Endless Dantian

Vol 3 Chapter 184: Teaching method


Nie Yun froze.

A supreme strongman who has been famous for many years, defeated him by one trick. According to the truth, the first thing that appeared was unwillingness, then the frustration, and finally it was crazy or silent, just like fighting the Maiman some time ago. The potential makes his eyes full of unwillingness, even threatening to surpass himself!

And these expressions were completely absent from the Sovereign of Flowers, but with a strong desire for craving, it seemed that he wanted to teach her the tactics and mentality just now!

This attitude makes Nie Yun somewhat incredible.

This is no wonder, it is himself, once someone knelt down on his own, he will certainly feel resentment, let alone ask him, it would be nice to not destroy him!

Although hesitant in his heart, Nie Yun put away Xuan Yu's sword.

"What you just read is the same as the meaning of the second move of Baihuashenquan I expected. If you can tell me, I am grateful!"

The Baihua Sovereign stood up, his temperament was still cold like snow, and he should not be disturbed by strangers, but his face was full of longing.

The magnificent lord of flowers and indifferent fairies, at this time, his coat did not cover his body, not only did not cover the leaked spring light, but also this expression, Nie Yun was somewhat helpless.

In the previous life, the three major families of Shenfeng City, a royal family, plus the Heavenly Sect, the Baihua Sect, and the six supreme strong men, have to say who they have not contacted and who do not know who, I am afraid this is the Baihua Sovereign!

Legend has it that the Patriarch of Baihua practiced the merciless way, and the whole person's disposition was like ice, and he was not close to anyone. Even the Tiantian Sect and the four major families (plus the royal family) jointly targeted themselves to **** that thing. She didn't step in!

It is precisely because he did not intervene, that year, he destroyed the four major families, and Mi Tianzong did not do anything to Baihuazong!

Never touched in previous lives. I don't know the personality of the Baihua Sovereign. Now it seems that he is obsessed with martial arts and doesn't care about face dignity.

Such people are obsessed with martial arts, insisting on cultivation will definitely go further and further, and their strength will become stronger and stronger!

Perhaps it was for this reason that she made her younger than 100 years old and founded such a large foundation. Revised as the first and second in the Kamikaze Empire!

"I see that your Luohuashenquan just played with ruthless killing intention, and felt that you could not exert your best strength. Suddenly I thought of what the Master and I explained, and this came out casually. If there is anything wrong, please don't laugh! "

Thinking for a while, Nie Yun said casually. Pulled the tiger skin again.

Once contacted, the other party definitely knows that she is only seventeen this year. At the age of seventeen, reaching the Supreme has already scared people to death. Now she has a few tricks and immediately said the second stroke of her incomprehensible state of mind. Live?

and so. It ’s Master ’s credit to pull out tiger skins, and masters can make such apprehensive apprentices. Is n’t Master even more powerful?

This is also tantamount to giving yourself a big patron again, and people are afraid!

"What your Master explained to you? Seniors should say something to you. May I know the details!"

After listening to the youngster's words, Master Baihua's face raised a respectful attitude. Call "senior".

"My master explained it to me. He said that" solitary yin is not long, and there is no solitary yang. "Everything has yin and yang on both sides. Relentlessness at the end is sentimental, and affection blends into a avenue! Just thinking of these words, see It ’s ruthless when you have fallen flowers, and the feelings come out. Fall flowers deliberately follow the flowing water, and the falling water relentlessly falls! Flowers rain and tears, and everyone knows love and relentlessness! May the lovers follow the falling flowers and do not be relentless ... ”

Nie Yun read the formula completely.

The so-called "solitary yin is not long, and Duyang is not born" is not Nie Yunran. The previous life is an old antique, and the understanding of Xiuwei is much stronger than this hundred-flower monarch, who only cultivates ruthless ways and breaks love. How can you make little progress without love and happiness?

"Falling flowers deliberately follow the flowing water, and the flowing water relentlessly drops flowers ... I have been wrong all these years! Your master, this senior is really a god!"

After listening to the formulas, the Sovereign Lord closed his eyes and thought for a while. The more he thought about it, the more he felt correct. The whole person seemed to have a metamorphosis.

"Oh, my master is indeed savvy!" Nie Yun smiled lightly, casually said nothing, didn't say more, and didn't explain, giving a kind of unpredictable appearance.

"Your master is awesome, but you are not here now. Tell me the tactics, aren't you afraid that I will kill you directly? If I guess correctly, you have already exhausted your whole body, and now you ca n’t fight again. Such a powerful attack! "

Suddenly, the Baihua Sovereign smiled slightly.

This smile was like a hundred flowers opening, and even Juan Juan in the sky was eclipsed, and closed the gate of the Moon Palace tightly.

When it reached Shenfeng City, it was almost dark. Now the moon is lifted up, and the bright moonlight is covered by a dark cloud.

Realizing the sentimental way, the cold attitude of the Baihua Sovereign has also changed.

"Oh! You just have to do it!" Hearing each other's words, Nie Yun's heart tightened, but his face didn't show.

"Although you defeated me, you also taught me the tactics that made me suddenly open. I naturally wouldn't do anything to you. Moreover, your Master must be able to do everything. I don't want Baihuazong to be destroyed!"

Baihua's shame tone has also been greatly different from before, he said slowly.

"Oh, in fact, even if my master can't come, you don't want to kill me so easily!"

After listening to her, Nie Yun laughed again.

"Oh? Do you still have nothing to rely on? Supreme Fuyu? Oh, in the eyes of ordinary people, Supreme Fuyu is not weak, but in the eyes of Supreme Strong, there is nothing, you may not be able to hurt me even if you take it out, and When Fu Lu runs out of power, it is when you die! "

Bai Hua was ashamed with pride.

She's right, Supreme Fuyu really has unimaginable power against people below the Supreme, but you can't help the Supreme!

You can't beat each other yourself, how strong can the refined Rune be?

Fu Yan can't kill the other party, the other party slows down and will definitely kill him!

"Extreme Fuyu? Oh, I never said to use this thing!"

Nie Yun's body is very straight ~ www.readwn.com ~ The whole person looks like Pangu, suddenly reaches up his hand, and takes two shots in the air with both palms.

Snapped! Snapped!

"Little wolf, little pupil, little black, come out!"

A long cry, like the silence that cuts through the night, stretched straight into the distance.

Alas! Roar! Roar!

Three consecutive roars, the three shining lights in the night, like three meteors, cut through the sky and flew straight.

"This is ... a three-level Supreme monster?"

Feeling the overwhelming breath, the Baihua Sovereign's face changed.

"Meet the master!"

Three monsters kneeled in front of Nie Yun. (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point (m) to vote for recommendations and monthly tickets. Your support is my greatest motivation.)

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