Endless Dantian

Vol 4 Chapter 1951: Vulcan Auction House


This is a disciple of the law enforcement team ... each of them is a leader of great power, with many means and strong power ... was killed by him alone, how to do it?

Even the blue fairy, couldn't help looking at the young man again, a pair of beautiful eyes revealed an incredible taste. If you have read this chapter, please go to the novel Ыqi.me to read the latest chapter

Ms. Bier may not know the strength of these people, but she even knows Lao Chao, a disciple of law enforcement, and naturally understands their strength. The worst is in the late period of King Feng, and depending on the location of the dead body, It seems to be arranged into a formation ...

This situation was beheaded by the boy in front of him, even without the ability to resist!

It is indeed the prince of the Putian Dynasty ... terrible!

Originally, she didn't have much hope that the teenager could solve the fire poisoning in her body. Seeing this scene, I don't know why, and increased the hope a lot.

"The law enforcement team is a combination of eight major forces. If you kill so many disciples, the trouble is certainly not small. Even if you are the Prince of the Putian Dynasty, you are afraid of being affected!"

The blue fairy speaks.

Although the law enforcement team's disgraceful behavior, it is the product of the union of the eight major forces. It also has some old antiques. In this way, it is foreseeable that there will be continuous troubles in the future.

Although the man in front of him is the prince of the Putian dynasty, but ... each dynasty's forces are so intertwined that if they are not, they will become the target of the opposite attack, which will cause big problems.


Since they did not regret it, these scum, don't treat the ascended people as human beings, all **** it!

Besides, he is not a prince at all, and he is disguised as a murderer. When he can be found, I do not know how many years, and don't have to worry at all.

"Where do you want to save?"

Seeing the boy wasn't talking about it, he really didn't care about it, Fairy Fairy didn't say much, looked around, and asked in doubt.

Teenagers are here to save people. Why didn't I see the person to be rescued but instead saw the bodies of the law enforcement team? Is it ...

"One more thing to worry about Fairy, take me to the Vulcan Auction House, I'm late. The person to be rescued may have been auctioned!" Nie Yundao.

"Let's go!"

Hearing the auction, Fairy Fairy understood it, and her eyes flashed a sorrow, grabbed her hands. Nie Yun flew up behind them, and left under the blink of an eye, returning to the air.

In any case, the ascended person has life and dignity, and is sold as a commodity or livestock, which is difficult for anyone to accept.

When they left the ground, Fairy Fairy and Miss Bier didn't know that as soon as they left, a flame spread and it took a moment to work. Burn corpses and countless luxury items to ashes.

This flame was naturally left by Nie Yun. Although you are not afraid of the law enforcement team, it is better to be careful. The flame can burn everything out. People who counted as the law enforcement team came back later and found no trace.

The weaver shuttle flew in the sky, stopped after a few breaths.

"The auction house is here, go on!"

The blue fairy jade pointed forward.

Looking down her fingers, she saw a tall building standing among the densely packed houses of Vulcan City.

The five characters of Vulcan Auction are like gold. Reflects sunlight and shines eyes.

"Fairy ..."

"Go down with you, Vulcan Auction is in charge of Vulcan Sect. You do n’t have enough status to enter the door, let alone other things!"

Knowing what Nie Yun wanted to say, Fairy Fairy interrupted him, and then said, "If your friend has already been bought, I can do nothing. If it is still on the auction floor, I can help you buy it, so that It can avoid conflicts and save people better without being suspected! "

"Trouble fairy!"

Nie Yun nodded.

Indeed, since at the auction house, as long as you have the money, you can definitely do anything you want. Instead of rushing to find someone, you might as well pay for your brother.

In this way, you can avoid conflicts and avoid a lot of trouble.

Seeing his consent, Fairy Fairy smiled lightly, pressing the palm of her hand slightly, and everyone flew out of the weaver shuttle and landed on the street.

"Welcome to the Vulcan Auction House. I wonder if there are any reservations?"

Before coming to the auction house, before entering, a small greeter greeted him.


The blue fairy jade reached out, and a token appeared in front of the other party.

"It was Elder Blue, please come in ..."

Seeing the token, Xiaoxu was startled and greeted him quickly.

Although there are only two people in the branch where Miss Bier is located, the identity of Fairy Fairy should not be underestimated. Since this place is the backside of Vulcan Sect, this kind of identity token is definitely useful.

Soon, Xiao Yan arranged the three of them into a private room.

Through the window of the private room, Nie Yun glanced at the auction site and frowned. "Has the auction not started yet?"

"Master Uighur, it hasn't started yet!"

Xiaoxiong didn't know the identity of the boy in front of him, but it was definitely not easy to be with the elder of Vulcan Sect, and he answered in a hurry and respectfully.

"Well, right, the auctions in your auction house basically start at noon. Why is it getting dark now and not yet held?"

Asked the blue fairy.

Although she rarely comes to the auction house, she also knows the rules. The auction of this Vulcan auction house basically starts after the luncheon. Now the sunset is gradually sinking, and in the afternoon, why hasn't it started?

"Oh, that's the case. According to normal circumstances, the auction in our auction hall is held after noon, but ... someone sent a valuable treasure. In order to better publicize it, it can be sold more. Good price, so temporarily postponed the auction ... "

Xiaoyan looked at Fairy Fairy in wonder. "Isn't the elder who came for this treasure?"

"Treasure? What treasure?"

Fairy Fairy Xiumei frowned ~ www.readwn.com ~ because of her weak branch, she didn't care much about many things, she seemed a bit lonely, and many things were not clear.

"I don't know, it looks like Yuzhan Liulizi ... As for the others, I don't know too much!" Xiaoyan scratched his head and thought.

"Yuzhan Liulizi?"

The fairy Fairy exclaimed, his face was full of disbelief.

"I also listen to others, do I not know ..."

Xiao Yan didn't expect this elder to react so much, for fear he said something wrong, explain it.

"Okay, I know ..." Fairy Fairy also realized her malaise, smiled slightly, remembered Nie Yun's affairs, and asked, "I want to buy a better Ascension Slave ... I don't know if there will be an auction today. Not sold? "

Hearing the Fairy Fairy helping himself to ask, Nie Yun hurriedly stared at Xiao Yan, her expression nervous. (To be continued.) Xh118

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