Endless Dantian

Vol 4 Chapter 1850: Change in the world of things

Before using the pseudo-sarcoma to seal the king, it would definitely have no effect. Nie Yun and Nie Tong did not pretend to leave the world of Nawu with their deities.

The battle outside is still fierce, Chaos King, Lord of the Kings, and others have fallen into a state of stalemate. Although they are not fighting against the strong kings, the Tigers can't stand more wolves. Even if their strength is not weak, they are losing ground at this time A situation of powerlessness.

Looking up at Lingtai Lingyue, she found that she was in full swing with that powerful king named Baizhe. She seemed to be familiar with the power in her body. From the previous draw, she gradually gained the upper hand.

It's just that this so-called upper hand is extremely weak. If the opponent doesn't have any big moves, they can win after a long time. Once there is any life-saving means, it is not known who wins.

"Nie Tong, go to Lingtai Lingyue to deal with that strong king, all these people will give it to me!"

Knowing that Lingtai Lingyue is not in danger for the time being, he can't help this level of battle, Nie Yun explained.

"it is good!"

Nie Tong knew that his brother was injured in the arm, and that his fighting power could not be fully exerted, and he did not quit. With a long howl, he rushed to the front and transformed his mind into an energy wave that everyone can hear while flying.

"Bai Zhe, your two princes have been killed by us, and you are about to surrender immediately, so you can spare you ..."

Mind fluctuations hang over the audience ≈ wx.↗t, and everyone in the battle immediately heard this idea.

When the aliens heard these words, they first did not believe it, and then looked around one by one, when they were sure that they could not find two kings of sarcoma and golden blood. One by one expressed panic.

As for Chaos King and others, the morale increased greatly.

The other three strongest masters have gone to the second. They still have great odds!


The "Master Baizhe" who was fighting Lingtai Lingyue looked so embarrassed.

He clearly did not expect that the two most effective subordinates had been killed. There was a depression in his eyes.

They used to hunt the indigenous people of Chaos Ocean. It was as simple as cutting vegetables. How did they get here and turn into this situation?

"Nie Tong really grows up!"

Seeing that Nie Tong did not shoot directly but shouted this sentence, causing the emotional changes on both sides, Nie Yun nodded secretly.

Even if he is in this situation, I am afraid that Nie Tong did not do well.

This shouting boosted morale here. Also hit the opponent, killing two birds with one stone, no shot, but the effect is greater than the shot!

If faced with so many aliens before, the odds of everyone in Chaos Ocean is still very small. At this moment, the scale of victory has obviously tilted towards them.

With a sigh of admiration, Nie Yun didn't stop, and his body flew to the King of Chaos and the King of Kill.

"Don't resist. I'll take you somewhere!"

When the spirit moves, the mind passes.

There are so many aliens in front of him, and they are all powerful and unmatched, relying on his strength. It is also difficult to kill clean, and the only quick solution is only one ... that is to enter the world of things. Kill as the master!

The Clayworld destroys the Golden Seal King who is struggling, because his strength is beyond the scope of the Clayworld. But killing these guys is much simpler. Although it is not easy, it is at least easier than fighting here.

After all, the strongest of these people did not reach the title of king, that is, some powerful masters.

"it is good!"

Although the King of Chaos and the King of Kills did not know Nie Yun's appetite world, he also knew by looking at his eyes that there must be a better way, all without hesitation, and nodded hurriedly.

With a grab on the palm, the meditation bottle appeared again, and a small black hole appeared in front of everyone.

Nie Yun should go in first.

The King of Chaos, the King of Lore, and the leader of Yanhui followed.

"They're going to run, chase!"

"Don't worry, this is weird, I suspect they have set a trap and led us in!"

"What about the traps? Are we so afraid of them?"

"It's just a trap made by a group of indigenous people. What can we do? If we don't chase it, this group of guys won't die, would we just watch?

"That's it. Let's go ahead and see what's going on inside. If it's too dangerous, the rest of the people work together to break the trap from the outside ..."


When many aliens saw that they had entered the black hole, there was a noise, and then they calmed down.

They weren't fools either. Seeing so many people running over, they began to doubt the world of the house.

However, mere suspicion can't stop them from chasing. No matter what, they have the upper hand. Even if Nie Yun and others have a trap, they can't trap so many people at the same time.


A series of blasts flashed, and some members of the alien race rushed in behind Nie Yun and others.

"About a third ... so much is already great!"

When these people entered the meditation bottle, they were directly into the world of objects, and Nie Yun immediately saw the number.

The number of aliens outside was large, and only one-third rushed in, but with so many, he was already satisfied.

An alien is not an idiot. He knows the danger and has to come to death. Being able to kill one third at a time also saves a lot of energy.

"Is this a small world?"

"What are they hiding here? Could it be a trap here?"

"Haha, use the small world as a trap ... is it silly or stupid? Don't you know that what they are best at is devouring the small world?"


When the aliens saw that they had entered a small world, they all started to laugh, and then all laughed wildly.

If the other party introduces them to some kind of Jedi, they may be a little worried, but the small world ... is equal to their food, what comes to the food pile, what can be scared?

"Swallow? You have no chance ... Thunder attack!"

Seeing everyone's expressions, Nie Yun's eyebrows raised, he didn't give them any time to react, his spirits moved, the sky was filled with thunder, and countless dark and thick lightnings bombarded everyone.

There are a large number of people. If they are wiped out with their intentions, it will also have a great load on the world. It is different to use this kind of Thunder attack.


"How come there are so many thunderbolts ..."

The people who were still gloating just now saw the sky full of thunder and lightning, their faces changed at the same time, and they wanted to escape, only to find that the surrounding space seemed to be confined and difficult to move.

Boom boom!

Thick lightning strikes them, one after another, the aliens explode into powder, and the vitality in their bodies rises with the explosion, slowly integrating into the world of objects.



The King of Chaos and the King of Killing saw the scene in front of them, and all swallowed, unable to say a word.

Even if they were the powerful kings, they had never seen such a terrible scene.

Although the strength of these people is not as good as they are now, they are not much worse, otherwise they will not be so strenuous and almost killed.

Such a powerful group of people is like a child in front of Thunder. As a Thunder master, how strong is this Nie Yun?

However, the thing that surprised them was not over. I saw Nie Yun's palms not far away, and several wind blades appeared in front of him, shaking gently.

Huh! Huh! Huh!

Wherever the wind blade passes, even the powerful aliens are instantly cut into two, and they die completely.

The wind blade controlled by Nie Yun in the world of things, even the golden blood king can be killed, not to mention these people.

The sound of screams was endless in an instant. Just now, he was still aggressive and swearing about the aliens. At this time, they all turned into corpses, and they fell to the ground, turning into the purest vitality.


Ten minutes later, Nie Yun stopped, exhaling a long breath.

The aliens who had just rushed in at this time had all been killed and clean, and there was no one left.

Although he was the master, he was a little tired at this time.

The strength of these people is too strong. If they are killed outside, it will not be completed for ten days and ten nights. At this time, all of them will be killed in ten minutes, even if the world of things is unbearable.

Fortunately, because the other party was too flustered and did not fight together, otherwise, with so many people joining forces, the rules of the world of things would certainly not be able to withstand it, and it would collapse completely if it was not done well.

"go out……"

After beheading these people, Nie Yun was relieved, but also knew that this was not the time to rest, and he looked at the Chaos King and others before leaving.

Before they were attracted to the battle, Yantai Lingyue was still safe. At this time, they were hiding here. Once all those people outside targeted the Nie Tong, they would definitely be difficult to counteract even if they were strong.

Ants kill more elephants. One or two aliens of this strength are not a concern, but once the number reaches a certain level, even if Lingtai Lingyue is the king of the sky, he can only escape.

"it is good!"

The Chaos King and others also knew the crisis of the matter, and couldn't wait to continue to express their emotions. They all cooperated with Nie Yun's thoughts to leave the world of objects and transfer all the people away.


Looked up and looked forward ~ www.readwn.com ~ I saw that the aliens who had just been killed at this time all turned into vitality, constantly nourishing the world of things.

The place previously damaged by the King of Sarcoma and the King of Golden Blood was supplemented by these vigor. Not only was it restored, but the whole world also expanded and expanded, as if it had swallowed a supreme realm and merged into countless small worlds!

At this time, the world of receiving things was wider and wider, and the laws of space and time were also stronger, and there was even a tendency to transcend the supreme realm.

"I see. These aliens, by engulfing the small world and increasing their strength, have strength in the body, and bring the power of the world. To the world of things, it is definitely a supplement ..."

After thinking a little, Nie Yun understood that his eyes were getting brighter.

His current strength is basically from the world of Nawu. With so many alien additions, the world of Nawu is getting stronger and stronger, will his strength become more and more powerful?

(The school is disconnected from the internet, it crashes ... when you get home, upload it immediately, there is a chapter later, don't forget to watch ...)

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