Endless Dantian

Vol 4 Chapter 1897: Break


After releasing more than thirty stone pillars, General Zhixuan exhaled, his face not only relaxed, but became more dignified.

Nie Yun looked from the side, and saw a thick layer of sweat on his forehead.

When his strength reaches this level, he has become intoxicant and invincible, not to mention the imperial powers, which can make General Zhi Zhi sweat so much, which shows the great loss of spirit just now.

It seems that these stone pillars are not placed randomly, and there must be many things involved.

Like Nie Yun guessed, General Zhiyu didn't continue to do anything, but rested dozens of breaths in place, and then opened his eyes again.

"go with!"

He whispered and bit his fingertips, and General Zhiyu flew forward with a drop of blood from his fingers.

This drop of essence blood flashed a dazzling light in the air, like a crystal. Nie Yun can feel the terrible power contained in this drop of essence blood without having to approach it.

The blood seems to have compressed countless time and space. It can be foreseen that if this drop of blood is thrown into the ocean of chaos, the three Supreme Realms will inevitably be unable to withstand and collapse!

A drop of blood is so terrible. It is truly a powerful emperor. The strength is incredible.

The blood flew forward and stopped abruptly in the middle of many stone pillars. It seemed to be towed by countless forces and could no longer move.

General Zhiyong's eyebrows were dignified, his hands crossed several French seals in a row, and he clicked forward.


With a roar, the blood suddenly released thousands of lights, a special force shining a light on the entire cave, the many stone columns arranged before, and at the same time, a loud noise, like being oppressed, went straight down to the ground, and instantly lost its trace. .

Zizi Zizi!

When the stone pillars entered the ground, the airstream immediately pulsated, like an earthquake, which caused the people to shake a few times, but immediately recovered.

"Huh? Nothing seems to have changed ..."

The crowd looked again in front of them, all a little confused. I saw that the cave in front of them was no different from the previous one. The stone pillars were submerged in the ground and parallel to the ground. The colors were not much different. If you did n’t look carefully, nothing could be seen and the blood would dissipate in the air. No more clues.

"Take a closer look!"

General Zhi Zhi did not directly answer the words of the crowd, but he was relieved as if he had accomplished a very important thing, and it took a long time to speak.

"watch carefully?"

Nie Yun also had some doubts, but he knew that the mighty and powerful would definitely not make such a joke. After doing so, there must be changes. No more questions immediately, and Tianyan opened to look forward again.

At first glance I couldn't help it.

"This is the five-element diffuse array you just said?"

Under the eyes of the sky, there was a huge array of empty caves before, like a five-pointed star standing in front of everyone, with thin lines winding intricately to the extreme. Once touched, it has already caused a frenzy and people are caught in it. ,Inextricable.

Tian Yan could not see the formation before, but now he can clearly see that it seems that the purpose of General Zhi Zhi's move just now is to make it manifest.

"I just used the method unique to the Emperor Realm to make this hidden matrix appear, but it is still more troublesome to crack!"

General Zhi Zhi's face was heavy, and he was not happy because he had made the formation of the formation.

"It's really difficult ..."

Nie Yun nodded in agreement.

This formation method uses the power of the five elements of gold, wood, water, fire, and soil, and they are interlocked and interlocked. The crowd will not trigger if everyone does not go to the center. Once it is in the middle, the formation method will inevitably trap everyone in it. It is difficult go away.

Nie Yun has also seen countless arrays in the Chaos Ocean. He has the talent of array masters and understands the mysteries of many arrays. However, he can only know that the arrays he has learned before are very superficial and completely. Not in a grade.

Even if he has the talent to form a mages, it is very difficult to break the formation.

"You are waiting here. I tried in the past. If you are trapped, don't stay here and leave the valley first! If I can't get out in one day, immediately notify the Lieutenant of Zhiying Camp and let them come as soon as possible. United break up! "

General Zhi Ji hesitated.

"Daddy be careful ..."

Listening to his father's so dignified, Bier realized the terrible and busy way.


Glancing at his daughter, Dr. Zhi Zhi walked forward struckly.

The array in front of this hole is a living door. As long as you don't go deep, you won't touch it. There is no problem, as if the two dio Yong had entered it.

However, it is not enough to advance to a certain distance. It will be touched in any direction. Once the matrix method is activated, it will make people fall into it, and it will be difficult to come out.

General Zhi Zhi, flipped his palm, and a spear appeared on the palm, surrounded by breath, with a sobbing sound.

It is actually a pinnacle of Wang Pin Shenbing!

Through talking with Fei Tong, Nie Yun also knew the classification of this world weapon.

What he said before is the King Soldier of the World, which is the King Soldier of this world. It is divided into four levels of lower, middle, upper and peak.

Not to mention the imperial product, the imperial product of the imperial product is extremely rare and very precious. Even if the general Zhi Zhi is not low, there is only one peak imperial product, which is still a long way from the imperial product.

Compared with this peak Wangpin artifact, Nie Yun immediately understood that the previous true blood crown, but the lower-ranking kingpin soldiers, and the spear obtained from the king of sarcoma, are only medium kingpin soldiers!

As for the pinnacle kingpin soldiers, even if you give the last one, it is difficult to refine.


Take out the peak Wang Pin Shenbing ~ www.readwn.com ~ General Zhixuan's temperament changed immediately, like a tiger just down the mountain, emitting a horrifying power.

The tiger came down to look for food. It was full of momentum and terrifying. The tiger on the mountain was full, and the momentum would be greatly reduced. General Zhi Zhi held a spear and his whole body of war burned to the peak. Although Yun et al. Were far away, they still felt the pressure of the tide, and couldn't help but take a step back, full of shock.

This kind of power, let alone the action, can crush people with their strength alone.


The momentum accumulated to the apex, General Zhizheng's eyebrows looked like a blade, and the spear in his hand trembled suddenly, screaming forward.

As soon as the gun's energy appeared, it was like a substance, emitting a dazzling light, and slammed into the center of the pentagram method.


Under the impact, the formation shook, a white light flickered, and everyone's eyes immediately lost their color. To be seen again, General Zhi Zhi not far away had lost his trace.

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