Endless Dantian

Vol 4 Chapter 1920: Miss Belle's request


"Ha ha!"

Nie Yun didn't care about this person's scolding, but smiled slightly and turned around. http: //% 77% 77% 77% 2e% 76% 6f% 64% 74% 77% 2e% 63% 6f% 6d ...,

He was kind, and the other party didn't believe it.

Although I ’m not familiar with the universe of the world, in Chaos Ocean, I am definitely the top pharmacological master. After the matter of Wuliang Palace, I know more about the cultivation of drugs. Careful analysis has seen something, of course, the other side is not too lazy to say it.

Anyway, it ’s okay to think that Linghua is good or bad, and he also wants to be good. Once he leaves Luoyang Mountain, he will be separated from General Zhizhi and others, and he will run alone!

"This ... what did you find?"

Seeing Nie Yun's attitude, he knew that he was by no means targeted, General Zhizhen asked.

"It's nothing, it just feels like this Spirit Grass is dead!"

Nie Yundao.

"Dead? Nonsense! Don't we die if we don't die? This elixir is full of vitality and vitality. If you want to say dead, what a joke?"

Wang Yao cried.


Not only did Wang Yao doubt it, General Zhiyu frowned.

I glanced at the Linghua flower on the rock wall again, and shook my head with a smile: "Are you wrong?"

"may be!"

Nie Yun knew that the explanation was useless, and soon he could confirm that he laughed immediately, followed the crowd, and walked to the cave on the side.

He didn't say anything, and General Zhizheng no longer asked, no matter how he looked at it, the medicinal plant didn't look like dead, and thought that "His Royal Highness" was wrong.

"General, this cave was opened by the soldiers overnight, and I put everything in it. Which one do you look at, I will arrange ..."

Without Nie Yun blocking. The crowd quickly entered the cave, and Wang Yao flattered himself.

Although it is a cave temporarily opened on the rock wall. The Wang Yao was very attentive and cut the big rock caves into small rooms with prepared beds and beddings as temporary living places.

"Nie Yun, where do you live?"

Seeing that there were so many rooms separated from the cave, General Zhi Zhi nodded with satisfaction and turned to look at "His Royal Highness" and asked.

Although he was a general, he actually managed only a few hundred people, less than a thousand. Status and the prince in front of him, a thousand and eighteen miles away, choose a room, but dare not choose first.

"Me? Just lean on the door!"

I didn't expect the other party to ask like this. Nie Yun knew that the more he said, the more trouble he had.

This room is near the entrance to the cave, and it is easy to enter at night due to the cold wind, which is not a good location.

"okay then……"

I think this position is not good. At first I wanted to persuade him. Seeing the young man insisting, General Zhi Zheng had to shut up.


Wang Yao, who was on the side, saw this scene and rubbed his eyes hard. I'm afraid I've read it wrong, and my face is a little green.

Often out, I have learned to watch and watch. The general has always been cold and arrogant, and at this time has been actively speaking to the boy. Even with a touch of flattery in the tone!

The general's identity represents the Putian Dynasty. Everywhere I go, there are people crowded, no one refutes, but now I am flattering to a young man who looks modest, how can this be ...

Does this person have a simple identity?

If this is the case, why is it so simple to dress and follow everyone behind?

Wang Yao was a little confused. After thinking about it, he bit his teeth and asked directly: "General, I don't know if this is ..."


Upon hearing the inquiry, General Zhiyi glanced at Nie Yun, and seemed to be asking for his opinion, if he wanted to tell his true identity.

Seeing this look, Wang Yao's heart confirmed his thoughts, even the general had to ask, and he didn't dare to easily reveal his identity. I am afraid this boy is not easy!

Knowing this, he almost didn't cry. When he questioned the other party just now, his voice was the loudest and the most imposing. What if the boy remembered this?

Thinking of this, the joy brought by the found conscious spirit flower was swept away, all that remained was panic.

"I'm just an ordinary casual repairer. I have nothing to introduce. The general can introduce me to this leader!"

I didn't know the general's eyes, which made Wang Yao almost scared to get down. Nie Yun temporarily didn't want to tell others the identity of "Prince" and said casually.

"Oh, this is the leader of the second unit of my Zhiying camp, Wang Yao! Wang Yao, this is a friend of mine, Nie Yun, don't neglect!"

General Zhizheng was a smart man. Knowing that Nie Yun didn't want to say, he didn't show that he was afraid of Wang Yao's neglect, so he deliberately mentioned it.

Said to be his friend, no matter how stupid Wang Yao was, he should be able to understand it.

"Yes ... I have met Lord Nie Yun in Xia Wangyao!"

After hearing this, Wang Yao reconfirmed the guess in his heart, bowed his body, and dared not have other thoughts.

"I would like to rest!"

The two sides felt a little restrained when they did so. Nie Yun said goodbye and entered the room arranged for him. He sat on the bed with his knees crossed and entered a state of cultivation.

Cultivation requires perseverance.

After coming to Huanyu Divine World for so many days, he has adapted to the whole Divine World. At this time, he has done more with less effort and his progress is also obvious.

However, he just broke through the middle of the king, and it is certainly not easy to break through again. His mentality is very good. He is not in a hurry.

I don't know how long it took to practice. Nie Yun felt that the sea of ​​air was gradually full, and the spirit and spirit had reached a new level.

Although there is still a long way to go, at least we are still making progress!


I was thinking about continuing to practice, and suddenly my eyebrows moved, and someone came outside the room.

Hearing footsteps, he had figured out who it was, his nervous body relaxed, opened his eyes and looked at the door.

The figure came over, and when he saw it, he was not surprised, but his face was reddish.

It is Miss Bier.

At this time it was dark outside and a young girl rushed into the teenager's room, somewhat uncomfortable.

"Miss Bier is here so late, something should happen, let's just say it!"

In fact, Nie Yun saw her somewhat unnaturally during the day. Since General Zhizheng acknowledged his "Prince" status, this girl has been meditating alone, wondering what to think.

Nie Yun didn't think that he came to find him in the middle of the night because he liked him and didn't think he had such great charm.

"Are you ... His Royal Highness?"

Seeing what the teenager said directly, Miss Bier still hesitated.

"I don't know, did General Zhixuan already have a judgment? Didn't Miss Bier believe her father?"

Nie Yun still didn't admit it, and said something ambiguous.

"Your prince of the imperial dynasty must have a pure blood engulfing blood. I ... have something to ask for!"

Miss Belle bit her lip.

She naturally believed in her father that she had already judged, so she was not asking about it anymore, and intended to say something.

"If it's particularly difficult, then ..."

Nie Yun shook his head.

This Bier's father is a strong emperor. She does not ask her father, but she asks herself. If things are too dangerous, she will never agree.

"Hope that Your Highness will consider it carefully after listening ..."

Before seeing herself, the other party was going to refuse, Miss Bier quickly interrupted his words: "Yes, our Vulcan Sect is a big gate, which is divided into countless branches. My master and I are at the gate. The status is not high, so I ca n’t get the best cultivation method ... "

Miss Bier knows that once the young boy refuses to solve her problem, it is almost impossible to do it. She didn't hesitate to tell the status quo directly.

Although Vulcan Sect occupies only one of the ten lands, which is far from those so-called dynasties, it is actually very large. There are many branches in the gate and each has its own politics.

The branch that Miss Bier and her master belong to is not high in Vulcan Sect. Therefore, the best practice method cannot be obtained. In addition, the flame belongs to the masculine and masculine attributes. Females have many inconveniences in training. A special type of radon is formed in the body.

This kind of radon conflicts with cultivation. As more and more cultivation takes place, it gradually deposits in the body to form a special poisonous gas, which wanders around the body.

It is also called "Fire Poison"!

This fire poison is very terrible. It is usually hidden in the body and does not occur. It is frozen. Once triggered, it will immediately occupy the entire body like a tsunami and completely destroy people.

Because of this, they are basically dead, with few remaining.

If you do n’t practice this kind of exercises, although you can solve some hidden dangers, in fact, they are all fire-type bodies. If you do n’t guide them properly, you ca n’t stop them after a long time, and they will be completely burned to ashes.

In addition, if there is no strong person sitting in this branch, I am afraid that it will be swallowed up by other branches before the internal flame of the body can ignite.

Weak meat and strong food are the same everywhere. For their own sake and for the sake of branching, countless people are practicing. As a result, the more fire poison accumulates, the more everyone can't control it and completely wipe it out.

This fire poison ~ www.readwn.com ~ Although terrible, it is not impossible to save! The best way is to have strong people **** out this poisonous gas from them!

The avenue of devouring the Putian Dynasty is the perfect choice!

However, the fire poison is formed by the Vulcan Avenue of Vulcan Sect, and the level itself is high. Without the ability of the core blood disciples to devour, it would not only be impossible to suppress, but would also cause death!

The core children of the Putian dynasty, either the prince or the prince, have a high status, how can they risk people from a common branch of Vulcan Sect to lift fire poison?

Because of this, despite knowing this method, no one has been rescued!

Originally, she came to see her father, hoping that her father could help, and see if she could find pure-blooded Putian dynasties, and save them from the disaster of fire and poison. As a result, she knew Nie Yun's "Identity!"

Since the boy in front of him is a "prince", his blood must be extremely pure, far beyond anyone, and if he can get his hands on, all problems can be solved naturally!

Thinking of this, this is desperate, and came here in the middle of the night. (To be continued ...)

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