Endless Dantian

Vol 4 Chapter 1895: Back to the Dragon Valley

Compared to Nie Yun's shock, General Zhi's heart was even more shocked than him.

My daughter left to look for the boy that day, and he knew that what happened later was covered by his thoughts!

Yun Bier's talent, as a father knows very well, such a strength is actually in the hands of the young man in front of him, losing three consecutive moves, Bier was just shocked, but he was shocked.

Although this young man's action in battle looks simple, no matter the timing or eyesight, he is far beyond what this age and strength can have. Even if he suppresses the strength to the king of middle class and wants to easily defeat his daughter, it is very difficult!

Ye Ke ... this boy did it easily!


He originally thought that the other party might be a spy agent sent by other opposing forces, but later he observed it for a while and dispelled this idea.

If it is really the spy sent by other opponents, just joined the Zhiying camp, you should be careful, it is not the case now, so much movement.

Of course, to dispel the thought does not mean that you are no longer in doubt. It is agreed that Fei Tong took him to the valley where the dragon beast is located. In fact, it is also meant to investigate in person.

Xie Nieyun did not know the thought of General Zhizheng, but he could guess it. He did not reject or ignore this idea.

Anyway, he is not a spy, and he has no plans for Zhiyingying. He just wants to use this springboard to successfully integrate into the world of God. After a period of time, he must leave. The other party wants to observe, wants to doubt, as long as he does n’t do it. It's nothing.

"Although Zhiying Camp is not big, here is the site of Vulcan Sect. After all, everyone must be under surveillance, so everyone else stays here. Let's go alone, don't alarm too many people, so as not to get into trouble! set off!"

General Zhi Zhixuan Road.

The universe of the world of God has ten places in Kyushu and boundless seas. The sphere of influence of the Putian dynasty is not here. This Vulcan realm is actually the place controlled by the Vulcan sect. Because of this, every move of Zhiyuying is not affected by people. Surveillance, even General Zhi Zhi dare not act rashly.

In fact, if the daughter of General Zhi Zhi is a disciple of Vulcan Sect, I am afraid that his legion is not even qualified to enter here!

Because of this, everything must be careful.


Nie Yun and Fei Tong nodded at the same time.

"Dad, where are you going? I'll go too ..."

As soon as the three of them had finished speaking, they heard a crisp sound, and then Miss Bier came in.

Miss Bier at this time is more elegant than the previous two days, regardless of temperament or skin.

"My good daughter has been promoted? OK, OK!"

General Zhi Zhizhen laughed.

I heard this, and Nie Yun now saw that the strength of this young lady in Bier seemed to have made a breakthrough. Like him before, he was the king of top quality, but now he has reached the rank of top quality king, which is not much different from Nie Tong.

"It seems I still underestimate the effect of the Fire Dragon Spirit ..."

The spirit of the beacon dragon was successfully refined by him, and he thought that he had changed his talents at most, but he did not expect to make this young lady successfully promoted.

Of course, Nie Yun didn't know. The reason why this girl was able to advance was not simply the role of the spirit of the fire dragon, but more importantly, General Zhizheng shot!

Bian Nieyun's refining plan made Miss Bier suffer a lot. Fortunately, her father took the shot.

As an emperor strongman, she shot herself, and with the countless treasures in his hands, this made Miss Bier leap forward in a short time and successfully advance.

"Dad, let me go, so in case something unpleasant happens with Vulcan Sect, I can deal with it!"

Said Miss Bier.

"Hmm!" General Zhi Zhi nodded.

He quietly acted, although it seems that God is unaware of the ghost, but people who do not represent the Vulcan Sect do not know that his daughter can follow to avoid a lot of trouble.

"Let's go!"

I made a decision and there was nothing to delay. General Zhizheng explained a few words and took Nie Yun and others out of the army's account without leaving anyone alarmed, and left the barracks directly.

"Your speed is too slow. I do n’t know how long it will take to get there. Let me take you!"

He walked out of the barracks and determined his position from Fei Tong's mouth, General Zhizheng said.

The valley is indeed quite far away. At the beginning, Nie Yun and others walked for seven or eight days.

Ji Nieyun and others immediately felt enveloped by a force, and when they were light, they flew up, and General Zhi Ji shook slightly and flew straight ahead.

In the world of God, you can fly if you have the strength of the imperial realm. Although General Zhi Zhi is only inferior in the imperial realm, it is also a real imperial power. It is not difficult to take away a few people.

The speed of General Zhi Zhiying's flight, although not fast, was much faster than walking underground. The distance was seven or eight days before, and it was already less than a day at this time.

Even before noon the next day, I saw the valley that appeared before me.

"General, this valley!"

Fei Tong pointed forward.

General Zhi Zhiyu nodded, his palms were loose, and everyone fell to the ground.

"Rest in place, adjust to the best condition, let's go in again!"

After the fall, General Zhi Zhi did not rush to let everyone enter the valley, but explained.

I saw this arrangement ~ www.readwn.com ~ Nie Yun could not help nodding.

I flew for a day, and their spirits dropped. At this time, they rushed into the valley where they didn't know the situation. It was indeed biased. General Zhi Zhi made this decision, which shows that although he has imperial power, he is not reckless.

Xie Nieyun was carried with him for a long time, and the consumption was not great. He sat across his knees for a while and recovered completely. Then he opened his eyes and stood up to investigate the surroundings.

"Nie Yun!"

I looked around and was about to go back to the place where everyone was. I heard a shout and turned to look around. Miss Bier had finished her cultivation and came over.

"Thank you Fire Spirit!"

Bier glanced at the young man in front of him, said.

She just finished her cultivation. When she saw the teenager disappeared, she didn't know why her heart was tight. At this time, it was fine to see him, but she just looked around and was relieved.

Since she was a child, she was very cold and never cared about someone. This kind of thought came out at this time, which made her a little embarrassed. After thinking about it for a long time, she could only attribute it to the spirit of fire dragon.

"You're welcome!"

Nie Yun smiled slightly and didn't care.

The spirit of the beacon dragon is very precious to the other party. For him, it can be easily refined. It is nothing, nothing to show off.

"This place really is so weird to you? That little dragon dragon animal is really dead, and now it is resurrected?"

On the way, Fei Tong told her where she was going, but Miss Bier couldn't believe it, and there was such a thing.

"I don't know, a lot of things are just guessing, I know when I go in ..."

Xie Nie Yun dare not speak too much, and said. R1152

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