Endless Dantian

Vol 4 Chapter 1858: go away

"Brother, Chaos King they come in from here!"

In front of the broken Three Realms battlefield, Nie Tong pointed to the seal in front of his eyes, and flicked his palm to take out two jade symbols with special imprints: "I worry that you will follow you when you wake up, so I prepared two jade symbols in advance. Use this, The seal will not be blocked, and will easily shuttle to the other side! "

"You still know me, let's go!"

Seeing that he had prepared things in advance, Nie Yun laughed, reached for the Yufu, and came to the seal.

After three months of recovery in the Three Realms battlefield at this time, in addition to those blank areas of law, other places are full of chaos again. It is only a matter of time to see how the air flows and reborn a new world.

As for the seal in front, it really has been re-reinforced. It looks like not only Lingtai Lingyue shot, all the strong side of the Chaos Ocean have used their strength. At this time, the seal is stronger than before when Ashoka burned his soul, even he Power can be used without breaking it, let alone now.

"In order to prevent us from being caught by aliens, this jade charm is only a one-time thing, and it will be destroyed automatically as soon as it passes the seal. So ... it will be difficult for us to return after we pass!"

When I saw my brother standing in front of the seal with the jade charm, he seemed to feel something, Nie Tong explained.

"It's best to do this!"

Nie Yun nodded.

This jade charm should be made by Lingtai Lingyue. It contains her breath, echoes the seal in front of him, and allows him to enter it freely without hindrance and attack, but this power can be consumed, as long as he walks by seal. The power will disappear completely, and the jade charm will become white paper again. Into powder.

I do n’t think Lingtai Lingyue is very thoughtful about the situation of aliens. If you get caught in it, the jade charms that can pass back and forth fall into the hands of the opponent, which is equivalent to bringing endless disaster to the chaotic ocean. Using this unilaterally entered jade charms, although the entrants will have very Great danger, but it can be a short time to ensure the safety of the chaotic ocean, which is not bad.

"go in!"

I glanced at it and understood how to use this jade charm. Nie Yun's wrist was about to urge her power into the seal. I heard a cry of anxiety.

"Nie Yun ..."

I turned my head and it was Luo Qing City.

After telling her decision in the world of Nawu that day, Luo Qingcheng almost fainted. After waiting for so many years, he waited for his promise and finally worked hard. How could he refuse?

On the same day, the two returned to Lingxiu Mountain and brought Nie Xiaotian, Luo Zhanhao and others out of the world of things. Held a wedding.

After Nie Xiaotian and others practiced during this period of time, the worst also reached the level of suzerain, and they entered the Supreme Realm without any pressure.

They all knew that Luo Qingcheng came all the way to Nie Yun's attachment and admiration, and saw that they eventually became dependents. One by one sincerely happy, especially Luo Zhanhao, the desire to see his daughter was finally completed. As a father, feel happy for her.

Emperor Wu Lingxiu had originally seen Lingtai Lingyue just left. Nie Yun marries the others, with some contempt. After hearing Luo Qingcheng's persistence, his eyes were a little moist, and there was no mustard in his heart.

If a woman does not ask for reward, in order for this man not to be afraid of life or death, she should be happy and have happiness!

If you ca n’t even get this happiness, the ending will be a bit bitter.

Emperor Wu Lingxiu spent hundreds of millions of years in order to wait for King Xiuluo. He knew this kind of effort and naturally understood Luo Qingcheng's decision. Soon after the two got along, they became very good sisters.

The scale of a wedding is not big, but small but not small.

The reason for this is that the people who participated in the wedding were all old friends of Nie Yun. They did not invite outsiders. There were less than a hundred people. For his identity, the scale is relatively small, but these people talk about strength. In this case, almost the highest force in the entire chaotic ocean is included. If it is small, it can make countless people ashamed to death.

Of course, Nie Yun doesn't care about the scale, what he cares about is a promise to Luo Qing City!

An alien race is a matter of life and death, no one knows what is going on there. If you really want to die, one hundred, you do n’t have to think about anything, but the living person will be pitiful, and it will be heartbreaking!

Nie Yun knows Luo Qingcheng's nature, since she believes that death will not change. Instead of wasting her life, it is better to give a promise, it is also an explanation to herself!

After the big marriage, Nie Yun did not leave in a hurry, but let Nie Tong prepare more things, and he was fully prepared.

First of all, he directly pierced the pseudo-origin avenue into Luo Qingcheng, his father Nie Xiaotian, and others, allowing them to successfully break through to the dominating realm.

Just as Fu Anchao speculated, the original Shura world also had eight pseudo-origins. After the world was broken, those masters fell and these pseudo-origins were placed in a place by the king of Shura, which would have disappeared along with the disappearance of the world's origin. Nie Yun refined the core of the Shura world, and evolved it to the highest level again!

Therefore, once these pseudo-primitives can be used again, entering the body can break through the 299 Avenue Powerhouses.

Dominate and half-step dominate the peak. Although they are only one line away, there is a difference between the two. He goes to an alien race and will fall if it is not well. He must not be placed in the world of things and the ocean of chaos. More strength can rest assured.

After letting them break through, Nie Yun didn't stop, and used the replicating ability of the Nagoya World to create countless master soldiers. They wrapped them one by one closely and refined hundreds of jade containing the idea of ​​sealing the king. Fu, still not assured, and finally left Feng as the queen, only to be relieved.

Although Nie Yun's current strength can not be used, but physical strength and various means alone are not weaker than Feng Wang's avatar, and it is not useful to stay with him. It is better to put them here to protect them. Moreover, the avatar is the same as the deity. Ideas, staying here can also better accompany parents and relatives.

In addition to arranging the side of the chaotic ocean, after the death of the golden blood king, the flesh king, and Baizhe, they also left the king soldiers.

Xun helped Nie Tong to refine one stalk, and the rest let Feng Wang smelt and smelt with another sculpt. In this way, both Chaos Ocean and his own strength were once again improved.

"Nie Yun ... take me! I am your wife and I should go through the dangers with you ..."

Luo Luo Qingcheng stared at the young man in front of his eyes with firmness in his eyes.

"I promise you, I'll be back ... Rest assured, at least I haven't said anything!"

When she saw her appearance, Nie Yun smiled, knowing that the other party was worried about herself, afraid she would never see her again.

He promised Luo Qingcheng many things, and he never said nothing. Although the alien was dangerous this time, he was not afraid, but on the contrary, with strong expectations, he thought he would be able to come back alive.

"Be careful……"

What else did Luo Luo Qingcheng want to say, his lips pursed a few words, and only one sentence was left in the end.

Although she really wants to follow ~ www.readwn.com ~, she also knows that her strength is the same as the past and will only hinder her.

"All the creatures in the heavens and the earth, I have put them in a small world. You stay here to urge them to practice. Once another alien comes, the prince of the king will take you to the end of the chaos and hide, even if you want to fight with them. And wait for me to come back! "

When she saw her promise, Nie Yun smiled and explained.

After the six heavens and earths were refined to form the body of Lingtai Lingyue, all the creatures were in the world of things. For their safety, Nie Yun remade a small world and put them into it.

This small world is the same as the Six Heavens and Earth at the beginning, but it costs more layers. Once it is achieved, it can immediately fly into another world. This will allow people to have greater goals for spiritual practice and prevent it. The world's oppression is too great to kill the weak.

"it is good……"

Knowing that Nie Yun was doing this to keep the incense for the chaotic ocean and avoid being killed by aliens, Luo Qingcheng nodded.


I knew that the longer the delay, the more I didn't want to leave, and Nie Yun didn't hesitate. Haha laughed, urging the jade charm in her hand, her body fluttered and entered the seal.


Tong Nie Tong's eyes blinked, followed closely by the past, the two disappeared in front of them instantly, and entered the alien world. [Unfinished to be continued This text is provided by 闪 神 影 组 @ 影 承 Bring on @ 听风 的 狼 @ 字 书 文 @ 仙 波]

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