Endless Dantian

Vol 4 Chapter 1955: expensive

"Six million?"

Hearing the offer, the entire auction room was quiet for a moment.

Although this array is precious, the actual price is about 4 million, and the reported price has exceeded 5 million. At this time, the price was increased by 700,000 to 6 million. Everyone was surprised by those who shouted the words.

"Are there more than six million? Is there any? If not, this Dark Star lore array will belong to this private bidder ..."


The gavel sounded, and the deal was made!

Although the dark star lore array is precious, the purchase of six million is still prohibitive for many people.

After all, such a price is enough to hire an early imperial powerhouse.

"Nie Yun ... You paid six million for this array? Why are you so rich?" The others were shocked, and Miss Bier stared at the teenager in front of her.

She has known each other for a short time. This guy looks like he has never seen Vulcancoin before. How can he make so much money in the blink of an eye?

Six million ... This is not a small number, even her master can't get it!

"Ha ha!"

Nie Yun smiled indifferently and did not answer.

It was not that he did not want to say it, but that he did not know how to say it.

You can't say that he can make Vulcan coins at will. If you can tell it, you will be killed alive as a monster.


Seeing the boy did not answer, Miss Bier muttered her lips and stopped asking.

In fact, she regretted it after asking, it was a personal matter of who had much money, and he asked him so much for no reason.

"This is the dark star lore array you bought. Please check!"

The two were talking, and the sound of knocking on the door rang outside the private room. Then the door opened, and a middle-aged man came in with a disk.

The array is only a little bigger than the palm, and it is full of special patterns. At first glance, people feel dizzy.

He has a deep understanding of the method of play, and Nie Yun only knows that this is true and there is no falsehood.

"This is six million Vulcan coins ..."

Reaching for the array, Nie Yun shook his palm, and a Vulcan coin like a hill fell in front of each other. Exhales the hot breath of Vulcan Avenue.

"So pure power ..."

Seeing the quality of these Vulcan coins, including the fairy fairy, everyone's eyes brightened and they praised them secretly.

From the appearance of these Vulcan coins, they should not pass through the world. It is a coin of inventory.

The power of this coin is more pure, thicker, and more valuable than what is circulating in the world!

"Thank you!"

Middle-aged people also felt that the other party might not be able to take out so many Vulcan coins, and they were shocked to see them.

The identity of the person in front of me who can take out so much inventory of Vulcan coins is definitely not easy!

Coupled with the elders, I am afraid that it is one of the core members of Vulcan Sect!

Ignore the cranky thoughts of these people. Nie Yun dipped a drop of blood into the array, refining it in a blink of an eye.

This refining of treasures is tantamount to increasing strength, without hesitation.

"This one is the biggest treasure of our auction house. Today I saw the faces of a lot of old friends, and they must have come for this treasure ..." Up.

Hearing this voice, everyone's eyes were focused, and even the fairy Fairy, who had not spoken, straightened her waist at this time. Eyes look forward without blinking.

"Yes, it's Yuzhan Liulizi!"

Zhang Zhong lighted his eyes. I ca n’t see that it ’s getting old: “This thing is said to be related to the trapped sea. It is also a treasure that makes the imperial powers enthusiastic. We auctioned it at a huge price and found it! Consumed the three imperial powers ... "

Zhang Zhongchao explained the origin of this treasure in detail, thereby highlighting the preciousness of the treasure.

Sure enough, after listening to him carefully, the following was lively again, everyone participating in the auction, all showed excitement.

From his words, you can hear that this Yuzhan Liulizi is real, and it is also related to the trapped sea. As long as this thing is obtained, it will inevitably be repaired and gain more treasures ...

Nie Yun listened for a while and could not help shaking his head.

In this case, it will coax some people who have not seen the world. The more powerful the treasure, the more the source of the disaster. Just like him, there is not enough strength to protect this jade glazed glass. Even if it is bought, it is also a kind of Disasters are constantly being attacked by others!

Therefore, this thing was blown away by the other side, but he would not be tempted.

"If the blue fairy wants this thing, I can buy it for you!"

I was about to give up the purchase, and suddenly saw the ever calm blue fairy fairy full of fiery eyes, Nie Yun could not help but smile.

"Buy it for me? This ..." Fairy Fairy hesitated and hesitated: "Thank you so much!"

Although she knew she had owed so much gratitude to the other party, she couldn't pay it back, but when she thought of Yuzhan Liulizi's help to her, she agreed.

"You're welcome!"

Nie Yun waved his hand and didn't care.

With the world of things and the spirit of Vulcan, Vulcancoin is just a bunch of vitality to him. There is as much as he wants. If Fairy Fairy wants it, there is nothing to buy her.

Besides, doing this was not without purpose. At this time, she would help her. After a while, she would buy a little brother. If something really happens, she would certainly not stand idly by.

Although he is confident in his current strength and money, there is no guarantee that nothing will happen.

"... Well, with all that said, presumably you are all anxious. I will not sell Guanzi. This jade glazed glass has a reserve price of 20 million Vulcan coins, and each increase cannot be less than one million!"

After introducing for a while, Zhang Zhongchao stopped his words and spoke loudly.

"Twenty million?"

"What an expensive price ~ www.readwn.com ~ this price is enough to make the first-class family of Vulcan City bankrupt!"

"Yeah, although expensive, Yuzhan Liulizi is worth the price!"

"Well, I heard that this thing is not only related to the trapped sea. With this thing, you can also find the Yuzhan glazed tree. If you find the Yuzhan glazed fruit, the Emperor Realm can also grow one level unconditionally!"

"Imperial growth is unconditional growth, it is too attractive to people ... this one, no matter what the price of this Yuzhan Liulizi, even if the realm of the imperial realm is ruined ...

"Yeah, look, someone has already offered a price, and this price is expected to grow crazy soon ..."


Hearing the quotation of 20 million, everyone was stunned at first, and felt a bit expensive, but then suddenly, shouting the prices one by one, the whole auction was suddenly hot like never before.

The imperial powerhouses who came to participate in the auction and bought shots. (To be continued)

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