Endless Dantian

Vol 4 Chapter 1949: Break

"Not only killed them, I want your life!"

Facing the encirclement of the four people, Nie Yun didn't care. Instead, he snorted, stepped on his feet, splashed gravel, and rushed towards the weakest young man in the late stage of the king.

It is good to capture the thief first to capture the king, but in this siege state, it is the best choice to kill the weak first.

Those with weak strength are more likely to be killed, which is equivalent to piercing a gap in a solid wooden barrel, and the momentum of the opponent will drop instantly.

It seemed to have been known that he would do so. The four did not panic, but all sneered.


The four reached out their palms at the same time, and with a roar, Nie Yun immediately felt a huge force covering him, as if there was a fishing net covering the sky.


With a cold drink, Nie Yun flipped his wrist, and the sword appeared. "Om!" With a sound, Jianmang cut through the sky.

Pity Moon Sword Technique!

The sword is endless and endless.

After practicing Dayan Tianji Sword, the ranking of Kendo Dantian increased. He reorganized the sword skill of Liyue, and his power increased by several times. At this time, the sword was swept up and down, and the air was whimpering, like an explosion.

This set of swordsmanship perfectly matched his physical strength of Feng Wang Dingfeng and his mid-term power. Even if the opponent is Feng Wang Dingfeng, it is difficult to compete, let alone only his late strength.

However, the late Wang Feng youth who was attacked by him saw such a mighty sword. There was no expression of surprise on his face, but the sneer on his face did not abate, nor did he take out a weapon, and greeted him with one palm.

"Take my sword with your palm?"

Nie Yun's turn was strange this time.

It is naturally impossible to be a fool to be able to cultivate to the late period of Wang Feng. This trick of pity Yuejian is so powerful that the other party cannot see it, greet it with the palm of your hand, don't you want a hand?

This strangeness did not last long, and was replaced by surprise.

The other person's palm looks unremarkable. A surge of power came out like a flood of Foshan, and a thunder attacked. Although Li Yuejian's power was strong, he could not resist it. Broken directly.


Lian Yuejian was blocked by the opponent's palm, and Nie Yun hurried back. Even so, he was still swept by his wind and almost injured.

"Successful kingship? Isn't this guy hiding his strength?"

Stop your body. Nie Yun was shocked.

The palm of this young man is by no means capable of being exhibited by the late powerful kings. It is stronger than the peak of Feng Wang.

Could it be that this boy is just like himself, his strength is camouflaged, and his true strength has reached the level of perfection?

"No ... it's a formation!"

This doubt only turned around in his mind, and Nie Yun immediately understood the attack, and raised his eyebrows.

The strength of this youth. He was not mistaken. In the late period of the king's closure, the reason why a palm can be used to display a palm that is perfect for the king. Because the formation method!

These four people formed a formation. Although they didn't know the name, they could combine the strength of the four people. Attacking any one of them was equal to fighting the four people at the same time, even he. In a hurry, there was nothing they could do!

Deserves to be a child of great power. Quick enough!

"What about the formation! Break me!"

Knowing that it is the formation method, Nie Yun understands that it cannot be delayed. Once the formations were closed, they were even more disadvantaged. They took a step back, exerted their strength, and rushed over the young man again.

Is still the sword of mercy, swordsmanship is like a tide, a little bit more powerful than before, but not too much.

"act recklessly……"

Seeing him fail to attack once, he also used the second move, the young man sneered, and shot it again.

This palm is more perfect, more powerful, and before contacting Jianzhao, it gives a feeling of suffocation, making it difficult to breathe.

"Try this!"

Knowing that the other party would use this method to attack, Nie Yun grinned, the moon moon sword cast in the air suddenly changed, his palms trembled, and a jade charm hurriedly flew over to Feng Wang Dingfeng Youth on one side.


Before coming, Yu Fu exploded, a huge palm appeared out of thin air, and he photographed the young man.

Nie Yun did not cherish the Fu Lu just obtained, and used it directly.

Anyway, he has several, first kill these people to solve the plight!

The palm produced by Fu Yan took the full blow of the Wang Jingqiang strong and fell straight. The young king of Wang Jing had never dreamed that Nie Yun would hit the west and threw such a powerful Fu Yu directly, without any precaution, in a hurry, he broke away The formation, backed up quickly.

At the same time, a defensive air mask appeared in front of him.

As children of powerful forces, there are still some means of life-saving.

"Let's die before we talk!"

As soon as he stepped back, the matrix formation that he had just penetrated was immediately broken. It was all in Nie Yun's calculations. The moonlight sword in his hand turned slightly, and the swordman seemed to surpass Tiandao, stabbing at the youth in the late period of Fengwang Passed.

Dayan Tianji Sword Second Form

Beyond the speed of the heavens, the naked eye can't tell at all. This young man has just retreated from the formation and has not responded, his throat can't help but a drop of blood flew into the air.


Covering his throat, his pupils tightened, and blood spewed out.

He never dreamed that the extremely powerful formation was broken by the opponent's strokes, and he didn't even get half a breath.

"It's your turn……"

A sword pierced the throat of this late king's late youth. Nie Yun Jianman turned and became thicker, as if the mountain fell, the planet fell to the ground, and the young man with a defensive gas mask on his body stabbed in the past.

This young man just blocked the attack by Fu Lu's big hand, cracks appeared in the defensive gas hood, and there was chaos in the internal organs of the internal organs, and he suffered minor injuries. At this time, he saw Nie Yun blinking and killing one person, and then attacked him. Back.

But it's too late.

Da Yan Tianji Sword, the first type of shattered star, is on display ~ www.readwn.com ~ How could he let him escape!

A sword strikes, like the collapse of the sky and the heavy sword, immediately crushes the defensive air hood that originally had cracks, and the remaining sword still penetrates the air hood and falls into the opponent's body.


As if hit by a boulder, the young man's blood spit out from the sky, his internal organs became powder instantly, the breath of life passed away, his eyes stared round and his face couldn't believe it.

The strength of this intruder, he saw it, it was almost the same as him, at most the peak of the kingland ... According to normal principles, four people on his side, with the matrix, should be able to catch it, never dreaming of it, the matrix method that was originally thought to be foolproof, How ridiculous in front of each other.


The body fell to the ground. At the same time, Nie Yun's body shook and fell to the ground, looking at the remaining two.


The remaining two face changed, panic appeared in their eyes. (To be continued)

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