Endless Dantian

Vol 4 Chapter 1927: Vulcan coin

With the ability to travel, it is no longer a problem to leave the cave. The time is not long, the body is loose, and it comes out of the mountain.

It is not far from the ground here, that is to say, after such a long walk, we have reached the foot of the mountain.

"It's ... it's almost afternoon. It is estimated that General Zhiyu is in a hurry!"

Looking at the sun, Nie Yun was a little embarrassed to find that it had begun to turn west.

I told General Zhixuan that he would come back at dawn. Now the sun is westward, and it is more than six or seven hours. I am afraid the other party is anxious!

After walking along the foot of the mountain for a while, it turned out that I saw a barracks not far away. Before he came, General Zhiyu and others came over.

Jue Ling Hua was found, Luoluo Mountain did not need to stay any longer, General Zhiyu had informed his subordinates, let them all lead the team out of the mountain, leave the mountain and then merge, leaving Nie Tong in the military camp, naturally go with them Already.

When Nie Yun returned, he camped directly and walked outside the mountain.

Luoyu Mountain is not big, but everyone walks at a low speed, and has been walking for nearly half a month before leaving.

"The one in front is Vulcan City, the base camp of Vulcan Sect. Others should arrive first, and wait for us to pass!"

After leaving the mountain for another day, General Zhi Zhi pointed forward.

Looking at his fingers, he really saw a huge city wall appearing in front of the mountains. Numerous towering buildings, like dark clouds, looked far away, black and dark, covering the sky.

"Vulcan City?" Nie Yun's eyes showed light.

Although you do n’t know the situation in the city, you can see from the outside that the city ’s defense is solid, and various mysterious formations are established, even if it is not working. They all carry a mystery that is hard to see, which shows that the strong man who designed this city is much better than him.

It ’s been a month since I came to Huanyu Divine World, and I finally want to enter the city and truly enter this world. Even he was faintly agitated.

In the past half month, he did not stop practicing, and the strength in his body was much stronger than before, but he still stayed in the middle of the king. As for the physical body, although Dimai Lingsun is a good thing, it is limited by his strength. No matter how much refining, it can only stop at Fengfeng Peak. No more breakthroughs can be made.

During this time, Miss Bier also came to see him, in order not to show her ability to control the flames, and did not give her treatment, besides, the fire poison in Miss Bier's body was not great, and she was not in a hurry.

"Vulcan City has our Zhizhi camp station, which was specially prepared when we came before. According to time estimates, your brother should have arrived here with the team long ago, no accident. You can see this afternoon!"

Seeing Nie Yun looking at the city in front, General Zhizhen laughed.

The base camp where Nie Tong and others are located is closer to Vulcan City in the middle of Luoyang Mountain. If there is no accident, they should arrive earlier than others.

"Huh!" Nie Yun nodded.

The crowd went on. Vulcan City didn't require much to make it easy to enter.

This city is the base camp of Vulcan Sect, although it is very strict with other forces. But an army of thousands of people has little effect on them. In addition, there is a so-called "document" in General Zhizheng's hands. This is not the first time that he has come here. The crowd has already walked on the streets of the city in a short time.

"Vulcan City uses Vulcan coins, which is a special type of sulfur casting that can help Vulcan practitioners improve their strength ..."

Knowing that the "prince" came out of the mountain and had not seen anything in the world, Fei Tong followed closely behind and explained in detail.

"It can help Vulcan practitioners to improve their strength ... It seems that this Vulcan coin has the same effect as the spirit stone!" Nie Yun speculated in his heart.

At first, the coins circulating in the floating heavens were spirit stones. This thing can not only buy items, but also help in cultivation. It seems that this Vulcan coin also has a similar role.

Through understanding all the way, Nie Yun knew that the nine major forces have their own coins, which are different. To enter a sphere of influence, you must first exchange the corresponding coins before you can buy items.

The dynasty issued coins, which can better control the economy and maintain the stability of the dynasty. However, there will be many troubles in circulation. Therefore, in addition to the coins in their respective fields, there is a universal currency in the world of God.

This currency is the same as the spiritual stone previously used by Nie Yun, but it is higher in level and is called a **** stone. It contains a strong atmosphere of the world of God, and any practitioner can draw strength from it and practice.

The number of **** stones is scarce. Each one is very precious and not easy to obtain. Therefore, this thing only appears in large transactions. Ordinary market exchanges are still mostly made of Vulcan coins.

"This is the Vulcan coin, which contains the breath of Vulcan Avenue, and no one can imitate it!"

Fei Tong took out a coin and handed it over.

Nie Yun looked down.

This flame **** coin, like the flame, is bright red, holding in the palm gives a warm feeling, as if holding a piece of warm jade.

The front of the coin is engraved with the appearance of an old man. When the spirit is close, you can feel the meaning of a flame coming from it. If you are not careful, your soul may be burned.

"No wonder it can improve the strength of flame practitioners. This flame contains the mystery of Vulcan Avenue ..."

After a glance, Nie Yun understood it.

Vulcan Avenue surpasses Heaven, the mystery is extremely incomparable, the more you realize, the greater the strength improvement, but although this Vulcan coin has mystery, but the content is too small, if you want to really use the mystery to cultivate, you must prepare a lot of talents. Row.

"It is said that this was made by Lord Vulcan himself, with the power to transcend heaven, and no one can imitate it. As a transaction currency, it will not depreciate ..."

Seeing him look seriously, Tong Tong said.

"Can't imitate?"

Playing with the Vulcan coin in his hand ~ www.readwn.com ~ Nie Yun didn't pay much attention to it. When he heard the word "imitation", his heart suddenly moved.

He has a world of things, and can copy anything that does not exceed the power of the world, as if he can now easily copy the master soldier!

This Vulcan coin is only a trading coin. It does not have the weapon's attack power. The world of things can be easily tolerated. As for the Vulcan atmosphere, now his beacon Dantian is promoted. He uses the vulcan atmosphere to imitate this atmosphere. very simple!

Lord Vulcan is more powerful, and the road to realization is more refined. When refining Vulcan coins, the power is also dispersed. After all, one person needs to refining a region, the currency used by countless people, and he is forging a vulcan atmosphere. The words of a Vulcan coin, carefully crafted, should not make much difference!

"You can try ..."

Thinking of this, Nie Yun's eyes brightened, and a kind of uncontrollable excitement was born in his heart. If he can copy the counterparty's trading currency, he can easily buy anything he wants in the future, and he will not be afraid that the cultivation resources will not be enough! (To be continued)

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