Endless Dantian

Vol 4 Chapter 1953: Copy Vulcan Coin

"Everything goes!"

Compared with Miss Bier's anxiety, Fairy Fairy looked indifferent.

Although this Yuzhan Liulizi wants to get it, but seeing so many masters here, she also knows that it is not so easy. It can be successfully obtained.

After all, although the fire poison in her body can be suppressed temporarily, it still has only two years to live ... In front of the limit of life and death, the external things are no longer as eager as before.

"But ... Master, you have been stuck at the bottleneck for so many years. If this thing is useful to you and breaks through, the fire poison can extend life even if it is severe ..."

Said Miss Belle.

Fire poison is terrible. It is difficult to suppress the practice of the fairy Fairy, but if you can go further and reach a higher level, the situation will change accordingly. Although it is impossible to completely eliminate fire poison, it will be no problem to suppress it for decades and centuries!

It can be said that breaking through maggots is another method besides eliminating fire poison and prolonging life.

"How can the bottleneck be so easy to break through? For our branch, which has a history of tens of millions of years, only the ancestor of Hui'an has succeeded. However, it has only prolonged the life span of 2,000 years, and it has not reached that level. Everything is illusory. Peaceful! "

The blue fairy shook her head.


Hearing Master's words, Miss Bier's eyes were distressed.

Master was right. The bottleneck she was facing wanted to break through. How could it be so easy? The difficulty can be seen from the few strong breakthroughs in the entire Vulcan sect.

"Although Yuzhan Liulizi is useful to the imperial realm, it doesn't help if you want to make a breakthrough. This is a matter of opportunity ... Needless to say. If I can buy it, I will try my best, I can't. No need to repent! "

The blue fairy looks very open.

Causality has a fixed number, not yours. It's no use thinking too much.


Seeing Master's attitude, Miss Bier nodded, her heart was annoyed.

If she knew this thing would be useful to Master, she would find a way to make money instead of facing the treasure. But can only remain indifferent.


I don't know how long, Nie Yun opened his eyes again.

The cultivation just now allowed him to fully recover from the loss that he had experienced in the previous battle. It seems that it is possible to break through the middle of the king at any time and advance to the later stage.

"It's still early, let's see how many net worth are on my side ..."

Looking around, it was found that the auction had not yet begun, it seemed that it would be a while, and Nie Yun was not in a hurry, and moved into the world of things.

Since participating in the auction. It is necessary to buy things. More money means more capital and less money. Nothing can be bought.

This time, he did not enter the world of things, after all, Fairy Fairy and others were just in front of him, and suddenly disappeared.

Therefore, it is his clone in the world of things. The body is still cultivated outside, and no one can see anything.

The body flickered. Appearing in an empty place, Nie Yun double-handedly made a big move. Vulcan coins previously obtained from many law enforcement disciples were immediately gathered together.

Before the battle was tense, I didn't have time to look at it. I only knew that there were millions of Vulcan coins. How much is not clear.

At this time, I took a break and immediately understood.

"1.3 million ... it looks a lot, but it's hard to buy Nie Tongpai ..."

Nie Yun frowned.

Prior to the massacre and search, a total of 1.3 million Vulcan coins were obtained, which sounds like a huge sum. In fact, if I really want to buy Nie Tongpai with this money, it is not enough.

An ordinary ascendant is going to sell 100,000 Vulcan coins. This level of kingship, but also such a young kinglord later, more than one million, must not be bought!

But what should I do with that?

You can't find someone to grab some back now!

Not to mention whether it can be grabbed, even if it can be done, the other party did not offend him, did not do anything that is angry with man and god, can not do it!

"See if you can copy these coins ..."

Since it can't be robbed, there is only one way to go, that is the idea that came up when I first saw Vulcan Coins ... With the power of the Nagoya World, can you copy it!

When the spirit moved, a Vulcan coin appeared in the palm of the palm. Under the investigation of the ability of the controller unique to the world of the things, Vulcan coin appeared in front of the eye, and it was completely visible.

"The structure of Vulcancoin was simple ... copy!"

Looking at any detail on the Vulcan coin, Nie Yun's spirit moved, and an identical coin appeared in the other palm.

"The looks are exactly the same, and the hardness and gloss are impeccable. The key peculiar smell of Vulcan ... is not quite the same!"

Take two vulcan coins in one place, Nie Yun analyzed.

It is too simple to use the world of things to forge an identical look. The key is that the Vulcan atmosphere contained in it is difficult to imitate.

This involves the Vulcan Avenue, without which it is impossible to duplicate! The Vulcan Avenue was created by the founding father of the Vulcan Sect, and it is unique. The whole world of the gods can only be done by him.

It is also thought that, Vulcan coins can only be issued by Vulcan Sect, and no one can do anything about it.

However, if others cannot do it, Nie Yun may not.

"Infuse Vulcan's breath into it ..."

Nie Yun thought of the method long ago, and hasn't had time to experiment, so he can take the opportunity to try it now.

A flick of the finger, a spirit of Vulcan, appeared at the fingertips, dancing like a snake.

"Go in!"

With both palms folded, Vulcan's breath was infused into the fake Vulcan coin with his special strength.


The spirit of Vulcan and his forged Vulcan coin belong to different concepts. They touched together, and a harsh sound was not compatible at all.


Seeing the confrontation between the two ~ www.readwn.com ~ Nie Yun's eyebrows frowned and he gave a cold drink: "Fusion!"


As the sole controller of the world of things, a force of control immediately spread from his body, and the laws of the space in front of him changed along with his words.

The previously completed Vulcan coin instantly exploded and became a grain of dust. Vulcan's air spread into each dust and blended with it.


After the two are completely integrated, with the control of Nie Yun's spiritual power, the dust gathers, and the previously broken Vulcan coin blinks together again.

With the palm of his hand stretched out, he pinched this newly-integrated Vulcan coin, and Nie Yun only glanced, his eyes couldn't help shining.

This coin exudes a strong Vulcan atmosphere, more pure and powerful than before!

Succeeded! (To be continued)

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