Endless Dantian

Vol 4 Chapter 1729: Who dares not accept?

Although Nie Yun's name is prestigious, but he became famous late and he was out of control. Not to mention these half-step dominators, not even some of the dominated powers have seen them. Just by looking at them, they can't recognize them.

However, it does not mean that they have never known each other. They always know a lot about Nie Yun's deeds through various channels. Combined with the characteristics of Xiaoyao Xian, Lingxiu Emperor and others, it is not difficult to guess.

"Nie Yun dominates?"

Hearing this man's words, others realized it, remembering the various legends, one after another with fear, and backed up again and again.

If it is the one, then there is the horror of killing even the strong ones, they are only some half steps to dominate, how can they be opponents!

No wonder that if you teach three tricks casually, you can make a weak person defeat the victory, kill Shi Xing, and change to another master. It may not be possible. If you switch to this legend, it may not be!

After all, there are too many records on this person, so many people startled and couldn't believe it.

"Predecessor ... really dominated by Nie Yun?"

Mo Moge was also stunned, and then came over.

"I'm Nie Yun!"

Nie Yun had nothing to hide from his questioning and said lightly.


I heard him admit that the crowd made another noise again, and a group of half-step masters were frightened, and their legs and feet were soft.

I guessed and heard him admit it, it was totally two concepts.

Since Nie Yun's reputation has been spread, God has killed all the way, God has blocked God, Buddha has blocked Buddha, and even the masters have fallen a lot. They are only half-step masters. How can there be courage to contend!

这个 This is simply a star in front of me!

"Begged Lord Nie Yun to take revenge for me!"

He is different from other people in fear. Mo Ge knows that this is Nie Yun and is ecstatic. Kneeling directly to the ground, his head kept falling.

No wonder he is so confident. It turned out to be this mighty one. He wants revenge for himself. Who dares to refute?

"I won't do this for you. I can do it with my own efforts. I can deal with your family! This master soldier, I have lifted my soul. Immediate refining, you can start, whoever has you Qiu, who do you want to settle the bill. Rest assured, everything went wrong, there is me! "

Nie Yundao.

Although he wants to regain this moge, he will never take revenge for him. He is not afraid of trouble, but hatred can only be happy if he comes by himself.


I understood Nie Yun's meaning, Mo Ge was full of gratitude and bit his finger. Began to refining this stalk to dominate the soldiers.

Each **** of the sacred soldiers is enough to allow a half step to dominate the junior strong and fight the scalp. No doubt remade.


"Come on, once Moge Refining dominates the soldiers, we can only wait to die ..."

"Refining dominates the magic soldier. His strength can reach the top 100 list. He can only wait to die when he stays here ..."

Uh ...

He listened to the conversation between the two, and the people who had come to besiege. All frightened.

After Momo learned the three-stroke swordsmanship, his strength was not weaker than them. Coupled with the words of the Lord God Soldier, these people can definitely swept!

I figured this out and stayed here to die, it was a fool.

"Did my host let you go? Stop them all!"

"It's a little late to want to go now ..."

Everyone flew in all directions, but before leaving, Duan Yi and Fu An Chao and others shot at the same time.


The fledgling people were immediately restrained by powerful forces, locked in the air one by one, like dried sausages.

These people do not even have the strength of the top 100 list. Several of the masters shot personally. If they escape, it is a joke.

"Do not……"

"I don't want to stay here, dominate Nie Yun, please let me go!"

"I won't dare again next time, please, adults ..."

Uh ...

When Duan Duan waited for his shot, the fleeing people immediately came to understand that all these humble existences in front of them were actually the masters, and their hearts were filled with despair.

When encountering the people on the top 100 maps, they will feel like they are dead, and they can fight it, but when you meet these people ... you ca n’t despair!

These are the masters, none of which they can compete with, so many appear at once ...

"Nie Yun, this is the grudge of some of our little people. As the master, you openly deal with us, aren't you afraid of the so-called three disasters and nine difficulties, and not a reputation for bullying?"

I know that I can't escape, and some people in the crowd let go, yelling loudly, eyes full of indifference.

Dominating the strong has three disasters and nine difficulties. The more the cause and effect, the more disasters. Because of this, the dominating strong will not open the killing ring and kill people at will.

I could not escape if I was caught anyway. Once Moge refining and dominating the soldiers will die, there is no doubt that it is better to fight for it than let him die. Let Nie Yun avoid three disasters and let them leave.

"Bully small?"

I heard Nie Yun laugh when he heard the other person's words, and saw his smile like a breeze, giving a sense of comfort.

"I'm bullying, how can you treat me?"

There is no pungent taste in the sound of, but it gives people a unique pride and domineering!

I will bully the little, how can you treat me? Actually, it ’s also saying, how can God treat me again? Three disasters and nine difficulties can treat me?


I did not expect that he would say this, what this man wanted to say, could not say a word.

The other party is unscrupulous, and he can do whatever he wants. He is only a half step master, and there is no way.

"Nie Yun, I will absolutely kill the sect, and directly obey the king to kill him. Don't make yourself wrong, dare to kill us, the king will never let you go!"

Roared a middle-aged man who killed Zongzong.

"Observe the king?" Nie Yun looked over.

"Yes, although the lore sect is not a well-known force in the Three Realms, it is the lore lord who has cultivated himself and can talk directly to the king! You must be rude to us. The lore lord must know that as long as you lower the punishment, you will definitely bear it. Can't live! "

This man twitched, his voice was mad: "I advise you to let us go immediately, and then give each one a master soldier, we can consider hiding it, otherwise ... once the sky is heard, absolutely Makes it difficult for you to survive! "

"It turned out that the background of the lore sect is the lore lord ... I'm so scared to say that!"

I heard Nie Yun smile slightly when he heard the threat from the other party.

I didn't seem to hear what he said was ironic. The middle-aged man thought he was really scared. Haha laughed: "Then don't let us go quickly? Do you really want to die ..."

放 "Let? When did I say I want to let you go? What about Lore King as the backstage? I want you to die, no one can stop it!"

When Nie Yun opened her eyes, she saw no movement or strength, but this middle-aged man suddenly swelled up like a balloon blowing up, followed by blood from the nose and nose.


I wanted to speak, but didn't say a word, "Oh!" Blow open, the flesh is full of sky, the blood is splashing everywhere, and the dead can't die anymore.

"Who still has the backstage of Feng Wang Qiang?"

He killed the man, and Nie Yun looked at the others, his eyes inquiring.


I saw his eyes ~ www.readwn.com ~ Everyone was so scared that he didn't dare to talk nonsense.

The person in front of him is simply a lunatic. Even those who have the background of Feng Wang Qiang dare to beheaded and killed at will. What else can't be done?

I heard long ago that this person was lawless. When I saw it today, I realized that it was better than rumors.

"Is there anyone who has made Wang Qiang backstage? I will kill it in advance! Anyway, Ashoka, Lore King, and Chaos King want to kill me, it is not a day or two!"

Xie Nieyun looked down, and whoever saw him, lowered his head, without even the courage to look at it.

He usually acts as a super-powerful superb power. He is like a meek sheep in front of him.

Seeing this scene, Mo Ge, who is refining and dominating the soldiers, was full of blood.

What is a strong person? This is the strong!

The real strong!

"It looks like it's gone, then stay here and pray, pray that you didn't start with this Mogo's family, if you start, then wait for death!"

Seeing that no one was talking, Nie Yun waved his hand and stopped talking, standing still.

These people are not qualified to let him go. Although Moge is weaker, the refining master soldiers will kill him without any problems.

So let these grudges be resolved by him!

Only when he resolved his grudges could he follow him to the desperate cave without any problems. (To be continued)

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