Endless Dantian

Vol 4 Chapter 1848: The King of Golden Blood (Part 1)

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The terrible extent of the Golden Blood King, Nie Yun knew from refining his blood, and at this time also verified this speculation.

At this time, Nie Tong's body was covered with blood. His Shura sword had been broken, his body was swollen, his face was pale, and he was extremely embarrassed.

The golden blood king who was opposite him looked at him cruelly, his eyebrows dancing, with a sense of excitement and cruelty.

The last time he nearly broke the seal, it was the man who stopped him in front of him. The enemies were so jealous that they would not let it go.

"I will shave off the flesh of your body and let you enjoy the most painful punishment ..."

The Golden Blood King sneered, and the weapon in his hand fell to Nie Tong again.

His weapon was a black mace with a whole body spanning hundreds of feet, and when it was pressed suddenly, a vortex-like air flow emerged from the rod body, straight toward Nie Tong.

It's completely different from the previous sarcoma king's tricks. It still does not belong to the Three Thousand Avenues, but has the same power, even better!

In the face of the attack, although Nie Tong was seriously injured, he did not mess up. He backed up and resisted. Although his strength was not as good as that of the opponent, he was just right every time he resisted.

Nie Yun only took a glance to know that even if his younger brother can be a short time, he won't be able to persist for a long time, because every time he confronts. Even if he can consume part of the opponent's strength, the remaining part will make him more and more injured.

The opponent's strength was not consumed, and the outcome is almost predictable.

"I didn't expect this boy to be able to persist, I'll help you!"

See brother crisis. Nie Yun couldn't bear it anymore and came to the golden blood king.

He now pretends to be the king of the sarcoma and the opponent is fighting fiercely without realizing that the person has changed.

"Where was that kid?"

However, the Golden Blood King asked subconsciously.

The king of sarcoma and Nie Yun entered a small world during the battle and disappeared at the same time. Now he appeared suddenly and must ask a question.

"Just killed me!"

Nie Yun passed the sound.

The opponent's language, although he has the talent of Tian ear teacher, still has not learned completely, it is impossible to speak freely. Can only use the soul to transmit.

Anyway, everyone can understand the soul fluctuations. In order to prevent others from discovering the soul during the battle, it is normal for the soul to transmit sounds. The golden blood king was not surprised for a while.

"Yes, that kid is a little weird. You beheaded so fast. You made a big effort! In this way, you can help Master Baizhe to deal with that woman first, and this guy will give it to me ..."

King of golden blood.

Master Baizhe should be the one who is fighting Lingtai Lingyue.

"Okay! I'll go now!"

Nie Yun smiled. The golden spear in her hand was picked up, and her body flew towards Lingyue, but before she took a few steps, she turned suddenly and stabbed a shot.

This shot exhausted all his strength, and even blessed the strength of meditation and the king's avatar. The shadow of the gun disappeared in space, and the next moment appeared to be behind the golden blood king.


The Golden Blood King did not expect that he would suddenly attack. And with this brutal hand, the pupil shrinks. The body hurried down.

It is indeed a super powerhouse that surpassed Nie Tong. Although there were a lot of unexpected things, the situation was critical, but he still escaped the point. The gun body stabbed in the shoulder and was not fatal.

"Damn, aren't you a sarcoma? You're that kid?"

One stroke was injured, and the golden blood king finally knew who the other party was, his eyebrows raised, and the whole man seemed to be going crazy.

A strong man like him is a top-notch combatant everywhere he goes. He never expected to be overcast by an aboriginal man, but I did n’t see it. If he passed it on, he would definitely be laughed out by his companions.

"I know now, it's late ..."

Haha smiled, Nie Yun's spear violently stirred, and a force poured into the opponent's shoulder frantically along the gun body.

The reason why he was able to fool each other is that his talent as a pretender is not one of them, and the most important thing is to refine this golden spear.

The King of the King Soldiers, even if the King of the Kings wants to refine, it will take a lot of time. From the battle to the present, it is only a few minutes after the fight. The Golden Blood King never dreamed that the other party would not only kill the King of the Sarcoma, but also refine his weapons. Already.

"Huh, it's not too late. As long as it's not dead, it's not yet known who the deer died!"

Knowing that the person in front of him was the indigenous camouflage, the King of the Golden Blood with resentment in his eyes and a roar, the golden blood immediately ushered along the tip of the gun.

Nie Yun originally thought that instilling all his strength into his opponent's shoulders would at least explode. He did not expect that his strength would never be able to move forward once he was blocked by the opponent's blood. It was as if the brook met a mountain. The two were not at the same level and could not shake.


Seeing that the force could not be entered, Nie Yun planned to withdraw the spear, but also found that the gun body seemed to be dragged by the other side, no matter how much strength he could not withdraw.

"Feng Wang's clone, real blood crown!"

The spear wouldn't come. Nie Yun was not in a hurry. As soon as his body shook, the avatar and the real blood crown appeared at the same time. With a thunder, the face of the golden blood king smashed past.

Anyway, the identity has been seen by the other party, there is no need to continue to hide.

Because of the long gun, the two were not far away. As soon as the real blood crown appeared, they came to the other side and hit the other side with a "slap!"


The blood splattered, and the golden blood king had a somewhat handsome face, which immediately became red and swollen, and there were gaps and pits.

He was smashed by the Feng Wang Shenbing. Even he was unbearable. Fortunately, his strength was strong, otherwise his head would be broken and he would die on the spot.

"Wow ... I let you die ..."

The Golden Blood King never dreamed of the other party's speed so fast, he immediately took out another Feng Wang Shenbing, beat him into a pig's head, and almost spit out blood. Live angrily.

It's crazy!

His strength can be regarded as the pinnacle of the king. Where has he suffered such a big loss!

First, the shoulder was stabbed and almost hung up, then the face was beaten like a vegetable. They were a bit distorted, his eyes turned red with strong anger, and powerful power would erupt at any time.


Just then, a strong wind behind him, Nie Tong shot.

The Golden Blood King did not recognize the opponent as Nie Yun, but he joined his brother in fighting for many years. I recognized it as soon as I appeared, and when the opponent was a little crazy, the sword that accumulated all its strength rushed out and shot.


Jianmang was like electricity, and stabbed in from the opponent in a blink of an eye.

Although the Shura sword has been broken, it is still an indisputable feudal king. Coupled with the strength of his titled Wang Qiang, a huge blood line was drawn in front of the golden blood king's chest, and the golden blood surged out.

"Get away from me all!"

Once again injured, the Golden Blood King was really crazy, and the blood vapor flowing out of his body was generally boiling. Nie Yun and Nie Tong felt a stuffy chest at the same time, and two huge forces hit each other.

Huh! Huh!

The two took a few steps back at the same time, and Hukou was numb at the same time. Only to discover that the golden spear and Shura sword were released at the same time.


Looking up in a hurry, Nie Yun's face sank.

I saw that the spear and Nie Tong's half of Xiuluo Jian were still stuck in each other's body. The golden blood had flowed all over the body, and the whole person was as golden as weird.

"This must be a powerful trick, Nie Tong, back!"

Seeing that both the spear and Shura sword could not be pulled out, the other side became like this again. Nie Yun knew that the other party must have used some special tricks, and hurried. The crown of real blood trembled, and the space of the meditation bottle appeared again. The body drilled in.

Seeing his actions, Nie Tong immediately understood his thoughts, and immediately flew in, immediately following him in.


The golden blood king who turned into a bronze man seemed to have lost his mind. Seeing the two fled, the beast-like roar broke out, and his body crossed behind him and entered the meditation bottle.


As soon as I came in, I felt space turned and fell into the world of things.

Nie Yun knew that relying on his strength, he would definitely not be able to kill the other person outside, and once again attracted him here.


The Golden Blood King had just entered the world of objects, and seemed to feel wrong. The body turned sharply, and the space in front of him shattered.

And he seemed to become a loach in the oil, what Nie Yun called space restraint, suppression, no more effect.

His strength is too strong, beyond the tolerance of the world of things, and the power in it is not able to kill it.

"Do it!"

Knowing that he couldn't kill each other with a single word, Nie Yun was not discouraged, his body flashed, he blinked behind him, and patted him with one palm.

Outside, his teleportation ability is not strong, the range is limited to a range of tens of meters, but here, he can appear anywhere, the space is broken, and the blockade is not afraid!

The world of receiving things can't trap each other, but it still makes him stronger and more terrible.


Feeling his sudden appearance, the King of Golden Blood hurriedly turned around and punched out. Unfortunately, when he turned around, Nie Yun had already reached the other side, and it was another palm.

At this time, Nie Yun is just like ghosts, no matter how fast the opponent is, he can go faster and fall on him with palms after palms.

For a moment, hundreds of palms lay on the golden blood king.

Although these palm strengths are not great for him, but after so many consecutive hits, he still feels blood boiled and his strength begins to dissipate.


Seeing that the other person's expression began to fade and his strength decreased somewhat, Nie Yun's eyes brightened, and his palm was grasped, holding the hilt of Shura sword ~ ​​www.readwn.com ~ and plucking it out.


The sword came out.

Nie Yun's strength is also much stronger than that of the outside world. The long sword that Nie Tong could not pull out was pulled out by him, and he flicked it back to Nie Tong's palm.

"Kill him together!"

Returning the sword to Nie Tong, Nie Yun's body teleported to the back of the other person again. He held the golden spear in his palm and was about to pull it out. Suddenly he felt shocked and hurried back.


The Golden Blood King's mace did not know when he appeared, shattering a piece of space into powder.

(I was tired after I came back yesterday, so I did n’t have any energy, so there is only one more, sorry!) (Good activity for pie dropping in the sky, cool mobile phone is waiting for you to take care of! Follow up ~ point / 中文 网 网Public number-just enter qdread), join now! Everyone has a prize, now pay attention to qdread WeChat public account now!) (To be continued)

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