Endless Dantian

Vol 4 Chapter 1721: Difficult to distinguish between true and false

Nie Yun looked around.

This so-called white boy, with his slender body, exudes a strong spirit of British martial art while wearing a white coat.

"Women dress as men!"

Bian Nieyun's eyes were pungent, and at a glance it was seen that the other party was not a man, but a woman dressed as a man. Although she had a British spirit, she could hardly hide her blush.

"Lingyi Pavilion has always been high in price, but it also has high value. Tong Tong is not bullying and runs over without knowing the rules. Funny!"

She looked at Nie Yun and others with a scornful look, and Bai Gongzi's palm was lifted. A person came behind her immediately, grabbed the palm, and immediately a pile of chaotic spar appeared on the ground.

"This is one hundred thousand spar, let the rest buy wine and drink for the brothers!"

The son-in-law Bai Bai waved his hand lightly, and the white-looking son-in-law's good appearance did not change at all, showing the style of the local tyrant.

"Thank you, Prince Bai!" Young guards and others seem to have known that this person would be so generous, bow quickly, smile like a chrysanthemum, and face the coldness of Nie Yun, completely different concepts.

"I want to buy news that is different from last time, I'm afraid I have to bother the Lord Qingyawei to lead the way!" Baigongzi said.

"It's my honor to lead the way for Bai Gongzi!" The young guard turned his eyes on, and turned around and instructed the guards behind him: "You guys are here to guard, don't let anyone enter casually!"

When I finished speaking, I walked forward first, and the waist bow was like a shrimp: "White boy, please!"


Son Bai Bai nodded with satisfaction and looked at Nie Yun and others with contempt. Lifted his feet into Lingyi Pavilion.

"Where does it look ... the rich are the grandpas!"

Seeing that his treatment was completely different from that of Baigong, Nie Yun shook his head.

炫 This level of struggle for wealth shows no meaning to him. But feeling the eyeslessness and rudeness of the other person in person, still makes people laugh and cry.

Although the Baigong himself has a half-step dominance strength, several guards behind him are all strong, and there is even one who has reached the half-step dominance of the triple triple state, but it is still not enough in his eyes to run casually with the roadside Dead ants. It makes no difference.

"Ah, it's a pity. We didn't share such a good opportunity, so Zhang Quan was the guy!"

"Zhang Quan is not a greedy person, he will give us some benefits. Don't be so frustrated!"

"Share it, do you know how much he took? Bai Gongzi is so generous, to show him the way, which one does not make a lot of money?"

"This is a good opportunity, but it ’s just that Bai Gongzi didn't look at us, and there is no way to say that ..."

Uh ...

As soon as Prince Bai and the young guard Zhang Quan left, several guards immediately sounded envious words, one by one with a strong acidity.

He seems to be able to lead the way. It is a matter of supreme honour, and we all regret missing the opportunity.

"Who the **** is this boy? Rich?"

Seeing that they all have this expression, Fu An Chao and others also feel a little speechless. Can't help asking.

"I don't even know Mr. Bai? It's so ignorant! Mr. Bai is called Bai Shengyi. We don't know the exact identity, but every time we come here, our brothers can make a fortune. It's a living **** of wealth!"

A guard explained.

"Living God of Wealth?"

Nie Yun shook his head. Throw a bunch of spar at random: "Seven of us, this is 70,000 spar!"

For the move of throwing more spar and playing big money. He could do it, but felt it was totally unnecessary.

A group of little people, reaching his level and strength, have no interest in fighting with such people.

"Some people come in ..."

I took the spar, the guards looked at each other, and quickly cleared the way.

I can easily get 70,000 spar as the entrance fee, I am afraid this group is not easy.

Seeing this group of people admiring each other before and after, everyone is too lazy to care about them by virtue of their identity, and at the same time walks into the Lingyi Pavilion.

Because of the restrictions on entry fees, there are no crowds in the cabinet, but there are many. Many powerful people walk among them and observe carefully.

"This row is our Lingyi Pavilion statistics of the various appearances and shapes of the Three Realms about the crystals of Ayena. Several people think which one is more in line with the conditions in their minds and can purchase the relevant information separately!"

A woman in charge of selling information came over and introduced in detail.

Wu Shun looked in the direction she was pointing. There were four rows of slender counters in front of her, displaying various "Ayana crystals", each of which had a different shape and exuded a different breath.

These are all the information of the Three Realms about the crystals of Ayana. Those who purchase the information can observe one by one, wait for which one is the most similar, and then purchase the corresponding information.

Seeing this scene, Nie Yun couldn't help feeling that Lingyi Pavilion would do business.

只有 There is only one crystal of Ayena, and it must have only one appearance. It is so dark to make buyers so confused and sell more prices.

I ca n’t blame them. Fuling Fengtian ’s attraction is too great. It has great attraction for every practitioner. It ’s the most normal thing to make people crazy.

"Master, there are so many different looks of Ayana here, which one should we look for?"

People like Duan Yi and Fu An Chao also felt a little speechless.

I originally thought that Ling Yige was selling a single piece of information. I didn't expect so much. Don't think about it. These messages are spread all over the Three Realms. They have all the money to buy, one by one.

"Let me see……"

Nie Yun looked at the rows of crystals in front of him.

He has other parts of the crown of true blood, and he already knows so much about this so-called Ayana crystal. At a glance, he already knows the answer: "None of these ..."

There are at least hundreds of different crystals of Ayana in the hall in front of him, but none of them are the same as he knows, that is to say ... even knowing the information of these crystals is useless!

These are all fake!

"Look forward!" Nian Yun was disappointed when she saw nothing. She led everyone quickly and quickly walked to the end of the hall. Still, she did not find the same spar as described in meditation.

"That's all for you here? Are there any other messages that look like spar?"

Xie Nieyun looked at the woman who was behind him.

I asked this question because the white boy recently was not in this room.

Looking at her appearance, she should also come to buy the message of Ayana's Crystal, but it is not here, I am afraid this Lingyi Pavilion, and other places.

"We also have a top secret room, which also contains the news of Ayana's Crystal, but ... the information here is more confidential and the price is relatively high ..."

The woman explained.

"Oh? Take us there!" I came here to find the true news of the true Ayana Crystal. Since there is such a secret room, of course, I have to go and see.

"This secret room ... requires a higher entry fee, 100,000 Chaos Spar per person!"

Women Road.


Nie Yun shook his head.

It seems that I just underestimated the extent to which Lingyi Pavilion will do business. Separate the top-secret news from some other information, and charge the entry fee again, regardless of whether his message is true ~ www.readwn.com ~ Whether the other party purchase Purchase, the entry fee alone is also beautiful.

其实 "Actually ... these top-secret messages were basically obtained in the past two days, and it has not been confirmed yet. No one can confirm which one is the true crystal of Ayana ..."

Seeing his expression, the woman thought he thought it was too expensive and quickly explained.

"This is 700,000 chaotic spar, take us in!"

Xie Nieyun nodded, and said more lazily, throwing out 700,000 chaotic crystals.

Although the source of the information in Linglingyige is broad, it is not guaranteed to be true. Many messages are true and false, and they can sell for real and false. This is the true way of doing business.

Moreover, letting you make your own choices, even if you find that you have bought fake news, you can't blame Lingyi on the counter. The calculation is really good.

Of course, he doesn't care about these chaotic spar. It doesn't matter how much money he has, as long as he can find really useful information.

"Yes! Please here!"

Seeing that Nie Yun took out so many crystals without frowning, the woman knew that she must have encountered a rich man, and hurried to the front to lead the way.

Passing around the hall, everyone entered a small room. This room is different from the previous one. Only three crystals with different looks are displayed, and there are fewer people than before.

The son of Bai Shengyi who came in before, was here, as he saw them coming in, showing an unbelievable expression. [Unfinished To be continued This text is provided by The Shining Shadow Group @ 影 承 Provided with @ 听风 的 狼 @ 字 书 文 @ 伤感 滴滴 @ 仙 波]

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