Endless Dantian

Vol 4 Chapter 1945: Cao Wen


Seeing the other side scolding, Nie Yun knew that although the camouflage was very similar, he was still exposed, and he did not hesitate. The palm of his hand was shaken, the spear was in his hand, and the young man in front of him stabbed straight.


This three-storey underground is extremely wide. I don't know how many disciples of the law enforcement team, Nie Yun dare not drag on for too long.

The gun looks like electricity and its power looks like rainbow.

His strength in the sea is only in the middle of the king, but the flesh has reached the peak king level, stacked two by one, and the spear in his hand has become an arrow off the string, piercing the air, and facing the youth's throat.

"who are you?"

The disheveled youth apparently did not expect that Liang Xun would have such a quick response. When he was spotted, he shot immediately, his face changed slightly, his feet bounced, he quickly retreated, and at the same time his palm turned, and a shield appeared in front of him.


The next moment, a long sword stabbed from behind the shield, in a tricky position, like a poisonous snake.

"The peak of kingship?"

Although this guy is passive, he is not at all confused. Take shields, swords, and do it in one go. Nie Yun immediately knew that this man's strength was not inferior to him, and he had reached the peak of the king's realm!

Randomly encountered the peak of Wang Jing ... It seems that this law enforcement team is more difficult to deal with than he imagined!

"Break me!"

The shock in her heart flashed away, Nie Yun knew that this was not the time to think about it, her eyebrows were raised, Dantian moved vigorously, and her whole body strength burst to the limit.

With the increase of his strength, the effect of Dali Tiantian has gradually weakened. Although the current strength, with Dali Dantian, can not suddenly increase by dozens or hundreds of times. But if you use it suddenly, you can increase some strength.

The spear in the air was instilled by his violent amount of violence, like a living dragon, "whimper!" Rushed up and hit the shield severely.


A muffled sound. The disheveled youth only felt a tingling in the palm of his shield, and the whole man couldn't help backing.


He didn't expect this guy to have such terrifying power.

Both are peak kings. Even if there is a gap, there will not be a big difference unless ...

"Are you physically reaching the king?"

It is worthy of being a disciple from the great forces, and the youth are just wrong. Then came to understand, eyes full of horror.

It is more difficult for the physical body to reach the peak of the realm of Kings than for Xiu to reach the top of the realm of Kings. If you are close to the attack, you are full of strength. It is impossible for ordinary practitioners to overcome!

Unless close to dozens of meters, close-range attacks have no effect, and there may still be a chance to reverse.

Knowing this, the disheveled young man moved his mind and hurried back.

Since you can't fight hard, backing is king.

However, he was tangled up by Nie Yun and wanted to step back. how is this possible!

Moving at his feet, Nie Yun's spear turned into a stab, and he fought hard against the shield in front of the youth.

Wow. The ground where the soles of the feet are located, even if there is a red carpet, they still can't hold it, and they make cracks.


The disheveled young man saw that the strength was faster than the stabbing just now. When he touched the gun, his hand bone seemed to be chopped. There was a stuffy chest and blood spewed out.


Under great power. The spear in Nie Yun's hand could no longer bear it, and it was broken into two pieces.

The gun was obtained from the Golden Blood King, but in the middle of Wang Pin, under his full attack, he could not bear it at all.

With one stroke, Wang Pin's mid-term spear was cut off. I am afraid that it can only be achieved by the metamorphosis of his physical strength reaching the peak of the realm of kings. Changing to other people, even if the king is complete, it is unlikely!


The gun body broke, and Nie Yun kept at his feet and slid out one step forward, as if panning, his fists clenched like a hammer.


The fist containing his full strength hit the opponent's shield again, and was hit hard in a row. Although the level of this shield was not low, it still could not bear the cracks.


The shield was made by the young with disheveled clothes. When a crack appeared, his body was severely blown, and then blood spurted again.


The body was severely wounded, and my heart was so astonished that I couldn't believe it.

The horror of the boy in front of him was beyond imagination. If he continued like this, he would certainly not be able to persist, and he would be shocked to death.


Taking a deep breath, he shouted suddenly, but only shouted a word. The second word "life" had not yet been shouted. His whole body was shaken, the shield in front of his body was completely broken, and a fist came from the shield. He peeped out from behind and hit him **** the chest.


There was a crisp sound of bones, all the internal bones were broken into powder, and the blood was spit out to the outside.

This punch directly shattered the internal organs of the meridians in his body, and even if he wanted to shout, he couldn't shout.

"The world of things ..."

The young people's internal organs were shattered, Nie Yun's spirit moved, and he grabbed his palm, and the two disappeared from the same place at the same time and entered the world of things.

As soon as they disappeared, a few figures appeared in the place where they had just fought. After looking around, they found nothing. It was strange.

"what happened?"

"There was a violent energy fluctuation just now. Who is doing it here?"


Several people looked around.

From Nie Yun's shot to grasping the youth in the world of holding things, there were only two or three breaths. Although the time was short and very careful, there was still power leaking out.

None of the law enforcement team was weak. Such a fierce battle could not be found, and it was just like the dead.

"The captain and deputy captain are not there. Let's be careful, don't have any trouble, look around and see what's going on ... Isn't Cao Wen's kid doing a moth!"

A young man hummed in the figure.


The remaining people nodded at the same time, and then turned their eyes to the half-open room.

"This guy really doesn't change his heart ... well, it looks like it shouldn't be long before he finishes. Where did he go?"

Everyone's eyes fell on the woman in the room ~ www.readwn.com ~ I saw some problems.

This kid named Cao Wen should have just finished, so why was he gone?

"This guy and Liang Xu are both good. They won't fight because of the competition."

"The two of them can quarrel? Don't be kidding, these two are the same as wearing a pair of pants. Every time I play with a woman, I have to say that they quarrel because of other things. I also believe that because of women ... it is impossible ! "

"Even if they are arguing, why are these two guys missing? And the energy fluctuations just now are not so simple. I suspect ... someone came in!"

"No matter what, start the formation and then say, if someone really comes here, let him come back this time ..."


All the members of the law enforcement team were talented men. Although no clues were left on the ground, they let them guess something, one by one, with a solemn look, with a sharp meaning. (To be continued)

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