's the demon's place to go forward, let's just rush through like this, there won't be any danger!"

A strong man in the crowd looked at the front. I remembered the legends about the mountains of the two circles.

Legend has it that the Two Realms is the place where humans are buried. As long as you don't return, and you do n’t become “treacherous”, there is only a dead end!

"Don't go in danger. It is said that the purple Yanguo is not far from the mountains and has not gone deep. If we are lucky, it is likely that a monster can complete the task without even touching it!" Middle-aged man called "Head" Man, gritted his teeth.

"I hope so, although this time is dangerous and the rewards are great, as long as we can successfully complete it, we will spend enough in our lives. In order to not carry out this dangerous life in the future, it is worth it!"

The strong man who talked before, thinking about the lucrative rewards of the task, pursed his lips.

The person who posted the task is a rich man who can be counted by the Kamikaze Empire. The only daughter is seriously ill, and the purple Yanguo that can save lives is only available in the Two Realms. In order to save the girl, this is a sky-high task. The rewards of these seventeen or eighteen people can be spent for a lifetime, and they no longer need to be mercenaries!

"I hope so! It's just ... I heard that there are countless mountain monsters in the two realms, and the strongest have even reached the beginning of the Supreme! There are more than a dozen peaks of air sect! Because of this, the Supreme Supreme of the Empire No one is here! Hey ... anyway, let ’s be careful, if you run into danger, run away, run as far as you can, it does n’t matter if the mission is not completed, the key is to save your life! ”

Said another middle-aged person.

This middle-aged person is obviously different from the previous ones. He seems to know the danger level this time, and he does not hold much hope for himself and others to get purple Yanguo.

"This is natural, I also heard that the last time an air peak top self-sustained strength came here, but the result ... I did n’t return, I do n’t know if it ’s dead or not!”

"The qi zong you said is Ji Yue, the man is dead! The demon also sent his body out, extorted his family fiercely, and asked them for a large amount of corpse storage fee!"

"What? They killed people, and asked each other for corpse storage fees?"

"Yeah, there is no way. When Ji Yue dies, the strongest in their family will be in the early days of his ancestors, and the demons of the other people will come directly to the top three ancestors. The difference in strength is too great! The only way to do this is to pay the money obediently and end up in ruins! "

Speaking of the horrors of the two demon mountain demon, all the mercenaries were in a heavy mood.

The two races of the demon have always been fighting, and the two races are hostile to each other. Since the two realms are occupied by the demon people, naturally humans are not allowed to enter at will!

"Well, don't you all like this, dangerous? Our mercenary mission is not dead for a lifetime? If you are afraid of life and death, don't do it, go home and hug your wife and children, forget it!" Seeing everyone's morale depressed, his head laughed .

"Yes, if we are afraid of death, we will go home to slap my wife and children. Even if the demon is terrible, afraid of a bird, it will be a big death. If we don't die, we will have enough money in this life, nothing!"

"Besides, let's only go to the periphery of Liangjie Mountain. Perhaps the demon has completed the task before he found it, and he returned with victory!"

Each of the mercenaries was a bold man, and at the beginning he felt a little heavy, and then all laughed.

Afraid of death, I will not be a mercenary!

As mercenaries, we must face life and death frankly!

Because of this, although everyone thinks that this time may be a lifetime of nine deaths, they are not too scared, but they are getting more wary.


Just as the crowds of hearts opened up, a series of footsteps came slowly to the front full of mist.

"Everyone be careful ..."

Hearing footsteps coming from the direction of Liang Jie Shan, everyone's heart mentioned in his throat.

Come from inside, and the footsteps are so stable, there is no panic at all, is it a demon?


Everyone took out their respective weapons!

Although these people are not too strong, they are all about the realm, but more than a dozen people are united together, also with a hint of iron, making people palpitated.

"Huh? It's human! And a teenager ..."

The figures in the fog became clearer and clearer, and everyone finally saw them clearly. When they saw the figures clearly, everyone couldn't help but be surprised.

What came out of it was not the demon, but a pure human being. He looked like he was sixteen or seven years old. He was followed by three huge monsters. The footsteps just came from these three monsters. of.

"Everyone be careful, you can come out of the Mountain of Two Realms. Maybe this boy has betrayed the human race. It is a traitor!"

"Head" remembered something, and said solemnly.

"'Traitor'? Oh, rest assured, I'm not 'traitor'!"

The teenager who came seemed to have heard what the "head" said, and laughed, showing his white teeth.

Seeing that his smile was simple and clear, and there was no trace of evil spirit, everyone knew why, and immediately believed his words.

"Little brother, here is the mountain of two circles, and there are many crises. How come you come alone? Your adult is really so, how can you rest assured that you are here ..."

Believing that this boy is human, the attitude of everyone is much better.

"Little brother, rest assured, you will be safe when you meet us, but we are not afraid of the top monsters in the Armor Realm. If you are afraid, follow us behind ..."

A mercenary said arrogantly.

"Oh, thank you!" When the mercenary was so polite, the young man laughed again and waved his hands freely. "I just came out of it, I won't go in, you must go in yourself!"

After speaking, he strode out with the three monsters behind him.

"Ah, yes, little brother, how many demon are there? Isn't it dangerous?"

When the teenager was about to leave, the "head" suddenly thought of his task and hurriedly asked.

This young man came out alive from the depths of Liang Jieshan anyway, and definitely had a say more than he had heard.

"Isn't there a lot of monsters? Well, there were a lot yesterday, today ... all are dead!"

The boy smiled lightly and the figure of the three monsters disappeared into the mist soon, and could no longer be seen.

"There were a lot of yesterday, and all died today? What do you mean?"

When they heard such ambiguous words, the crowd all said, "No matter what, go in!"

"Head" waved and led everyone into the mist.

The group walked for about half an hour, and the sun finally rose. Under the light, the mist gradually dissipated to reveal the original appearance of the two mountains.


"how can that be……"

The fog disappeared ~ www.readwn.com ~ The crowd finally saw the scene in front of them, staying in shock one by one with their eyes protruding.

I saw that the tops of the two towering mountains were cut off flat. The original high-rise buildings built by the demon were all turned into ruins at this time. No power!

"The monsters of the Two Realms ... are all dead ..."

Seeing this scene, everyone understood it.

"The young man said before ... there were a lot yesterday, and all died today ... didn't these demon kill him?"

Thinking of what the teenager said before leaving, and then thinking of the indifferent expression of the three monsters, everyone was trembling all over, and some of them were dumb.

ps: Come back to the proctored college entrance examination, and eight more chapters, I wish students in the college entrance examination a good grade!

Keep asking for monthly tickets! !! (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point (m) to vote for recommendations and monthly tickets. Your support is my greatest motivation.)

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