Endless Dantian

Vol 4 Chapter 1903: Altar and coffin

"Originally, the five elements were balanced. The earth element was transformed into gold and immediately lost its balance. According to common sense, in this case, the five-element matte array still has the ability to self-repair. It won't take long for it to be balanced, but ... just hitting the shot at this moment! "

"Fei Tong swallowed up the water attribute power on the other side, resulting in a deficit of water attributes. Jin Shengshui, the metallicity must compete with the fire attributes, and must be transformed into water. The entire formation immediately becomes a bit chaotic! If this time The wood and earth attributes can be linked together and can also solve the crisis. At this time, I was standing not far from the core of the formation, blocking the exchange of power. The time was short, but the formation was changed. You have to be unbalanced! "

"The five-element Miguang array has five elements and one chaos, and the formation method is naturally chaotic. The fog and chaos just caused this phenomenon in fact!"

"Of course, only chaos is useless. As long as you find the location of the attribute and readjust it, it won't take long for it to stabilize again. At this time, I let General Zhixuan use his best to attack the ground!"

"This point on the ground, as the center of the formation, the elements of the five elements are communicating, being attacked fiercely, and they can no longer hold on, just like blowing balloons, they can't bear the chaotic elements of five elements, and they are completely broken!"

Nie Yun explained what happened just now.


"Great ..."

After hearing this, Bier and Fei Tong opened their mouths and felt a little crazy.

The method of breaking the array sounds so complicated, it is definitely more difficult to really show it, and one step is wrong!

Such a tedious method. He was exhibited, and even their abilities were used, which broke the battle in one fell swoop ... Is this guy a human or a monster?

"Don't say that, the four-headed dragon dragon went in that direction, let's hurry up!"

See everyone seeing monsters. Nie Yun was a little embarrassed and switched the subject.

At the beginning of the formation, cracks appeared, and the four dragon-headed beasts knew that they were unable to recover, and left the formation to escape into the cave. When they first came out, they saw the other side's back. But it's long gone.

"It's really not easy to arrange such a powerful formation, let's go!"

General Zhizhen nodded, and said.

He can't crack this formation, which is terrible. And there are also four-headed beast dragons. If you say no problem, you don't believe it.

The formation was broken, and there was no obstacle. The crowd didn't stay. They followed behind Zhi Zhi and walked deeper into the cave.

The cave is not spacious, but extremely deep. There is no end to this strength of General Zhi Zhi.

Moving slowly along the passage, Nie Yun watched vigilantly.

Except the five elements Miguang array just now. There were no other formations in the passage, and everyone went smoothly along the way, and soon came to a place.

It's a few hundred meters away from the place where the formation was just now. It is a wider cave, where the cold wind blows and it's cold.

The four-headed beast dragon is among them. I didn't see them, standing still around the cave.

"What is that?" Bier sank.

The position directly in front of everyone. A altar stands in the middle of the cave, a square box. Quietly placed on it.

"It's a coffin!"

Nie Yun's eyes narrowed.

The thing on the altar, which he can see clearly through the eyes of the sky, is a coffin!

The narrow cave, guarded by four dragons, with altars and coffins, looked a little weird.

"I see ..." General Zhi Zhi seemed to have thought of it, and said his speculations: "If I guessed well, this should be a place where a powerful emperor can sacrifice himself!"

"Stand out?"

"Although the emperor is not weak, the life is not endless. As long as he does not reach the emperor and escape from the avenue, there will be a day of fall. The strong who fell here should have long guessed that he would die and prepare in advance. After the coffin, as for the dragon beast, it should be his demon pet. Even if people die, they still stay here ... "

General Zhi Zhi Road.

"So it is ..."

Fei Tong and others nodded at the same time.

Indeed, this explanation is very correct, and this phenomenon is currently the most reasonable.

Why are the dragons and beasts here in the mountains and mountains? Why are there the formations left by the imperial powers outside? Everything can be explained for this reason.

Nie Yun also thinks that Zhi Zhi's explanation is very good, but ... I always feel something is wrong!

"Check it out ..."

Hesitated, Nie Yundao.

Is this coffin the same as the one who fell from the realm of the emperor in the mouth of General Zhi Zhi? Look at it and you will know that staying here to guess is useless.

"Well, you're following me, to prevent the sneak attack of the dragon beast!"

Without containment, General Zhizheng has the power of the imperial realm. Although there are many dragon beasts, it does not pose any threat to him. The only worry is Nie Yun and others.


Nie Yun and others also knew that their current strength was a lot worse. They followed closely behind and slowly walked to the altar not far away.

Around the altar are steps made of dozens of black rocks. The four of them moved forward with vigilance, and soon they reached the steps.

"Why didn't they move?"

Not only was Miss Bier and others strange this time, even Nie Yun couldn't figure it out.

According to common sense, if General Zhizheng's speculation is not wrong, the coffin is really the master of the adult dragon dragon beast. If he and others have to pass by, the dragon dragon beast will surely come to stop, but now it is motionless and it is worth playing.

"It is estimated that there is danger on this step. They knew that we would be difficult to resist when we went up, so they were motionless ..."

General Zhi Zhi Road.

"Good!" The crowd nodded.

This is indeed possible!

These dragon dragon beasts have the strength above the peak of the kingdom ~ www.readwn.com ~ The wisdom is naturally high. They know that it is not the strength of General Zhi Zhi, so if they do n’t rush over to die, they must know that everyone ca n’t get close to the coffin. There is no fear.


Thinking of this, Nie Yun and others stopped and did not move forward.

Now that you have guessed the danger ahead, at least you have to figure out what the danger really is. How powerful you are to plan again, otherwise you can rush into it and easily fall into passiveness.

When he stopped, Nie Yun did not look at the altar and the coffin, but quietly looked at the dragon beasts in the four corners. The four king beasts saw them stop abruptly, and the dark eyes really flashed disappointment, although this path The disappointment was soon covered up, and he could see clearly under the illumination of his eyes!

"Disappointed? Is the guess just now true?"

Seeing this light of disappointment, Nie Yun sank in his heart, with a bad feeling, his eyebrows frowned. (To be continued)

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