Endless Dantian

Vol 4 Chapter 1893: I am a good person

The strong man of the same level, Zongmen disciple is far better than Sanshou because of the special practice of martial arts skills. The boy in front of him appears in his father's legion, although he is stronger than ordinary Sanshou, but in her mind, he is still like her Zongmen disciples are still incomparable!

It is precisely because of this good self-feeling that it is easy to defeat this teenager at the same level. I never expected that the other party would have no strength at all, so she beat her three times and three times.

In addition to the first move, the opponent took the lead first, and the remaining two moves were her initiative to attack, exhausted her whole body strength, the opponent did not have a bit of hasty taste, walking in court, just by this, you know that the strength of the opponent is far beyond She can't beat her by any means!

Unexpectedly, the ninth team called the waste actually hides such a master!

This kind of combat power, even if you meet the top king, I am afraid that they can all retreat, or even win!

You must know that there is an insurmountable gap between each level of the universe. The challenge of leapfrogging is something that only a super genius can do. Even she is afraid to think about it.

"You do have enough strength, I can recommend to Dad and let you be a vice general!"

Squeezing the shock in her heart, Miss Bier said.

The strength of the boy in front of her exceeded her expectations and exceeded the general command, enough to be a vice general!

There are a total of four vice generals in Zhidi. The worst have the strength of the peak king, and the strong one has reached the level of the perfect king.

Although the current teenagers are not as good as those few, and where are their age advantages, their future achievements will certainly not be lower than these few! If he can really become a vice general, it can be considered to dig up a talent for her father.

After talking about the lieutenant general. Miss Bier thought that the boy in front of her would be grateful to Dade, and immediately agreed to see it, but he looked at it with a smile, with a strange expression, as if she dismissed the so-called vice general.

"What do you want? Isn't it ..." What came to mind. His face was sinking, Miss Bier raised her eyebrows, and her dark eyes were cold-hearted: "Well, you have to do what you can, and tell you clearly, even if I find an acquaintance, I will not be in my father's barracks. , I urge you to stop this idea! "


Nie Yun froze and saw the other person's gaze that wanted to kill, and then she realized that she wanted more.

It seems that this girl thought that she had taken the method of refining the fire dragon spirit and wanted to marry her to marry herself ...

Really dare to think!

"You think too much ... I'm not interested in you! I didn't tell you just now. Because I'm not sure of your constitution, I can't say it! Fighting with you is to see your cultivation and strength, so that you can make refinements. Solution! "

Shaking his head with a bitter smile, Nie Yun's spirit moved and an idea was passed on to the past, which was the way to refine the spirit of the fire dragon.

Like he said, the reason why he just fought this Miss Bier was to find out the physique and ability of the other side.

Each body constitution and strength are different. The method of refining is also different. If you want to quickly refining the spirit of the fire dragon, only by knowing the other party in detail can you develop the best method.

If the other party is standing still. It is also possible to make Nie Yun force walk through her body, but if this is done, the opponent is definitely not willing to do so. Find out the details.

Of course, do it. He was selfish, and the other side was unprepared. The strongest tricks will certainly be exhibited, and the flames cultivated in the Vulcan Sect will naturally be used, which also gives him a chance to observe dignifiedly.

"Make me a refinery plan?"

After hearing the words "You think too much, and I'm not interested in you", Miss Bier almost did not live up to her life, forcing the anger to the message in her head, she couldn't help but stand still.

This refining plan is extremely detailed, and even marked the path of her infuriating operation. If she does n’t know her cultivation talent, she ca n’t do it!

Is this ... the method just developed by the other party?

If so, really blame the other party ...

Thinking of this, Miss Bier blushed a little, was a little embarrassed, but also a bit annoyed, and she was not ugly. On the contrary, she was still a big beauty. The guy in front of her said nothing at all, and she said that she was not interested in you ... It's so mad!

This is the way a woman looks at her, she is angry, and ignores her, she also feels angry ...

"My opinion ... You are here to refine the Fire Dragon Spirit. If something goes wrong, I can help!"

Nie Yun didn't know what the girl was thinking, and hesitated.

The spirit of the fire dragon was refined by himself. The other party really needs to solve the problem during the refining process. It can be solved at will without spending too much energy. If others do this, even if they are stronger than him, I am afraid he has not done it is good.

This is not to please the girl, but to be afraid that she is mistaken. If something goes wrong, responsibility will fall on him and cause a lot of trouble.

"no need……"

I don't know what he thinks, Miss Bier thought of it, her face flushed: "Thank you for your kindness, if you still don't understand, come back to you naturally ..."

After talking about Jiao's body, she flew out and disappeared into the night.

"When you suffer ..."

Seeing that the other party ignored his suggestion, he turned and left. Nie Yun shook his head without blocking.

Although the spirit of the fire dragon has formulated the most suitable refining method, it is not so easy to refining. No one protects the law, even if it will not go into flames, it will be hard to suffer!

Since the other party is unwilling to accept his own suggestions, suffering is his own, so it doesn't matter.

"Hmm! I thought it was a gentleman, like everyone else, and his tail was revealed ..."

Miss Bier who left the courtyard was blown by the cool breeze, then the rosy face disappeared, and she took a sip.

The spirit of the fire dragon is a hot thing ~ www.readwn.com ~ If you want to refining without going into the fire, you must first open all the pores of your body. Even if you have clothes, you must not be able to withstand the heat and burn to ashes.

The other party has to protect himself, obviously knowing this, there must be some thoughts in his heart ...

"Wait for the Refining Fire Dragon Spirit to trouble you ..."

With a cold hum, Miss Bier hurriedly flew towards her apartment.

Nie Yun didn't know that his kindness was misunderstood by others as a frivolous prodigal. Even if he knew it, he could only helplessly grin.

The spirit of the fire dragon is his refining. If he tries to help the other refining ... he can do it without taking off his clothes!

Because of this, I did not expect this at all, which caused misunderstanding.

"Hey, the harvest is not small ..."

Nie Yun flicked his finger, and a green flame burst from his fingertips, and couldn't help laughing. (To be continued)

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