Endless Dantian

Vol 4 Chapter 1877: I can save people

"When I saw this kind of scene, I was also confused. He scolded Feng Zhen for doing this. His answer was exactly the same as what the adult said!" Diao Yong's face was ugly, and it seemed to be sad that he didn't stop the old friend. ≥ top ≥ point ≥ small ≥ said,

"What happened later? What happened to you again? Why is Feng Zhen unconscious?"

After hearing what Feng Zhen did, Nie Yun also felt his brows frown, killing the newborn beast, and it was hurting, and it was really cruel. He felt a little bit disappointed in this kind of behavior and continued to ask.

If that's the case, Feng Zhen should be alive and well. Regardless of whether or not the little dragon dragon beast has eaten the dragon dragon crystal and devoured his blood, it will definitely make up for the practitioner.

"Feng Zhen swallowed the blood and let me also swallow it. I couldn't bear it, and refused ..." Speaking of this, Diao Yong had an incredible expression on his face, his brows froze. It seems that he still has some puzzles until now. what happened.

"Did you try to kill you after you rejected him?"

Seeing his expression, Nie Yun guessed it and asked.

"You **** ... it's impossible ... my dad would never do this ..." Feng Sheng on the side heard him and shouted again.

The Qingshan Department and the Luoshan Department are extremely contradictory now, but the relationship was harmonious before. He knew it, especially the relationship between his father and the old man in front of him, just like a brother! Such a relationship has done such a thing, making him hard to believe.

"how do you know?"

Different from Feng Sheng's attitude, Patriarch Diao Yong froze for a moment, full of strangeness: "He did do it to me, but ... I haven't figured out why he wants to do it ..."

"Haven't figured it out yet?"

Nie Yun shook his head. He had thought of the reason, but was unwilling to say more.

The Castle Peak Department has been attacked by the Hill Department for so many years. Diao Yong didn't tell the story, which shows that he still kept his friendship with Feng Zhen. Once things are said, even if the two tribes resume their previous relationship, this friendship will be over.

"Yeah, I haven't figured it out till now, I beg Lord Nie Yun to tell ..."

Patriarch Diao Yong begged.

He is a fan of the authorities. I can't think of why Feng Zhen would attack him.

After all, the two were good brothers, and they shared life and death many times, this time by chance. He also told the other party, did he kill the killer because he didn't drink blood? No such reason!

"Let me say it!" Seeing Nie Yun didn't want to say more, Fei Tong stepped forward, he is also a savvy man, and he has a good grasp of human nature. How can I not know what Feng Zhen has thought about delicately? Do you name it? "

"Certificate of approval?" Diao Yong's clan suddenly understood, his face turned pale, and he stepped back involuntarily. The face also seemed a little old.

He couldn't believe it, his best friend didn't trust himself so much, and it was more heartache.

Treat him as his best friend, even if seriously injured and unconscious. They kept secrets for him, but what did he ... do?

Kill the cubs and devour the blood. Feng Zhen must know that this incident will not be human. So I force Diao Yong to drink, once I drink. It is equivalent to accepting the vote, it is impossible to spread the news, without drinking ... it is difficult to say!

"Grandpa, what's next?"

Seeing Grandpa's state, Wan'er was afraid that he would be overly sad, and hurriedly asked to shift the topic.

"Feng Zhen fired at me. I was horrified. I had to fight hard. At that time, the strength of the two of us was almost the same, but he took the blood of the dragon beast. The strength became stronger and stronger, and I gradually became an opponent ..."

When Diao Yong said this, his face showed fear, and it seemed to remember the scene of the day, and he was still trembling.

"Just then, a huge dragon yin, a giant dragon dragon beast appeared! We had previously guessed that there would be a big one, but I didn't expect to come so fast!"

"As soon as this dragon dragon beast entered the cave, he immediately saw the body of the small dragon dragon beast, and the sound of wailing went straight to Jiuxiao, and then a thick air flow blasted over!"

"It seemed to recognize Feng Zhen as the murderer of his child. The attack hit Feng Zhen directly. I was also implicated, hit by the airflow and flew out, and fell into the grass outside the cave. He fell into a coma at the time!"

"After I woke up, I found that Feng Zhen was also lying not far from me, unconscious, and quickly returned to the tribe with his back on his back. You all know what happened ..."

Diao Yong said that when he stopped, he finished the secret that was held in his heart, and the whole person was relieved.

The impact of this incident on him is so great that it has been very depressed. Because of this, for many years, the practice has not only not progressed, and it has gradually weakened with increasing age.

"I don't believe it, I don't believe what you're saying is true ..."

Feng Sheng kept shaking his head, not wanting to admit it was a fact.

If this is true, it means that his father has become that way, and he blame himself.

And he didn't figure it out, so he went backwards and put the two tribes into a fight. It was too much!

However, at this time, he was the only one who didn't believe it. No matter the people in the Qingshan Department or the Luoshan Department were silent, they didn't know what to think, and said nothing.

"Is it true, as long as you don't wake up your father?"

Seeing his appearance, Nie Yun glanced softly.

As the leader of a tribe, if you know what is wrong, you can correct it immediately to gain the support of more people. Like this, you have no courage to admit it. How can others be convinced?

"Wake up? Yes ... please wake up my father!"

Feng Sheng froze and immediately turned to kneel in front of Nie Yun.

His father has been unconscious until now, just like a vegetative, but he has not died, but he has also used a lot of methods, and the results have been useless.

In front of this person, even the powerful black man can recover, maybe ... there is a way!

"Bring your father over to www.readwn.com ~ I can take a look!"

Nie Yundao.

He didn't have a good opinion of the Falling Hills Department, but if he wanted to confirm what happened that year and resolve the conflicts between the two tribes, he had to wake them up.

Because the other party was unconscious and did not wake up, Diao Yong's speech was unknown, so even he was not so sure, so he could only take a look before making a decision.

"Okay, I'll go ..."

Seeing Nie Yun's promise, Feng Sheng seemed to be drowning and saw the life-saving straw. He jumped up quickly, turned around and arranged for several people behind him, and the people turned and walked back.

"Actually ... Master, if nothing unexpected happens, you should easily wake up Feng Zhen!"

Fei Tong came over.

When he came over just now, Nie Yun saw that the other party called the "Prince" too conspicuous, so he changed his name to "Master".

When I first came to the universe, it is better to keep a low profile. (To be continued ...)

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