Endless Dantian

Vol 4 Chapter 1910: Closed-eyed stone turtle

"That being the case, kill you again!"

Seeing Feng Zhen act again, without mercy, Nie Yun knew that he would not resolve the other party as soon as possible. It was almost impossible to know the secret of the channel and the voice, and he did not hesitate immediately. Alas,

Just now, in order to turn around and continuously perform tricks, he spent countless hard work. He already knew that the man in front of him was exquisite in swordsmanship. He was stronger than him, and Nie Yun had no care whatsoever. He had a hundred percent spirit and strength.

With martial arts talents, no matter the gun or sword, he can easily control in his hands, such as tending his arms, swordsmanship and gunmane like shuttles in a time channel, the two have fought dozens of moves in a row, regardless of victory or defeat, the other injured Without Nie Yun, Nie Yun cannot defeat it.

"The master of that voice, I don't know what strength, too much power is consumed here, and then there is no chance to escape if he meets the strong ..." Nie Yun thought and analyzed the pros and cons: "It is necessary to slay this puppet as soon as possible. Clear each other's purpose! "

Both people's understanding of the battle has reached an astonishing point. As long as they change their moves, they will be grasped by the other party, and they will find the correct way to deal with it.

With the toughness of the willpower of the two, it is impossible to distinguish between victory and defeat in a few days and nights. Nie Yun knows nothing about the situation behind him and the strength of the voice master. The longer he persists, the better he is. The more unfavourable, this level of combat cannot be conducted.

You must find a way to end the battle as soon as possible!

"Sorry, that's all I can do ..."

Taking a deep breath, Nie Yun's spear turned, and the whole man stepped back three consecutive steps.

Continuous retreat in battle is a fatal flaw. Especially against opponents with similar strengths, once this happens. The victory or defeat can be known almost in yards.

The opposite Feng Zhen was able to perform the same swordsmanship as him, and the grasp of timing naturally reached an astonishing degree. Seeing him back, his eyebrows flickered, his sword trembled, and his tail stabbed.


With his feet on the ground, Nie Yun hurried back.

He retreated quickly, the opponent's sword was faster, and in a blink of an eye, Kung Fu cut through time and space and went straight to his throat.


The sound of a weapon in the flesh, when Feng Zhen thought that this person was sure to die. After a heartache, a long sword stabbed over and penetrated the whole person, and his long sword was less than a finger away from Nie Yun's throat.


Feng Zhen's body fell to the ground, and Nie Yun's figure appeared behind him.

Sanqing in one gas!

Nie Yun has performed one of the three strategies of gasification and three clearings. One of them became the King of Feng and stayed in the Chaos Ocean, and the other has been in the world of things. Hidden on the road that the other party must pass, and then deliberately sell the flaws, let them be greedy, and beheaded in one fell swoop!


Feng Zhen's body fell to the ground. It turned into a trail of smoke and dust, and Nie Yungang felt her body shake for a while when she re-entered her avatar into the world of objects. Also disappeared from the channel.

Open your eyes again and see that you have entered a large hall.

The lobby is vast. With a magnificent momentum, look around for a week. Nothing strange, except a giant stone turtle standing in front of it.

This stone tortoise is several times taller than Nie Yun. It is natural to say that it is wide, and if it is just an ordinary sculpture, it can't attract his attention.

The purpose of carving the stone tortoise is almost always to ward off evil spirits in the town house. The eyes of the turtle should be open and the stone tortoise closed.

"Congratulations on coming here!"

As Nie Yun looked around, a voice suddenly sounded.

Looking around in a hurry, Nie Yun was disappointed that, as before, he could not find the source and direction, and the sound seemed to sound from the bottom of his heart, from the depths of his soul.

"in front of you!"

Seems to see his confusion, his voice said.

Nie Yun looked up, only to find the closed-eyed stone tortoise in front of him. I do not know when the eyes have been opened. The carved eyes are as clear as water, as if they contain a universe.

"Are you ... alive or dead?"

Nie Yun was startled.

He just observed the stone turtle carefully just now. It is absolutely carved without any breath of life. How can he blink his eyes ... he can open his eyes and speak?

Such strange things, even his cultivation and mentality, still feel incredible.

"I can talk to you, do you think I'm dead or alive ..."

The stone turtle snorted.

"Uh ..." Nie Yun was awkward.

The other party is able to speak, and it is naturally alive. The question just now has its own problems, and it is no wonder that the other party can hold the handle.

"Senior, what is this place and how did I get here ..."

After only a moment of embarrassment, Nie Yun resolved, looking at the stone turtle in front of him, his heart filled with doubts.

It seems that the reason why the stone turtle was able to enter here must have been done, but ... why did this guy let himself in? What are you going to do?

"This is Yan Huang Dian, boy, if you can come here, you can only say that the chance is not small, of course, if you can grasp this chance, it is not necessarily!"

Stone turtle road.

"Yanhuangdian? Chance? What chance?"

Nie Yun was a little confused, then immediately thought what he thought: "Is it a legacy left by a powerful emperor?"

"The Emperor Realm?" Stone Turtle froze, with a chuckle in his eyes, and a slightly old voice sounded again: "You can understand that!"

"The legacy of the Emperor Realm, haha, yes!"

Without seeing the smile in the other's eyes, Nie Yun laughed.

He has seen General Zhizheng's shot, and he knows the terrible strength of the imperial realm. The things left by such a powerful man must be treasures. If he can get the inheritance of such a strong man, the capital of standing in the world of God will definitely increase. A lot.

It's no wonder that he lost his temper and entered the world of the gods to know the terribleness of this world. Through chatting with Fei Tong, he knows that there is no background in this world.

If we can get the inheritance of a powerful emperor ~ www.readwn.com ~ No matter if we look for Yantai Lingyue in the future or travel to the universe of God, there will be a lot of life-saving capital.

"Don't be too happy. It is only the first step to get a chance and defeat an opponent with the same strength as yourself. If you fail to pass the remaining two tests, you will erase all memories here!"

Interrupting his excitement, the stone turtle said lightly.

"Erase memory?"

Nie Yun was startled.

Memory erasure, he can also do it in the Chaos Ocean, but here, under the influence of the rules of the universe of the world of God, can not be completed at all, the stone turtle in front of you can say this, I am afraid that the strength has exceeded the limit of this rule.

"It seems that the strength of this inheritance master is far more than General Zhiyu ..."

Nie Yun speculated.

(The senior brothers and sisters have already started the exam. Laoya is here to wish you all a good grade for the exam. The book can be read later. You must work hard these days to give yourself a satisfactory answer sheet!)

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