Endless Dantian

Vol 4 Chapter 1891: Cultivate Teleport

"like the most?"

"What do you mean? Is this gift from Fei Tongtong more precious than Yan Dan and Meditation Pearl?"

"It's impossible! The ninth team is poor and white. How can you come up with a baby that pleases Miss Bier?"

"Looking at Miss Bier's affirmative look, there should be nothing wrong, shall we look away ..."


Miss Bier's words were crisp and clear, as if Zhuyu rang in everyone's ear, everyone was stunned.

Favorite gift? real or fake?

"Miss Bier, what do you say? I don't believe Fei Tong can take out a treasure that is more precious than Yan Dan ..."

Yang Shuo's face was pale.

I have just suppressed and his most competitive fan Zhong, I already have a winning ticket in my heart, I never expected that Miss Bier would say such words.

"I also like your Zhu Yandan, but if you really want to evaluate how precious it is, my favorite gift is my favorite ..."

Seeing Yang Shuo questioning, Miss Bier said.

This time she said very clearly that the things that Tong Tong led the most precious, if you say more, it is questioning her vision.


Fan Zhong from the side heard Miss Bier for the first time, and thought she heard it wrong, and saw her for the second time to confirm it. Then she looked ugly, and almost no old blood sprayed out.

I thought he would trip the other side and make this guy ugly in front of everyone. He never dreamed of it. He made it the biggest clown.


Unlike the collapse of Yang Shuo and Fan Zhong, happiness came too quickly and the pupils were a little dizzy.

As the leader of the ninth team, it has been questioned and excluded by other teams. This is the first time I have encountered such a situation. I was already ready to be run, but I never expected to become the biggest winner, and slap the two old opponents' faces!

The previous moment was still the object of ridicule, and the next moment became the envy of the other party. The ups and downs of life are just as exciting as the roller coaster.

"You give a little girl a gift. Even the simplest thing represents your heart. It can't be used as a basis for comparison. Well, let's start the banquet!"

Seeing the embarrassment and weirdness of the people in the hall, General Zhiyu laughed and broke the peace.

The emperor pays attention to balance, and understands the truth that can't be exceeded. Disagreement between subordinates and conflicts is easier for him to manage than unity, but if the contradictions are too great to wait for life and death, it will be too late.

Accompanying his words, music played in the hall. Numerous fine wines and delicacies have been brought from outside the tent recently.

Everyone saw General Zhizheng making a speech, and no one said more.

Others successively gave gifts. It's just that there are no more glory with the gifts of the three of them.

Knowing that Fei Tong's gift Miss Bier likes most, Fei Tong also immediately became the center of everyone, one by one around, asking the long and short, is completely different from the previous contempt.

Here are all human spirits. Miss Belle was so sure, without hesitation. Regardless of Yang Shuo and Fan Zhong's face, this shows how precious this gift is! Just a few words of Miss Bier. In the future, the status of Fei Tong will definitely get higher and higher.

These people came to give gifts, not so much to please Miss Bier, but rather to attract the attention of General Zhi Zhi.

With Fei Tong's treasures in front, they must not be able to attract the general's attention anymore. It is better to have a good relationship with Fei Tong, and look forward to greater benefits in the future.

"You can't escape anywhere ..."

Seeing this, Nie Yun shook his head, stood up, and walked out.

The purpose of his coming here is to see, by the way, to help Fei Tong to send out the gift, now the purpose is achieved, and he does not want to continue to stay.


After taking a few steps, he was about to leave the hall, and suddenly a figure blocked the way.

"Miss Bier!"

Looking up, it was the most dazzling Miss Bier in the crowd before, I don't know when to come.

"If I guessed well ... you brought this fire dragon spirit!"

Nie Yun was wondering where the other party came from, and heard a voice ring in his ear.

"How did the lady know?"

I couldn't hide it when I knew it. Besides, Nie Yun didn't plan to hide it, and smiled.

"The spirit of the fire dragon is full of aura, with a breath of new born. If you guessed it well, it should have just formed. My father and I in the ninth team have said it carefully. May be you ... "

Miss Bier's eyes flickered and she stared straight at the boy in front of her.

It's just that the young man's eyes are like a deep ocean. No matter how he looks, he can't see any emotional waves.

"If Miss Bier only asks this, I can tell you that I brought it out ... if there is nothing else, can I go?" Nie Yundao said.


Miss Bier's face was cold.

When she grows so big, all the men she meets are based on her horses. She wants to chat with her when she has nothing to look for. The guy in front of her looks as if she saw a poisonous snake and she wants to run away immediately. Is she so uncharismatic?

"It must have been deliberately like this, trying to attract my attention ..."

Her lips swelled and her heart guessed, but no matter how she looked, the other person's eyes did not look at all fake, everything came from her heart, as if her charm was in the other person's eyes, and it was no different from other people.

Seeing this, Miss Bier was a little discouraged, and her good self-priority had disappeared instantly.

Until now, she had known that the other party was not in disguise at all, but really regarded her as an ordinary person.

"Well, you fire dragon spirit is too spiritual, I can't refine it at all ..."

Knowing this, Miss Bier had no more arrogance and said it in the future.

"Can't refine?" Nie Yun froze.

Although the spirit of the fire dragon he refined, although full of spirituality, for those who practice flames, refining should be very simple. There is no way to refining, but he did not expect it.

"Miss Bier, under the command of the second team, can you have a toast ..."

Just wanting to continue to ask, what happened, I heard footsteps sounded, a middle-aged man came over with a glass of wine.

Nie Yun knew that if she continued to stand with Miss Bier, it would surely attract too many people's attention. She folded her fists and turned away.

Anyway, in Zhiying Camp, she has a very high status. As long as she doesn't leave the camp, the other party wants to find him without wasting too much time. Instead of being noticed by everyone here, she might as well leave.

Miss Bier also understood his thoughts and stopped saying more, turning around and greeting others.

These people belong to his father. Even if she is not willing, she can't refute her face.

As for the subsequent dance, she really chose Fei Tong, which almost made him excited.

However, after only one dance, Miss Bier turned away and left because of her discomfort. No one knows where she went.


Leaving the hall, Nie Yun returned directly to the accommodation that Fei Tong arranged for him. Seeing that his brother was practicing, without wasting time, his body flickered and he entered the world of things again.

Previously, in the Chaos Ocean, he created a teleportation method using the world of nano things. He wants to try it in this world too!

On the way, through communication with Fei Tong, I know that the world has a teleportation, but that is the patent of the great emperor. Only by reaching the emperor level and creating a new avenue can we escape from the laws of the universe of God and go freely. Anywhere you want to go.

Nie Yun knows that his current strength is still far from the emperor level, but what he is better than others is that he has an endless dantian that can give any attribute, and also has a world of things that can hold everything and even upgrade!

In Chaos Ocean, you can use the power of the world of things to teleport. Here, it may still be possible!

Once successful, the increase in combat effectiveness may not be too obvious, but life-saving means will inevitably increase significantly.

"The convergence of the space of the world of things ..."

Suspended in the air of the world of objects, Nie Yun's spirit slowly extended outwards, controlling the power in the body and the special laws of the universe of God.

At first he created a teleportation in the chaotic ocean, which is to use the rules of the world of things to be compatible with the outside world. Now he re-applies the old skills to see if it is possible to succeed.

The powerful spiritual power, the power to control the space of the world of objects, and slowly moved closer to the universe of the world of God. Only when contacted, Nie Yun's face sank, and the whole person shook twice involuntarily.

The space law of the universe of the universe of God is obviously far beyond the world of objects, and the pressure is extremely great. This is like putting a balloon into 10,000 meters of deep water. Under the strong pressure, the former can't bear it!

Although he only released some space laws, not real space power, he was almost burst by the oppressed soul, and he did not slow down.

"That does not work……"

Withdrawing his power, Nie Yun lost his thoughts.

The law of space was released under such strong oppression. If he used this to teleport, he would definitely be directly pressed into a meat pie without thinking, and it would be difficult to survive.

This method ... doesn't work!

"The pressure of space in the universe of the universe of God is too great ~ www.readwn.com ~ The world of Nawu cannot be integrated with it. What if it is connected in a special way?"

After thinking about it for a long time, an idea came to mind.

The pressure of the universe in the universe of the universe is too great. His current world of receiving things is still far away, and it cannot be integrated at all. If it is not simply connected?

Just like the Chaos Ocean and the Universe of God, the two worlds are completely different. According to common sense, there should be no intersection, but this is not the case. Not only is it blended, there is also a walkable channel that allows people to reach the Chaos Ocean directly!

Although it only blends a little, it also shows the possibility of connection!

The world of things is similar to the ocean of chaos. If it can be merged with the universe of God, what will happen?

"try it……"

With the idea, he couldn't hold back anymore. Nie Yun took a deep breath, his eyes were dignified, he was preparing to adjust his state, and he was experimenting. He heard the sound of knocking on the door outside. (To be continued)

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