Endless Dantian

Vol 3 Chapter 181: What is your strength?

"Ah? How is this possible ..."

Originally, when Zhao Yan shot, Luo Qingcheng and Ya Lian both felt that the teenager was dead, but when they saw the scene in front of them, all their eyes fell to the ground.

At the peak of his ancestors, Zhao Yan, who was several times stronger than Ning Wang, was beaten up like a fly ...

We are not dreaming!

The two rubbed their eyes fiercely and found out that this is the case. They did not dream, so they resisted the teenager who was shocked to look at him.

Let's pat the attack of Feiqizong's peak strongman, his strength ... How strong should it be?

"Dare to hurt me, either you die or I live today ..."

Struggling to jump off the wall, Zhao Yan's face growled loudly, and there was already a big knife in his palm.

This handle is black and full of light, and the glow of energy above it emits a halo of energy, which turns out to be the best weapon of the royal family!

"Be careful, Nie Yun. This is a Dragon Sword. It is said that the descendants of the Dragons have been slaughtered. The power is infinite ..."

Seeing Zhao Yan getting angry and taking out the weapon, Luo Qingcheng again showed his worries.

Zhao Yan's Dragon Slayer is very famous even in the whole city of Shenfeng. The royal family's top-grade weapons are smashed by the waves, and few people dare to resist directly!

After all, in the imperial capital, the Supreme is not easy to shoot, and the Supreme does not shoot. His peak of the ancestors cooperates with the royal weapons of the highest grade, even if the highest peak exists!

Just because he knew Zhao Yan's strength and fame, although Luo Qingcheng was angry before, he didn't dare to say anything.

"You can force me to use the Dragon Sword, even if I die. You are worth it! The royal family's superior martial arts, the dragon is proud of the sky!"

Roar. Zhao Yan's face was dumbfounded, and the Dragon Sword with his palms raised in his palms instantly turned into a powerful air flow, and then split straight down at Nie Yun!


Before the sword arrived, the momentum was ahead, and the scorching air wave was like a sharp axe that broke the ground and cut through the space and came to Nie Yun.

"Balong Aotian? I think it's a barworm!"

Facing the powerful attack from the other side, Nie Yun was too lazy to pull out Xuan Yu's sword, and his fist smashed against the waves!

Click! boom!

With a crisp sound, the fist broke through the waves. Hitting the dragon-knife, the royal soldiers of the divine royal empire, who are famous in the royal family, hit glass as if the glass had hit a stone, and the sound of shattering broke out into a pile of scrap iron.

Although the third layer of the Spirit Rhinoceros Refining Techniques has not yet been completed, Nie Yun's physical defense can definitely catch up with the royal weapons. This defense, combined with the supreme level of powerful power, just happened to hit the back of the Dragon Sword, how can it hold up!

Just once, the Dragon Sword had only one handle, bare and ugly.

"Ah ... it's impossible. Even Zhao Xun's ancestor couldn't shatter the dragon sword without a punch, I don't believe it ..."

Seeing the hilt in his hand, Zhao Yan felt mad.

Others don't know how hard the Dragon Sword is, he knows it very well, and his punch is broken. Don't use weapons ... Is this still human? Even the supreme level of Warcraft does not have such a strong fist!

Zhao Yan went crazy, Luo Qingcheng and Ya Lian even collapsed.

"Master ... sister ... you ... friend ... terrific ..."

Ya Lian's lips froze. Looking at the teenager with a faint smile on his face, his eyes stood out, and his words were not smooth.

One punch shattered the royal superior weapons! This shock is too great!

It's completely beyond what they can imagine!

"Well, don't believe it, die!"

Nie Yun has never been a kind-hearted person. This guy dared to threaten Luo Qingcheng and threaten himself. He had already committed the crime of death in his heart. At this time, he shouted, shook his head helplessly, and drew in the palm of his hand!


Before Zhao Yan responded, he turned into a meatloaf, stuck to the ground, and cut off his breath.

No ordinary Supreme can be compared to the peak of the sect, let alone a Supreme like Nie Yun!

Although Nie Yun's level is still the beginning of the Supreme, but his accumulation is strong, both physical and energetic strength is amazing, compared with the later period of the Supreme, it is not much different. If he is allowed to exhibit the potential of mountains and rivers, the potential of the earth, the peak of the Supreme You can shoot to death, let alone a small air peak like Zhao Yan!

"Fell in the city, what happened in the end? Do you know what happened to the Lord of Lost City?"

After processing Zhao Yan, Nie Yun looked at the girl not far away.

"I know!" Upon hearing the question, the girl woke up from shock, her eyes fainted.

"You know? Do you know why you should marry Zhao Xingpu at this time?" Nie Yun frowned.

"Just for Dad!" Luo Qingcheng shook his head. "Zhao Xingpu said that he knew the news of his father. As long as I married him, he would find a way to save it! You also know that I have nothing and want to save Dad. ... "

"Zhao Xingpu knows about your father?" Nie Yun narrowed his eyes.

Is it the Zhao family?

The arrest of his father's relatives and the Lord of Luo City must be the same reason. If Zhao Xingpu knew where the Lord of Luo City was, I am afraid he would know where his father and others were!

Even the two will be locked together!

In order to prevent this incident from leaking, the other party sent an assassination division to kill people. With such care, Zhao Xingpu was able to know that Nie Yun had to wonder if it was the Zhao family!

"If they did it, I wouldn't mind turning over the entire Zhao family and let the Zhao family repeat the tragedy of the previous life!"

With his fists clenched, Nie Yun was surging.

In the previous life, due to the incident of Tielan, Nie Yun killed all three families and the imperial family of the Kamikaze Empire. In this life, if the Zhao family dare to take action on his family, he would not mind letting them be like blood from the previous life, and the mountains like prison !!

"Well! He knows what happened to my dad's arrest. I don't know how to know it!" Luo Qingcheng sighed.

"It seems that the investigation started from the Zhao family first!" Nie Yun Lengheng ~ www.readwn.com ~ then looked at the girl "It seems that you are not willing to marry this Zhao Xingpu! As long as you do not agree, I So you don't have to marry him! "

"Can I not marry him? But ... what about my dad?"

Luo Qingcheng's eyes brightened, but he remembered his dad and then dimmed.

"My father and mother and my brother and sister were also arrested. I suspect that the person who arrested your father is the same force! So, if you feel relieved, leave it to me, and I can definitely rescue it. ! "

Nie Yun said lightly.

"Your father and mother were arrested too?" The girl's heart trembled when she heard what the young man said, and her father's heart was as skewed as his father's arrest. His parents, sisters, and brothers were arrested.

"Nie ... Master Yun, can I ask you ... what's your strength?"

As the two talked, Ya Li, who was suddenly on the side, asked carefully. (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point (m) to vote for recommendations and monthly tickets. Your support is my greatest motivation.)

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