Endless Dantian

Vol 4 Chapter 1887: Banquet start


There are dozens of people sitting in the widest tents in Zhiying camp, the palace is ordinary, each with a smile.

Today is the birthday banquet of General Zhiye's only daughter Miss Bier. Almost all who can come in are the talents valued by General Zhiye, representing the highest power in the camp.

"Dad, don't you say you don't have a banquet? I'll be back in a few days. What is so troublesome!"

Inside the main hall, a pretty girl looked at the lively hall, her eyebrows frowned slightly.

"These are my little thoughts of those who belong to me. Since you are here with my dad, listen to my arrangements. Don't be restrained and have fun!" A middle-aged man laughed.

This middle-aged person's gaze is like electricity, and he has a huge power hidden in his whole body.

General Zhi Zhi! Imperial Realm!

"Okay, but I still have to cultivate, and I don't like this kind of entertainment ... once you want to leave, don't stop me!" Said the girl.

"Okay, as long as you like, you can do anything, but ... these are the loyal subordinates of Dad. If you turn around and leave, it will also make them chill, so ... I have arranged a ball for this party Someone must have invited you to dance, and if you jump and then leave, it should not delay you too much time! "

General Zhi Ji hesitated.

He also knows that his daughter doesn't like this kind of entertainment. However, all the people who can attend this banquet are his subordinates. If the daughter turns around and leaves, his face will not look good.

"Okay, but ... who dances with someone, I have the final say, dad can't impose it on me!"

Seeing the embarrassment of his father, the girl said.

"Of course!" Zhiyu laughed.

He knows that his daughter likes to be alone. I don't like to be lively, I can promise so much.

"Go out!"

After discussion, the father and daughter entered the hall.

"I heard the general say that she has a beautiful daughter, but she didn't believe it at the beginning. At this time, she knew it was modest. Where is this beauty?

"Miss Bier, happy birthday, I wish you a beautiful face, always so young ..."

"Miss Bier has the strength of the middle class king at this age, so we old guys are ashamed ..."


See the two come in. The hall became lively, and everyone focused on the girls.

Those who can enter here are the team leaders or their close friends. It has long been known that General Zhizheng has a beautiful daughter, but he has never seen it before. At this moment, they were all shocked.

Especially those young commanders and guards, with their eyes shining one by one, were full of excitement.

Good family life, high talent, and the key is beautiful ... how not to be tempting!

Seeing these people, Bier's eyes showed a slight disdain.

The thoughts of these people, she can see without guessing.

I don't think about how to cultivate. How to progress, just thinking about flying into the sky, this kind of person is exactly what she shameless.

Because it's beautiful. Wherever she goes, there are many suitors. If she wants to, there will be a lot of young people around. Although these commandments sound good, they are actually far from her eyes.


Full of disdain. Moving forward slowly, his eyes suddenly fell in a corner.

This corner. A teenager was sitting at the table, only glancing at her. They will no longer care.

Although the teenager only glanced at her, he could clearly see his eyes, completely different from others, clean and clear, without a trace of greed.

"It must be pretending ..."

Bier's disdain was stronger.

She also sees such people a lot, and many people use her as a means of pursuing her without success. In fact, she does not know what is going on behind the scenes.


A definition was given to the teenager in her heart, Bier no longer paid attention, followed his father, and sat down in the seat in the middle of the hall.

"A sneeze!"

Nie Yun, who was sitting in the corner, sneezed, scratched his head and looked strange ... a cold?

How can a cold catch the king's strength in the mid-terms?

As the leader of the ninth team, Fei Tong has the qualification to bring one more person. Nie Yun also just wanted to see the banquet in the universe of God, and followed.

As for the spirit of the fire dragon, it was already given to the pupil. Of course, the latter did not know what was contained in the jade box. I tried to open it several times and saw the seal on it.

It's not that he can't open the seal, but some treasures of heaven and earth. Once the seal is broken and the aura is dispersed, there will be a great loss.

In addition, he is very convinced of the "Prince", since the other party said that there is no problem, there must be no problem. If you really want to look at it, you just don't believe in His Highness ... Give him ten courage, and dare not!

As for Nie Yun, when I came here with Fei Tong, I found out how low the ninth team's position in Zhiyingying was. He was commanding, and even the followers of the first few teams were not as good as he could only sit in the corner!

However, Nie Yun didn't care about the corners and corners. Anyway, here he came to see. There was no big demand.

As for Miss Bier who walked in just now, he was even less interested. Although the girl was a little bit attractive, it was only "slightly". At most, it was similar to Waner I had seen before, compared to Luo Qingcheng and Yantai Lingyue. Man, the difference is too far!

Therefore, after glancing at it, I stopped looking at it. Once the sea was difficult, the girl in his eyes was not as good as the mellow wine in front of me.

Of course, what he didn't know was that in the eyes of Waner, this move was "pretending to be forced" and had been branded as a "hypocrite."

"This is the little girl, Bier!"

Sit down in the middle of the hall, General Zhi Zhi laughed and introduced to everyone.

"Fan Zhong, leader of the third unit of Zhiying Camp ~ www.readwn.com ~ I have seen Miss Bier ..."

As soon as General Zhizheng was introduced, Fan Zhong came over, his eyes filled with excitement.

"He led Yang Shuo in the fifth unit and met Miss Bier ..."

Before Fan Zhong's words were finished, another young man came over and hurriedly introduced himself.

Yang Shuo, the leader of the fifth team, is the last of the three unmarried leaders.

Seeing the hot eyes of these two people, I can't wait to rush over, Bier's eyes are more contemptuous, but his father is not easy to attack here, and his face has no expression: "Bier has seen two!"

"Miss Bier, I know today is your birthday. This is a gift that I have spent a long time to prepare for you! Please smile!"

Seeing Yang Shuo rushing over, Fan Zhong's face sank, and he turned around and took a jade box from the follower's hand, handed it over.

Regardless of the other party's means, he is full of confidence in his treasures. As long as Miss Bier opens the box, he will definitely look at him. (To be continued)

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