Endless Dantian

Vol 4 Chapter 1929: Maybe i can help


Nie Yun shot directly at one of the leaders, and immediately shocked others. Except for the pupils, the remaining seven leaders all clenched their weapons and even pulled out their waist knives.

For a while, the entire courtyard was murderous, filled with a panic breath.


General Zhi Zheng took a step forward, his face sank: "Don't give me the weapon yet!"

He saw all this in his eyes, blaming this ignorant leader!

To be honest, this guy has no eyesight, and he speaks with this boy kindly. No matter how stupid, he should guess that he is extraordinary and dare to pout. Isn't he trying to die?

While his subordinates were angry, he was secretly shocked.

When I first saw this "prince", his strength was only in the middle of the king's realm, and he was incapable of fighting against the strong in the late king's realm. However, just now, the power that broke out was almost the same as the peak king. Progress ... too much!

Is this the advantage of the blood of the Emperor?

The thought of this confirms the identity of the young man in front of him. Only the blood of the emperor can make such progress. It is impossible for ordinary people to do this.

Hearing the general's scolding, everyone was not stupid, and immediately realized that the identity of the boy in front of him was not simple. They looked at each other, and had to obediently pull the drawn out weapon back slowly.

"My lord, don't blame me, let me tell you ..."

Seeing that Nie Yun's eyes were still indifferent, the leader who was just injured, as long as he didn't speak, he would shoot again, and Fan Zhong hurried forward.

This incident was initiated by him, and naturally cannot be dodged.

"Say it!"

Someone answered that Nie Yun no longer cares about the leader who was injured. Staring closely at Fan Zhong.

"That's it. We went into the city the day before yesterday. We just met someone from the law enforcement team. They said they needed to check temporarily. There were no ascendants mixed in. We had no choice but to cooperate. Later ... just like I said before, Nie. Lord Copper was found out, saying that he was an ascendant, and took away ... "

I don't know if you can say that the end will be the same as the previous leader. Fan Zhong smiled bitterly and was busy.

"Take people away from you, are you indifferent?"

Anyway, these people are soldiers. If you do n’t want to let the other person lead you, you ca n’t use coercion!

"We ... I didn't expect him to be an ascendant. He and the law enforcement team questioned a few words. Who knew that the other party had issued an [inspection order] and confirmed his identity, and then we ..."

Fan Zhong has some support.

In fact, without saying a word, Nie Yun can hear it. At the beginning, the law enforcement team grabbed people casually. They also made a few sentences, but the other party confirmed the identity of Nie Tongshi's ascension. These people have changed from justification to humor.

From the words of Diao Yong and Guan Ling. Nie Yun knows that the indigenous peoples in the universe of the gods of the universe still hold great prejudice against the ascendants.

"Who is the law enforcement team? Where does it live?"

Know the attitude towards Ascension. It is the problem of Huanyu Divine World, and he can't solve it. Nie Yun is not entangled, and continues to ask.

Now is not the time to teach these people. Since this so-called law enforcement team is a conservative faction, we must seize the time to find out, otherwise the younger brother may be in danger.

"The law enforcement team is also called the joint law enforcement team. In addition to the boundless sea, the remaining eight forces constitute a law enforcement department jointly formed by conservatives. The main purpose is to find ascendants in the realm of God and arrest them ..."

Knowing that the "prince" had not been awake for a long time and lived in the forest for a long time, General Zhi Zhi was afraid that he did not understand and quickly explained.

"Catch the Ascension? Does the boundless sea ignore it?"

Nie Yun frowned.

Combining the words of Guan Ling, Fei Tong, and others, he knows that the boundless sea is an alliance of ascendants and is responsible for protecting the ascendants. How can the eight forces unite to form such an organization, but remain indifferent?

"This is a game between big forces, I do n’t know, but listening to the gossip said that the reason why the boundless sea does n’t care is also to hone the Ascension. To become a superior, one must suffer. If this level is not passed, future achievements are bound to be limited ... "

General Zhi Zhi Road.

In Zhiyingying, he said that he is a dignified general, but in the whole world of the gods, his status is too low, and he cannot know the decision-making between high-level officials.


After hearing what he said, Nie Yun had already guessed something.

Although the boundless sea is a force composed of ascendants, after all, there is only one. Two fists are difficult to defeat the four hands. The eight forces are united. It is impossible for a single force to overthrow their decision. There is definitely no future. It doesn't matter if you stay or not.

Rather than blushing with the eight major forces for these indifferent people, it is better to give one's affection for two purposes.

"This kind of law enforcement team ... Every city has it. If in Putian City, I might still be able to find out, but here, where is their base ... it's not clear!"

General Zhi Zhi continued.

Because of the arrest of the ascendants, the old nest of the law enforcement team is very secretive. It is not an absolute loyal person and it is impossible to know.

"Unclear?" Nie Yun's face was ugly.

Vulcan City has a radius of no less than one million kilometers. If he does not look for Hu with his current strength, he will definitely not find it for the last ten years. What should I do?

If you are in the chaotic ocean, you can use the method of blood tracing, or the method of the tracker, but he just sensed it just now, and the other party didn't know what means to completely shield his brother's breath!

This shielding is very overbearing, even if the blood is connected, you can't detect it!

If it weren't for this, he felt it as soon as his brother appeared in danger, rather than knowing it now.

Can't find it by tracking, and don't know where the law enforcement team is? How can I find it?

"I want to find a law enforcement team!"

Looking at General Zhizhi ~ www.readwn.com ~ Nie Yun's words did not request, did not ask, and took the taste of command.

The younger brother is in danger and can't control anything now. Since the other person is "Prince" for himself, then use this identity. As long as you can find a law enforcement team and rescue the younger brother, everything is worth it.

"This ... this is Vulcan City, I was almost completely smeared, really ... there is no way ..."

Hearing what he said, General Zhiyu smiled bitterly.

How about a general? Not a Vulcan Sect! It's a guest here, how can you find a law enforcement team?

When he heard what he said, Nie Yun sank, thinking about what to do, and a voice sounded behind him.

"Nie Yun ... Maybe I can help!"

Turning around, it was Miss Bier. (To be continued ~ ^ ~)

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