Endless Dantian

Vol 4 Chapter 1947: Assassinate

"Which auction place is it? What kind of people are there?" Ning Yun continued to ask, as cold as ice.

Hopefully the guess just now is not true.

However, this fluke did not exist for a long time and was broken by Cao Wen.

"It's the biggest auction house in Vulcan City, Vulcan Auction House! The worst people who can enter the auction house are the perfect king, the strong ones, and the perfect emperor ..."

"Successful imperial realm?" Nie Yun fluttered.

His current strength, when he meets the perfect kingdom, only escapes, let alone the perfect kingdom!

The two are so different that they cannot be the same.

Robbing people from law enforcement teams can be done unexpectedly. Once bought by someone with this strength, it is almost impossible to rescue them!

Moreover, once bought by such a person, the soul will definitely be banned under Nie Tong's mind. Even if the person can be rescued, the other ban can kill him. What is the difference between saving and not saving?


The fist pinched "Giggle!", And Nie Yun rushed to his head in anger.

"If Nie Tong has any shortcomings or two shortcomings, I will let all law enforcement teams in the whole world of Gods be buried."

Not to mention that Nie Tong has saved him many times, just talking about brotherhood, no one is allowed to bully. What is the problem with his brother, Nie Yun promises that he will absolutely destroy all law enforcement teams in the world of God! Let this shameless institution disappear completely, even if it is against the eight major gates, it is at their expense!

"Take your flag first!"

Taking an oath, Nie Yun looked coldly at Cao Wen in front of him, and patted his palm. An invisible force emerged and landed on top of his head.


There was no resistance at all. Cao Wen's head exploded into powder, and the body was lying on the ground. Lost the breath of life.

"Nie Tong wants to rescue, but ... there is no need for this law enforcement team, everyone should die!"

Dare to do something to his brother, he has touched his biggest inverse scale, everyone in this law enforcement team will die!

A group of beasts who use the ascension as a profit tool and be sold as slaves are not worth living in this world!


As soon as the spirit moved, Nie Yun disappeared from the world of things, and the next moment appeared on the underground three floors that just disappeared. Immediately afterwards, the running air moved into the ground.

From Cao Wen's mouth, I know that the captain of the law enforcement team and others are not there. They do not have the strongest combat power, but they cannot be underestimated.

After all, these people are the children of powerful forces, plus the wealth is amazing, even if the strength is almost the same as him, life-saving and offensive means. Be far better than him.


As soon as I got into the ground, I heard footsteps from above, and it seemed that the energy fluctuations he had just caught the attention of others.

The sky eye works. Looking through the cracks that appeared on the ground.

The fluctuations in the strength of the previous battle with Cao Wen attracted the attention of the law enforcement team, and they all gathered together. Looked around.

Counted a total of eight.

"Four kings peak. Four kings late!"

In the blink of an eye, through the strength of eight people, Nie Yun's eyes were dignified.

It is indeed a law enforcement team. The strong men coming out of the big forces really have extraordinary strength.

He is not easy to deal with one Feng Wang Dingfeng, let alone four!

"Find a way to separate them and kill them one by one ..."

With a murder in his heart, Nie Yun no longer cares about other things, his body flickers, walks along the ground, and enters the room Cao Wen just walked out a moment later.

There was no one in this room. The woman who had been abused was lying quietly and had no breath.

It seemed that the woman was embarrassed after knowing that she had been abused, and she had committed suicide.

"It's another sin ..."

After seeing the woman's expression of resentment after death, Nie Yun was even better at killing herself. She got out of the ground, shook it gently, hid behind the door, pushed her finger, and the door made a "squeak".

He observed carefully just now. The closest to this room were the two law enforcement disciples in the late period of the king's rule. They lied to them and killed them.

Sure enough, the door made a sound, which aroused the idea of ​​the two. They looked at each other and walked towards the room quietly.

Although their movements were very light, they couldn't hear or notice, but they all fell into Nie Yun's eyes at this time.

Huh! Huh!

The two entered the room and looked around, trying to see why the door made a sound.

"That's the time!"

Nie Yun hiding behind the door was waiting for this opportunity. He stepped a little under his feet, like a raccoon cat, and rushed out instantly.


His fists were as fast as lightning, one thousandth could not breathe, and they came to the back of the two at the same time.


I didn't expect someone to hide behind the door, and they moved so fast. The two didn't respond, they felt a strong pressure coming in through the body.

At the same time, screaming, the magic weapon of the body didn't have time to release.噗通! Two bodies fell to the ground.


Hearing the shout, there was a rushing air wave outside. Nie Yun was not in a hurry, but looked coldly, grabbed one of the corpses into the world of objects, and at the same time, the air of disguise turned, Become the look of this person.

"Who, **** ..."

The law enforcement team's clothes are the same. Before changing to Liang Xun, there is no need to change it. After changing the appearance, Nie Yun hurriedly yelled.

At the same time, the palms kept blasting into the air in front of them, messing up the room, as if there was a strong man lying in front of him, and he would always hit him at any time.

"What happened?"

Just after making two punches, the two figures rushed in and saw Nie Yun and the corpse lying on the ground who were "fighting", their faces changed at the same time, and they shouted loudly.

"Someone came in ... be careful!"

With a loud shout, Nie Yun showed a terrified expression, and hurriedly stepped back to the position in front of the door.

The two that just arrived ~ www.readwn.com ~ one king of the peak, one king of the late period, the real battle, the two teamed together, certainly can not be beaten, but now these two people are obviously being "self-directed" I felt a little dizzy, and looked at each other with vigilance, without realizing that the people who came to them were not their teammates.

"Go on with them!"

A humming sound in his heart, people have come behind Feng Wang Dingfeng youth, Nie Yun raised his eyebrows, the physical agitation was like steel bars, the surging force came out along the arms!

This time, it was still a sneak attack, and the other party was all attracted by the chaotic air flow in the room. It was not expected that the panicked "teammate" would suddenly shoot.


With a crisp sound, the peak of Feng Wang, like the two late strong kings, did not respond, the internal organs shook into powder, and the weight of the corpse fell to the ground.


The young Wang Fengfeng was beaten to death with a single punch. The young man in the late Wang Feng finally reacted, his body flickered, he avoided the mortal catch, and looked at Nie Yunman with horror and panic. (To be continued ...)

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