Endless Dantian

Vol 4 Chapter 1918: Leaving Yanhuang Hall

"Six levels?" Nie Yun twitched.

The first level is so difficult, the later levels can be imagined.

"Did you pass all six levels for so many years?"


The stone turtle shook his head, revealing a hint of loneliness.

"Did ... all be wiped out by the formation method?" Nie Yun's face was ugly.

What? For millions of years, countless geniuses have died, and he does not believe he can pass.

"No, basically those who failed to pass the formation method have been obliterated. Two of them passed the first four levels and were beheaded when they were traveling!" Shigui said.

"Pass the first four levels? Was someone beheaded while traveling?" Nie Yun was silent.

Huanyu Divine Realm, like the Three Realms and the Six Realms, also has killing, weak meat and strong food, inadequate strength, and beheaded. It is normal, but I did not expect that two strong men who passed the fourth level were killed.

If you want to pass the second level, you need the strength to complete the king's realm. If you pass the fourth level, the strength is still high. Coupled with Dayan Sword, countless magic weapons, it seems that the person who shot, the strength is already standing at the top of the **** world .

"So, no matter how strong or talented you are, before you have no absolute strength, it is fake! I hope you remember this after leaving, don't take it easy ..." Shi Gui said here, stopped and looked With a complex emotion in the middle: "Don't let me wait any longer!"


"Well, since the birth of Yan Huang Dian, my mission is to wait for the right owner. Only by passing Liuguan completely can we refine the palace. This time ... it's been too long!"

Stone turtle road.

"Relax, I won't let you wait too long!"

Hearing the other party's tone, feeling the vicissitudes and helplessness in his heart, Nie Yun looked dignified. Nodded.

Waiting for hundreds of millions of years is only for one mission, even if this stone turtle is an instrumental spirit, not a real life, it is certainly difficult to suffer.

Since entering here, in order to get inheritance. In order not to be obliterated, no matter what, we must work hard and strive to pass all the relevant cards.

"No one can disclose the matter of Yanhuang Dian, otherwise, it will be wiped out!"

Stone Turtle explained again, his eyes showed loneliness: "Well, go out, your friends are still waiting in the cave!"

"See you next time!"

Nie Yun nodded, and suddenly felt his body shake. A light enveloped itself, and then the teleportation generally disappeared from its place.

Open your eyes again and you have returned to the previous altar. If it is not Dayan Tianji Sword still in your mind, you will feel like a dream and you can't tell the truth.

When the spirit moved, I glanced in the body, and sure enough, I saw a mark left in the body. It seems that as long as the communication is communicated, no matter how far away, you can come back here again.

"His Royal Highness ..."

Watching physical changes. A voice sounded, turned around and saw Fei Tong waiting for someone to come over anxiously.

At this time, General Zhi Zhi no longer had the proud look, but he didn't seem to believe that he was His Royal Highness, and his eyes were suspicious.

As for Miss Bier. His eyes were slightly complicated and his eyes turned. I don't know what to think.

"Your Highness, are you okay ..."

See him appear. Fei Tong breathed a sigh of relief. His Royal Highness, who had just found him, had nothing to change, and he could hardly blame him.

"I'm fine ..."

Seeing his look of worry, Nie Yun was moved and smiled.

Although the test was extremely dangerous, he successfully passed, but it was okay and he gained great benefits. Although the strength was no different from the previous one, the Dayan Tianji Sword was exhibited, and the combat effectiveness increased by more than ten times!

"Are you ... His Royal Highness?"

General Zhi Zhi hesitated, and couldn't help asking.

"Yes ... Fei Tong said so, I don't know what the so-called His Royal Highness is ..."

Seeing their appearance, and Fei Tong shouting "His Royal Highness" in front of the other side, Nie Yun had guessed that Fei Tong had told his "identity". At this time, he admitted that he was not, he did not admit it, nor was he. Scalp.

However, he also counted as a backhander, which was said by Fei Tong, but he did not admit it, and if he was found to be false, he could justify it.

"That being the case, can you turn the energy in your body into action and let me see ..."

General Zhisong didn't find the catty in his words, and then asked.

"it is good!"

Why did Fei Tong recognize him as "His Royal Highness", Nie Yun also guessed that the ten * was because he used Dantian to copy the power of devour!

Only by creating a avenue beyond Tiandao can he be promoted to emperor. The avenue created by Emperor Putian is devouring. This special avenue can only be possessed by the descendants of bloodline except for his empowerment. He uses Dantian to replicate this ability and gains the engorgement Far beyond the other party, he will naturally be regarded as the missing "prince"!

It's just that this kind of engrossment can't conceal General Zhiyi. After all, the other party is a powerful emperor, who has the so-called realm and power, and can observe more carefully, many times stronger than Fei Tong.

However, even if you can't hide it, there is nothing you can do. The other person's name depends on the name.

Thinking in his heart, Nie Yun flicked his fingers, and a force of devour emerged from his fingertips.

This is his pure power of engulfing. When he comes to the air, the air sends out a twist, as if the magnet fell into the iron powder. The powerful engulfing force makes the surrounding air unnatural.

Zizi Zizi!

Seeing this vitality, the astonishment in General Zhixuan's eyes flashed away, and then he felt the strength in his body, kept moving and involuntarily surrendered.

Although this vitality is very small, but with the pulse of the real royal family, he has to believe it!

This is like the blood of a dragon, even if it is weak, it has the momentum and coercion that surpasses ordinary gods and beasts, which ordinary ordinary beasts can compare.

"Have seen His Royal Highness!"

General Zhi Zhi no longer doubted, and fell to the ground on one knee.

Can have such a pure blood ~ www.readwn.com ~ I am afraid that only the relatives of the Emperor Putian, even if this person is not the prince, the status must be much higher than him.


Nie Yun originally thought that the other party could see through, but did not expect that the general Zhi Zhi, who was in the imperial realm, could not see it, and couldn't help it.

Is it true that the engulfing energy he copied is so powerful?

If this is the case, I have also copied the spirit of Vulcan in Miss Bier's body. If that flame is released ... will others mistakenly think that he is the son of Vulcan?

If this is the case ... can he copy the avenue created by any emperor with the endless Dantian?

Thinking of this, Nie Yun's eyes brightened, and his heart was full of expectations.

If that's the case, it's true that you have come to this world of gods!

The future life will definitely be very exciting! (To be continued)

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