Endless Dantian

Vol 4 Chapter 1901: listen to me

Bier asks this question for two reasons.

First, the teenager was so calm all the way in front of him that every step seemed to be accurately calculated.

Secondly, although General Zhi Zhi fought against the Dragon Dragon Beast, although there was movement, the range was not far, and with the obstruction of the fog, it would be impossible to stop so accurately without knowing in advance, without being attacked by the one person and two beasts in front of him. Find.

"I guessed it after General Zhizheng entered the formation!" Nie Yun did not deny it.

Traveling all the way from the chaotic ocean, after experiencing countless battles, a long and meticulous good habit has long been formed.

General Zhi Zhi entered the formation. At the beginning, there was a lot of power to break the formation. The ground was roaring, and then the sound disappeared, and even no power was transmitted. If you don't observe it carefully, you don't feel anything, you can discover a lot of things through careful inference.

General Zhi Zhi used to break the battlefield in the past. When he enters it, he will definitely use whatever means he can to blast it with the strongest strength. With the power of the imperial realm, it is impossible to attack only one or two times, unless ... In danger!

With the dragon beast here, you can guess that it will make all the strongest in the realm feel dangerous, and it must be the adult dragon beast.

Because of this, I was careful all the way.

As for entering the matrix method, it was done after calculation and consideration.

If you don't come in, you will be attacked by the dragon king beast of the two peaks. There will be more troubles. You might as well enter them and meet with Zhi Zhi first, then think of other ways to break the battle.

"Then what should we do next?"

Seeing the young man guessing the danger, she came over step by step. Miss Bier, for some reason, gave birth to a lot of confidence. Can't help asking.

"Find a way to prevent the two dragon dragons from attacking General Zhi Zhi, and then try to break the formation!" Nie Yundao.

"Broken up? Do you know how to crack it?"

Bi Er's eyes brightened.

From the tone of the other party, she could clearly feel that there must be a way, otherwise she would never say so.

"Some ideas, but ... you still need to cooperate!"

Nie Yundao.

Although the five elements Miguang array is terrible. But entering it in person, and observing for a long time outside, already had an idea in mind, as to whether it can be successful, it is not necessarily.

"Want me to help? How?"

Miss Bier's eyes couldn't help shining.

"You take fifty steps along this side, and then release the flame power in your body. It is best to summon the refined fire dragon spirit!"

Nie Yun looked dignified and opened up the generation: "However, only three breaths can be maintained. After three breaths, whatever happens in front of you, you will immediately step back. Back here!"

"Summon the spirit of the fire dragon and insist on three breaths? OK!"

Although she did not understand why the teenager arranged this way, Miss Bier nodded in agreement.

"Fei Tong, there is one thing for you to do!"

After explaining Bier, Nie Yun looked at Fei Tong.

He hadn't spoken for half a day, not because he didn't want to say it, but the two in front of him, a prince. The daughter of a general, who dared not offend, had to pretend to be dumb.

"You also take fifty steps in this direction. With devouring power, devour the aura in the array as much as possible. No matter how much, with your best effort, like her, the time for three breaths is good. When the time is over, turn back. Don't stay! "

Nie Yun explained Fei Tong.

"it is good!"

Hitomi nodded.

As a soldier, he always obeyed orders. Although he didn't understand the meaning of this arrangement, he directly promised it without hesitation.

"Come on ..." Nie Yun waved.

Bier and Fei Tong heard the command and walked in their respective directions at the same time, disappearing in sight in a blink of an eye.

When they left, Nie Yun didn't move, but stood in place, closed his eyes and felt for a while, then took two steps back.

The battle ahead had stopped, the dragon dragon beast once again hid in the mist, and waiting for an opportunity to attack, while General Zhi Zhi seemed to be fully focused on the two king beasts, but they were not far away.

Unlike Nie Yun, Miss Bier counted the steps under her feet, just to fifty, and stopped.


Exhaling breath, the eyebrows were raised, the power inside the body was spinning madly, and a hot air wave blasted out along the meridians and acupuncture points.

The violent forces gathered together to form a fire dragon. Although the flaming fire did not drive away the fog, it shone all around, like the sun that kept burning.

Zizi Zizi Zizi!

As soon as the flames appeared, the mist in front of the eyes immediately gave out a strange smell, like burning steel with rust.

"one two Three!"

Counting three breaths, Miss Bier closed her flames and hurried back.

At the same time, the pupil on one side also finished as instructed, and came to this side.

What they didn't know was that just after leaving the place, Nie Yun in the fog seemed to know their movements. As soon as his feet stepped on the ground, a wave of energy rippled immediately around him.


There was a loud roar, the fog was chaotic, and the ground began to shake violently, as if boiling water was boiling and the air flow was turbulent.

"Roar!" "Roar!"

The Five Elements Miguang array suddenly changed, and was about to sneak up on the two king beasts of General Zhi Zhi felt unusual, and at the same time hissed, a sound of foot vibrations, and gradually went away.

As soon as the two beasts left without a breath, Nie Yun saw Miss Bier and Fei Tong coming.

"What happened? How is the formation messy?"

Miss Bier didn't expect to just go to a corner to release her power for a while, and this happened. She couldn't help looking at the boy and wanted to get the answer from his mouth.

"Meet Zhi Zhi first!"

Nie Yun did not explain, but rushed into the blank area.

The vigilant General Zhi Zhi felt the changes in the formation and had not yet figured out what happened. Hearing the footsteps behind him, he turned his head, and when he saw the looks of several people, he couldn't help but hesitated: ? "

When he came in ~ www.readwn.com ~ strongly demanded that the three wait outside, why ... come here so soon? And ... nothing can be seen around, how did they find it?

"Don't say that, General Zhixuan, I hope you can do one thing as I ordered!"

Nie Yun said.

"Listen to you?" General Zhi Zhi frowned.

Although Zhiying Camp is not big, after all, it is one of the nine major forces, and it is still unwilling for him to listen to a boy of unknown origin.

"Dad, just listen to him. He brought us, and he led away the dragon beast ..." Seeing his father's expression, Miss Bier was busy.


General Zhi Zhi froze, hesitated for a moment, his frowning brow slowly stretched out, and nodded: "Okay! What do you want me to do?"

(After two chapters, I ’m going to eat, I ’m starving!) (To be continued)

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