Endless Dantian

Vol 4 Chapter 1813: Jinglian going crazy

This Liang Xiao, although not as famous as Li Gongran and other people's congresses, but in terms of strength or understanding of drugs, the latter need not be worse.

It is one of the popular candidates to solve the Wuliangshan problem this time.

Such a character, who came to challenge this kid, was dismissed by him in a word, whoever would change would be incredible and hard to believe.

"I thought this young man was only proficient in pharmacology. I didn't expect that his strength was so strong. The slaves admire ..."

She Jinglian reacted quickly, and after a moment, she smiled slightly.

"It turned out to be strong! Well, I have seen many powerful people. The Emperor Yongye has given me as a guest! If you can solve the problem of the medicine garden based on strength alone, what are you looking for? You will be directly dominated by Nie Yun No more! "

"Yeah, what about strong strength? This is Wuliang Palace, not the place of your house. Here is God Jun to take refuge, dare to predominate here and wait for death!"

"I do n’t know what hòu in the heavens and the heights, do whatever you want with some strength, tell you, this is not your crazy place ..."

Uh ...

When others heard Jinglian's words, the shock disappeared and it was replaced by anger.

There are countless strong people in the Three Realms, but there are not many who are at the peak of pharmacological mastery, so these people also have some pride in their hearts.

If Nie Yun used the knowledge of pharmacology to retreat from Liang Xiao, they might feel filthy, think that they can't compare with others, and stop talking, but he used strength, and everyone would be a little angry.

The strong ones haven't seen them. They are here to solve the drug garden problem. What kind of force do you run over to pretend to be?

As masters of medicine, each of them has a strong guard. These guards can also do this. Therefore, they used their strength to push back Liang Xiao. I feel shameless.

"To shut up!"

In the face of the questioning and scolding in the room, Nie Yun was not angry, his eyes narrowed slightly, and he drunk clearly.

The sound was not loud, but it rang through everyone's heart, as if a big bell rang in his ear, immediately interrupting the noisy sound.

Whistling Zen!

This is a trick that was originally learned in the Six Heavens and Earth and the Buddhist monk. It has been improved, even now it is being exhibited. Still can stun the soul, making people speechless for a short time.

"Sophisticated means, a few words have aroused everyone's emotions and transferred everyone's anger to me. So talented, if I guess well, you should be more than just an ordinary disciple!"

He suppressed the voices of everyone, Nie Yun ignored the others, and looked up at Jinglian in front of her.

女人 This woman is so capable. The voice is so bewildering again, there are few in the entire Three Realms. It must not be just ordinary disciples!

I really want to be just an ordinary disciple. This immeasurable palace is either too scary. Either the palace lord Baguio's eyes were blind.

"how do you know……"

As for Nie Yun's questioning, Jing Lian was a little bit confused.

She is dressed exactly the same as an ordinary disciple, and is masked with gauze. In principle, the other party should not recognize it. Why do you say that?

He is strange in her heart, but Jing Lian is also a wise man. When he turned his eyes, he didn't answer, but smiled slightly.

"The young man asked me about my identity 冇 Did he already feel that the winning ticket was in his hands so that he could marry me after he became the elder of Keqing?"

This sentence did not answer Nie Yun's question, and transferred the misfortune again. Sure enough, after hearing this, others looked at it again, one by one.

"Shut up! Marry you? What are you!"

Nie Yun snorted coldly, her eyebrows raised, her eyes with a strong coldness, like the winter of nine or nine, through the bone marrow.


Qi Jinglian almost spit out blood.

Suddenly his face turned red, and his tall, round **** fell together, his anger raging like river water.

To be honest, it's too irritating!

She is proud of her beauty, no matter where it is, the focus of everyone's attention. Although she is veiled now, the attitude of others can tell that she is fascinated by her voice and every move!

As long as she is a man, she can be confident, and no one can resist her charm, and now this person actually scolds directly ... shut up, what are you ...

She is so big, she has never been so insulted!

Although she was angry, she still looked at the other person carefully. She thought that the other person said it on purpose, but the means of attracting her was actually the same as other men who wanted to win her favor! At a glance, the results were disappointing.

The other person's eyes are obviously disgusting. This disgust comes from the depths of the soul, without a trace of cover, naked like a blade.

It is foreseeable that if he is not here and he is not a disciple of Wuliang Palace, the other party is likely to slap him to death!

In other words, the other person's disdain for himself is from the heart!

"I don't believe you can still have this attitude when you look at my appearance!"

I saw the other person's true attitude, Jinglian's delicate body trembled, her eyes flickered coldly, and she came to Nie Yun with a stroke of her palm, and her face fell on the ground.

"Jinglian, you ..."

I did not expect her to make such a move, and Yun Fei's female disciple was startled.

The woman in Wuliang Palace basically does not show her appearance, which violates the rules of Zongmen. Jing Lian does this, no matter what the other party does, at least she will be punished.


Along with the scream of this female disciple, others also saw her face at the same time, holding her breath one by one, and kept swallowing.

I, especially Yun Fei, stayed a little bit silly.

In front of this Jinglian, she looks like a fairy from above nine days. She is beautiful and smart, perfect as a baby made by the creator. Standing in front of such a beautiful person, anyone can't help holding her breath, for fear that the sound will be too loud. Annoyed.

Such a face, such a voice, it is foreseeable that once you go out to see it, it will definitely cause panic!

The appearance of falling in love with the country can make countless men boil for it!

"My appearance, is it a shame to marry you?"

Revealed the veil ~ www.readwn.com ~ I know that a punishment is definitely indispensable. Jinglian silver teeth clenched and stared at the teenager in front of her.

I glanced at each other, Nie Yun didn't speak, just shook her head, then closed her eyes.

No wonder Nie Tong said that the host of Baguio Palace is difficult, the disciples of Wuliang Palace are like this, the host must be more terrible!


She stared at the other side, Jing Lian thought that the other side would be surprised by her beautiful appearance, showing a penitent expression, but instead she shook her head and closed her eyes!

From the expressions on the other side, she can clearly know that this shaking her head is not to say that marrying him is not insulting ... but that she is very disappointed!


I'm disappointed in this appearance, is it true?

Qi Jinglian felt that the whole person was going crazy.

(Busy things up and update in a hurry. In addition, to tell you a good news, my father-in-law's MRI is done. It is not a tumor, it is a thrombus. There are still many days of treatment in the hospital. Laoya will try to keep two changes a day. If it ca n’t be written, he will say it in advance! I also hope everyone forgive me!)



◇ [To be continued. "This text is provided by The Shining Shadow Group @ 天珠 那 变". If you like this work, you are welcome to subscribe for rewards, your support is the author's greatest motivation. 】 Bring your friends (@ 影 承 @ 新城 神 @ 字 书 文 @ 雨 爱 亭)

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