Endless Dantian

Vol 4 Chapter 1840: The strength of Yantai Lingyue

The Taoist talent is a bridge to communicate the Tao, and can even speak for the Tao.

This heavenly Tao refers to the rules of the world. Since the Chaos Ocean exists, it must obey certain rules. Without rules, it has long collapsed!

Nie Yun uses the talent of the Taoist Master to find this kind of rule. If this rule is used, or even controlled, it may be difficult to find, but it is very easy to find. As soon as the air of heaven and heaven turns, the chaotic ocean in front of it changes, like The checkerboard is criss-crossed, with colorful lines above it, staggering in the eyes and blinking.

"Look for!"

The change of the form of the heavenly qi blends with the colorful light in front of it. "Om!"

After a while, Nie Yun shook his head.

"Isn't she talented?"

Just now he combined the talent of the Taoist Master with the Chaos Ocean, but found that it did not play any role, and did not find the location of the Lingtai Lingyue, as if there was only one Taoist Master in the world.

"The Taoist Master cannot find the resonance, what should I do?"

Nie Yun frowned.

Almost all the ways I can think of, I can't find her in three days, and convince her, the ocean of chaos will face the danger of destruction!

"Go to Chaos Supreme, maybe she's there ..."

After some speculation, there was no better way, Nie Yun guessed.

After the rebirth, Lingtai Lingyue knew nothing about the Chaos Ocean, and certainly had nowhere to go, and perhaps returned to the Chaos Supreme.

Thinking of it, the crown of true blood was thrown out, and quickly flew to Chaos Supreme.

With two experiences, he quickly returned to the four-phase world. Looking up, this place is so empty that you can't see anything, how can there be half a figure.

Shaking his head, Nie Yun knew that he had found the wrong place. Was about to leave, suddenly hesitated.

"Yeah, I'm looking for her, I can't find it. What if she asked me?"

He looks for Lingtai Lingyue, and the opponent is strong. It's impossible to find it if you want to avoid it, but ... it must be very easy for the other party to find themselves.

"It seems that can only be the case!"

After thinking about it again, Nie Yun did not leave here. Sitting cross-kneeed next to the stone platform where the sky Fuyu was.

Since he couldn't find each other, Nie Yun planned to wait here. As the king of heaven, Lingtai Lingyue controlled the ocean of chaos, and perhaps he could hear his words.

"You are the King of Heaven. You can control the entire ocean of chaos. Whether you can hear me or not, you want to tell us about you ..."

Recalling the days when I was with Lingtai Lingyue. Nie Yun is smiling.

"In previous lives we knew ..."

He said to others that he hardly ever mentioned anything in his previous life, but he did not like Lingtai. He was reluctant to conceal, and spoke slowly about how previous life fell in love and how to maintain this emotion in this life.

There is no interdependence between life and death, no eachother, and some are just past events. But in this plain past, the feelings are as clear as streams. Ringing the mind makes one stop.

Nie Yun also forgot whether the other party could hear it at this time. I just talked out the depressed emotions in my heart and talked quietly.


I do not know when, a figure of Qianli appeared behind him, stood quietly in place, her eyes slightly red.

From these words, she can clearly feel each other's feelings, knowing that the other person's hard work over the years, everything, for her!

"Nie Yun ..."

Shouting the name softly in his mouth, his eyes became firmer and firmer.

I used to think that the other party was just making trouble out of no reason, but now she can clearly feel the other party ’s feelings, the other party ’s heart, and know that the other party is sincere, and there is no falsehood.

"Yueer ..."

Although the shouting voice was weak, Nie Yun heard it, stopped, and hurriedly turned around.

"Is this a love between you and her?"

Yantai Lingyue watched quietly.

The memory disappeared, although she knew the other party had an unforgettable memory with her, but she could not tell.

"I miss you ..." Looking at the woman in front of him, Nie Yun turned a thousand words into one sentence, and the others couldn't say any more.

"I ..." Lingtai Lingyue hesitated, biting her lip: "Give me some time?"

Because of the disappearance of memory, although she now believes that the teenager in front of her is still unacceptable, it takes some time to buffer.

"I'm looking for you today, not to remind you of the past, but to ask for something!"

Nie Yun also knew that this matter could not be anxious. The other party now believes in himself and recognizes himself, which is already a great improvement.

"Is something wrong?"

Originally, she thought that the other party was struggling to find herself, but just wanted to continue the frontier. It seems that there are other things.

"Well, about aliens!" Speaking of business, Nie Yun looked dignified, and slowly said what he knew, without any reservation.

Who are the aliens, where do they come from, and talk, not only him, even King Shura, they are not very clear. They only know that they are extremely powerful. If they resist, the sea of ​​chaos will be destroyed.

"Are there such terrible races?"

Yantai Lingyue held back, apparently some do not believe.

Since her rebirth to the present, it has not been long, and many memories have disappeared. Suddenly I heard that the aliens have such strength, and some can't believe it.

"Yeah, when King Shura died, he took away the heart of chaos and evolved the six worlds, just to better fight against aliens!" Speaking of this, Nie Yun paused: "This time, the aliens who intend to break the seal, The previous ones are strong, so ... I hope you can shoot! As the King of Heaven, once the Chaos Ocean is damaged, it will also have a great impact on you! "


Yantai Lingyue face dignified.

The soul melted into the flesh formed by the heavenly fu, the heart of chaos, and she knew her identity, and she knew that the ocean of chaos would be captured. Her strength, everything, would turn into flying ash.

These people defend the sea of ​​chaos, and she is inescapable.

"All right, let's get going! But ..."

Seeing her consent, Nie Yun was relieved, and then came over with some doubts: "Before going to the seal, I want to ask you something ... how strong is your current strength?"

Although she knows that she is the king of the sky, she does not know how powerful she is. If it is not for opponents of other races, Nie Yun does not want her to pass.

The last time he was incarnate, there was still a way to save it. This time he would be killed again. It would be difficult to save it again.

The soul master talent, although against the sky, can collect broken souls, but not everything can be recovered. As a king of heaven, such strength falls, even if he goes against the sky again, he cannot be saved again.

"My strength?"

Hearing Nie Yun's words, he also saw his eyes worried. Lingtai Lingyue was slightly touched, thinking for a while, and saying, "To be honest, I haven't fully refined the celestial amulets. I can only use those Part of the power, but ... even so, it should be dozens of times stronger than the so-called Big Four! "

"Dozens of times stronger?"

What concept is dozens of times more powerful than Feng Wangqiang? Wouldn't it be more powerful than seeing the aliens who were going to break the seal before?

It ’s so powerful without fully refining Tianwei Fuyu, how strong should it be?

Nie Yun took a breath.

No wonder King Shura has spent countless efforts to find the King of Heaven, even rebirth at death. It turns out that this King of Heaven is really terrible!

"Do you speculate, how long will it take to fully refine the Celestial Amulet?"

Nie Yun looked forward with anticipation.

If the time is short, you can wait for her to fully refine and go back. In this way, the seal will be more stable, against aliens, and have a better chance of winning.

"How long? The celestial Fuyu represents the entire ocean of chaos. If you want to refine it completely, it cannot be completed without countless years of accumulation, so ... without special opportunities, without billions of years, it cannot be done ..."

Huantai Lingyue hesitated, said.

Tianwei Fuyu has become her physical body, and she can clearly feel the time of complete refining.

Although this treasure is against the sky, it is more difficult to refining than Fu Wangfu, and it will take at least billions of years to completely fit the soul.

"Billions of years?"

Nie Yun's face was ugly.

Alien invasion is urgent and cannot be delayed for a few days, let alone hundreds of millions of years!

It seems that this matter can only be done slowly. The urgent task is to first stabilize the seal and block the offensive wave of foreigners.

"Unfortunately, your strength is too strong to enter the space-time cage area of ​​the world of things, otherwise, it will reduce a lot of time ..."

Nie Yun shook his head.

The space-time cage area of ​​the World of Objects can accelerate time by 100 million times. If Lingtai Lingyue can enter it, it can save a lot of time, but ... her strength is too strong, it is easy to break the time-space velocity limit I am afraid that entering into it will not only have no effect at all, but it will also cause the world of things to collapse.

After thinking about it for a long time ~ www.readwn.com ~ I can't think of a good way to make the other party refining the sky as soon as possible. Nie Yun had to explain: "At the seal, you can do your best. If the other party's strength is too strong, don't fall in love Just leave, as long as you are okay, even if there is a short-term change in Chaos Ocean, you can restore glory in the future, but you are going to die ... we are not saved! "

As the king of the sky, Lingtai Lingyue really has to meet a stronger one. However, as long as she saves her life, everyone will have a chance to relax when they are in danger. But if she is in trouble, it will be equivalent to being chased by the other side. The entire Chaos Ocean is over!

Therefore, in any case, she is the king to keep her life.

"I know!"

Yantai Lingyue also understood what she was involved in, and nodded immediately.

"Let's go!"

After explaining this explanation, the two did not hesitate, and flew straight to the direction of the Three Realms battlefield.

Nie Yun has the power to close to the king, and Lingtai Lingyue has the power to surpass the king. It is fast and not long, and you see a huge seal in front of you. (To be continued)

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