Endless Dantian

Vol 4 Chapter 1959: Scary price


"Two billion?"

The Tyumen steward and others just narcissistically believed that no one dared to continue to increase the price, and then someone reported 200 million. They even threw Vulcan coins directly to the auction table. Wei Buxin, Elder Liu and everyone in the room , All stay in place. Pinshu.com (wWW.VoDtw.coM)

Add one million in one breath, is this guy crazy?

How much money can I do?

Qiu Ming's steward pulled straight on his face, without the stability and quietness he had before.

He had just declared that he was a member of the Jucai Pavilion. He took out a hundred million, and the other side threw out two hundred million. He did not give him a face, and beat his face alive.


Fist clenched.

"When will our Jucai Pavilion be better off than others, afraid of others ... increasing prices!"

There was a pungent smell in his eyes, and Qiu Ming's steward turned and yelled at the young people behind him.

The young man nodded and took a step forward, shouting out loudly: "Jucai Pavilion, three billion!"

"Three billion?"

"Crazy, all crazy ..."

"A hundred and one hundred million markup ... never seen before, too fierce ..."

The young man's voice rang out at the auction house, again uproar.

Although Yuzhan Liulizi is extremely precious and extremely difficult to find, but one hundred million has exceeded the value. Now there are two "local tyrants" with a hundred and one hundred million additional chips, which is crazy.

The auction hall flickered with thoughts, and rumors flew out silently.

The two "local tyrants" competed, shouting sky-high prices, and blinking like spreading wings, spread throughout the Vulcan city.

"It's too fierce, a 110 million markup. This is really a rich man!"

"It's enough for such people to sprinkle a little bit, and it will be enough for us to eat and drink for many years ... idols!"

"Dare to compete with Jucaige. The 200 million people who just called out must be big families!"

"Sure, otherwise no one would be able to take out so many Vulcan coins in one go!"


During the exchange of ideas, a cloud appeared again in the sky, and the youth quoted the price and threw Vulcan coins again.

The raging Vulcan coins landed on the ground, and were stacked with the 100 million yuan just now. Like the mountains, the entire auction hall is full of hot taste.

300 million Vulcan coins!

"What? Do you have to increase the price? Comparing money with Jucai Pavilion will ruin your reputation and make you worthless!"

Hearing the exclamation of the crowd and seeing the Vulcan Coins all over the floor, Qiu Ming snorted.

His voice was unrepressed, ringing through the auction hall. As if in a declaration.

Aren't you rich? Add it if you have money! Richer than our Jucai Pavilion, spare you ten fortunes ...

"Nothing? You think too much ..."

Just quoted a room worth 200 million yuan. A small laugh sounded: "If you increase the price by one hundred million, you will say that you have money, and you will not be shameful. Three hundred million is not good, make up the whole ... I'll give it ... one billion!"

咣 Dang!

Tyumen's manager fell to the ground and quickly got up: "What did he say? How much?"

"Master, he said ... a billion!"

Wei not swallowed, and hurried.

As the owner of the Vulcan Auction Hall, he was even panicked this time.

I thought the price increase was 100 million. Even if the cow is in the sky, people will add 700 million to round up ...

Nima, is there such a round-up? My heart, my liver ...

Wei Buxin trembled all over.

"One billion? How is that possible? How could he possibly get one billion? And just to buy a jade glazed glass?" Qiu Ming's steward was going crazy, opened his mouth wide, kept breathing, as if a fish fell to the shore. .

Although Jucai Court is rich. It's not his own. He can't increase the price at will. The increase to 300 million is the limit. The other party actually reported 1 billion, even 400 million or 500 million ... I didn't consider it. Is this still human?

Isn't he talking about money?

Shocked in my heart. Just wanting to ask the other party if he could take out so much money, he heard the sound of the empty species clapping again, and a large black cloud struck again.


Numerous Vulcan coins landed on the stage. Rao was completely filled with the auction table at this time. The auctioneer Zhang Zhongchao had no choice but to stand on the table and dodge the Vulcan coins falling from his head.

Although this is the largest auction he has ever hosted, he still feels depressed ... not because of anything else. Just because if you are not careful, you will be killed by Vulcan coins falling from the sky or!

Really did not hide in the past and was smashed to death ... It is really a shame!


All the Vulcan coins have fallen, the weight is too large, the ground has been pressed down by several feet, and there are bright lights everywhere, making people dizzy.

Although everyone likes money, more money is better, but it is too much and it may not be a good thing.

All 1.3 billion Vulcan coins were piled on the auction table, turning the entire auction table into a golden mountain. The arrogant blood ghosts and other old ghosts before each other looked at each other and their heads were about to explode.

Before, it was arrogant to think that Yuzhan Liulizi must be his own. With tens of millions of net worth, it was easy to buy it ... Now I know how ridiculous this idea is.

Compared with the real rich people, their money is almost the same as the poor poor people.

"What? Do you need a price increase?"

One billion Vulcan coins fell on the stage, and the voice just spoke continued to sound. There was no mood swing in the tone, as if the money was blowing like a strong wind, without any distress.

"Raise ..."

Tyumen's manager clenched his teeth and trembled all over his body.

Although Jucaige is rich, he is only in charge. Even if he has the right to control money, he has a certain amount, not all.

Obviously, this amount has quickly reached the limit.

"Just add, I make 1.2 billion!"

After struggling for a long time, Tyumen growled.

"Master ... think twice!"

The youth behind him heard the adult in front of him shouting the price, and his body was tight.

Others don't know the rights that the Tyumen steward can control. He knows very well that one billion has reached the top. Even if there is a range of activities, there are up to two billion. It can be said that 1.2 billion is the highest authority he can control ~ www.mtlnovel .com ~ Once you spend it, you will need to report it back to the elders. You will find that the elders of Jucai Pavilion spent so much money only because of the morale. It is difficult to say whether he can continue to be a supervisor!

"Huh, I don't believe it, he has no limit ..."

Mr. Tyumen's steward has red-eyes.

As the manager of the Jucai Pavilion, he has restrictions on controlling money. He does n’t believe that the other person ’s money has no limit. I am afraid that one billion is also his limit. Adding two hundred million will become the last straw that crushes the camel. .

This is actually a gamble!

A gamble for dignity.

But ... unfortunately, it was clear that he lost the bet. The faint voice just now, he heard him add up to 1.2 billion, without any hesitation, the tone was still calm and spit out three words.

"Two billion!"

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