Endless Dantian

Vol 4 Chapter 1717: Leaving the Nether Realm (below)

At the same time, they also had the help of the master of the bald lord, and it was very easy to kill the previous life. In Nie Yun's thinking, he completely killed the previous life and flew over with joy.

After entering the realm of the void, I have been restrained everywhere, both mentally and physically, and have experienced great devastation, clarified things, and beheaded the former life, and finally let them raise their eyebrows and exhale, and relax a lot.

"Well, get ready to leave!"

I clicked and found that there were many people, and Nie Yun was relieved.

好 "Okay, but ... how do we leave?"

Everyone looked strangely.

"Slash three corpses, the space door we came before should appear again, let's go!"

I looked around and found no way to leave, Nie Yun speculated.

According to his previous calculations, this void world should be a training place specially designed by a powerful person to chop and kill the three corpses. Now that the three corpses have been cut, it should be easy to return.


Everyone was in a good mood, and the state at this time was completely different from the previous depression.

When I came here, it took a lot of time to leave, it was much simpler, and I quickly returned to the place where I started to enter.

Xu really did the same as Nie Yun said, and he saw the dark swirl before.

Nie Yun flew to the black hole first and got out in a blink of an eye. Immediately, I felt light, as if I was returning from the swamp to the shore, full of body.


The whole body's skeletal muscles are crisp. The breath of the whole person keeps rising, and in a blink of an eye, it breaks through the dominance limit, even further.

Before he faced the rule of Danshen who used Danshen's ancient ship, he still needed to use Zitong's indestructible body to defeat him. Now, I am afraid he will punch down. Ancient ships will be transformed directly!

The strength has more than doubled compared to before!

"Slain a future life body. The strength has increased so much, I really don't know if you will be promoted to become the King of the Strong!"

Hold your fist tight and feel the changes in your body. Nie Yun is smiling.

At this time, the dominant power can no longer be his opponent, and the person he will face has also become the powerful king.

With her current strength, it is far from enough to help her younger brother. Therefore, she needs to work harder.


The front part of the squinting eye also waited for people to fly out. Looking at the expressions of joy on their faces, it was obvious that they also felt the changes in the body, and they couldn't help themselves.

"Haha. My strength is now much stronger than before. If you meet other masters, you can definitely blow it with a punch!"

"Me too, this kind of strength, if they encounter Moji again, they will certainly not be afraid!"

"Being the master for so many years, I thought I wanted to break through again, and I was hopeless for life. I didn't expect it to be true, I really strengthened my strength ..."

Uh ...

Everyone is jumping for joy, one by one.

Although they are the dominant powers. The highest peak of the Chaos Ocean exists, and it is still difficult to contain under the strong excitement.

"Cutting the three corpses is equivalent to killing the mean side of human nature, the ignorant side, the arrogant side, the essence of the soul is sublimated, and the strength will naturally increase with it!" Nie Yun laughed.

"After beheading the body, I feel that the cause and effect involved with me are also cut off, and the whole person is relaxed for a while!"

Xi Lingxiu the Great Road.

The beheading of the previous life is equivalent to beheading the "cause", and the beheading of the next life is equivalent to beheading the "fruit". The cycle of cause and effect is entangled with injustice. Without beheading, you will never achieve a clear state of mind and achieve higher power realm.

"The void is gone ..."

Everyone was excited, Duan also shouted, turned his head, and saw that the black hole behind him had disappeared. The former void world seemed to be non-existent.

"The Void Realm has only one effect, and the second time it has no effect, and the Lord of the Dan has no so-called present or future life!"

Looking at the space where the black hole disappeared in front of him, Nie Yun's eyes were complicated: "So, I will not use it in the future, even if I go in, it will have no effect!"

The **** Dan is dominated by the void, and there is no other so-called current life or next life, because he has been here once and successfully beheaded. Although this life was beheaded by the previous life, it is equivalent to experiencing the beheading of three corpses. Re-entry, except for the reduction of power suppression, no other effect.

"Let's go back!"

I know that the void world is useless, and it doesn't make any sense to stay here, and everyone no longer talks and decides to leave.

"It's very close to Wanfa Palace. Let's go with me!" Wan Fa ruled with a smile.

Although the Wanfa Palace was completely destroyed by the battle with Moji and others, during the time when it entered the void, countless disciples of the Wanfa Palace worked together and should have been repaired.

After all, repair is not simpler than refining, and it is much simpler. In addition, the Manfa Palace has been passed down for many years, and it has a deep foundation. Many disciples have reached half-steps to dominate the triple territories.

"Okay, something happened before the last time I had a drink, but this time I want to have a drink!" I heard that there was a place to entertain, Xiaoyao Xian never refused.

"Let's go then!"

It was Nie Yun who was responsible for all the people. When he saw everyone else, Nie Yun smiled and said.

结束 After the trip to the Netherworld, nothing really happens, and it's okay to take a break.


Everyone was discussing, before they had time to start, I heard a roar of distant waves, and several figures flew straight to this side like electric light ~ www.readwn.com ~ Tong Xin, Zhu Yao, why are you here? "

I saw a few people flying in, Lingxiu the Great for a moment.

These people are actually Lingxiu people. Nie Yun was also impressed after the fairy Qin Yu once.

After the Lingxiu people returned to the Lingxiu after experiencing events such as Moji, why did they suddenly appear here? Not only was the Emperor Lingxiu strange, even Nie Yun was confused.

"Return to Emperor ... I have something to tell you!"

The woman named Tong Xin hesitated and looked at the crowd, wondering whether to say or not.

"The Lord Nie Yun has saved my life many times, there is nothing to hide from him. These Lords are also my partners. What's the matter, let's talk directly!"

Seeing her appearance, the Emperor Lingxiu knew that she had some scruples and said with a smile.

I have gone through the life of the Nine Dead in the Nether Realm, and everyone is no longer separated.

"Yes!" Hearing the words of Emperor Lingxiu, Tong Xin did not dare to conceal, hesitated, "The Three Realms ... Fuling Fengtian appeared again!"

"Fu Ling Feng Tian appears again? What's the matter this time?"

Everyone is all together.

The last time Fuling Feng was issued by King Ashoka, looking for all things about Nie Yun, but it was left over because of the resurrection of King Shura. What happened this time?

(Tomorrow erupts, ask for recommended tickets, monthly tickets, rewards in advance, and some pay close attention, the more you vote, the more erupts, wow quack!) (To be continued)

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