Endless Dantian

Vol 4 Chapter 1968: Assault (on)

"Only to break through the realm of Chinese products?" Fairy Fairy and Miss Bier stared at each other, full of shock.

The smaller the promotion range, the stronger the accumulation and the more solid the foundation.

The young man now has such strength at such a young age. In their opinion, he must be taking some medicine that rapidly increases his strength, and his foundation is slightly unstable. Now I know that people have a solid foundation, which is better than anything they have ever seen. One person.

"Forget it, although it only helped break through the last window paper, the strength has increased a lot ..."

Nie Yun smiled.

No wonder he is depressed. This Zixia fruit claims to allow Wang Jingqiang to be promoted to the first level unconditionally, with hopes before taking it, but the result is unsatisfactory. He only helped break through the window paper and changed who he would be.

After all, even if this layer of window paper is not used, it will take up to three or five days to break through!

Fortunately, this thing is not completely useless. The strong aura is hidden in all the acupoints of the whole body, surging like a tide, making him more powerful and more than doubled. Coupled with the successful promotion to the late stage of the kingdom, the strength is better than before. There is definitely a qualitative leap and improvement.

"Thank you Fairy Zixia Guo!"

Despite his little effect, Nie Yun bowed with fists and his face was sincere.

For him, it has little effect, but the preciousness of Zixia fruit is real.

"This ... this fruit hasn't helped you much. Say thank you and make me feel ashamed ..."

Fairy's white complexion was reddish.

I thought that it could help the other party to improve one level, and it was a reward, but the effect was not significant. It made her even more embarrassed.

"Fairy is polite. I may have something to trouble Fairy. I hope I won't let go then!"

Nie Yundao.

Seeing that the young man's eyes were clear and clean, Fairy Fairy nodded: "It can't be done!"

"That's good. Please wait here, two people, I'll be back soon!"

Seeing the other party agreed, Nie Yun smiled, his body flickered, disappeared from the place, and flew in the direction of Jinyuanfang City.

Although he is not familiar with Vulcan City. But once in Jinyuanfang City, this is the northern part of the city. It is not difficult to find, and it is not long before I see the huge building in front of me.

Enter Fangshi. After finding the passage that the young man took him through, he quickly came to the cell where the ascended man was held. Nie Yun observed it and found that the so-called captain had not returned, and the entire law enforcement team had not been found by other people. This is the way to work, hiding underground at the entrance.

The other party has not yet returned. Rather than aimlessly searching, it's better to hide in place to ambush!

The other is three successful kings who want to be killed. Brute force is difficult to do, only sneak attacks.

He reckoned that only this place was the best place for a sneak attack.

The law enforcement team was annihilated by him. The other party certainly did not know it. When he returned here, he saw all the ascended men missing. It is bound to be a surprise, for a short time to others. It was the best time for him to assassinate.

Moreover, the fighting in this place failed. You can also escape easily. If you sneak attack in the basement of the law enforcement team's basement on the third floor, if the opponent has any other formations, you ca n’t go if you want to go.

However, there are also disadvantages to the battle here. There is no cover of the seal formation method. The aftermath of the battle is easy to reveal, and if it is not good, it will be found by the strong outside.

The only solution is to make a quick decision and solve the battle in the shortest time.

Hiding in the ground, the assassin's talent runs the whole body, as if completely integrated into the ground, fused with the soil, quiet like a rock, and even breathing and heartbeat, he was perfectly covered up, and he couldn't hear him leaning forward.

Under such circumstances, for a long time, Nie Yun's closed eyes suddenly opened.

It wasn't what he found, but a mysterious induction that sensed the prey to be killed, and it was about to appear!

Assassin's talent, although not ranked high in the Three Thousand Avenues, is actually very powerful. As long as the body and mind are fully integrated, it can automatically sense the existence of the person to be killed and take corresponding measures.

Sure enough, a slight vibration came from the ground, and someone came over.

"Haha, I didn't expect this ascendant to be so cheap! It can sell for such a high price!"

"Yeah, it's not like this ascended man, mainly because this local tyrant who came out is too great!"

"Who said no, beat Jucai's face, and made them unable to say anything, could it be great?"

"Take out more than 5 billion at will, who can't talk for anyone! With so much money, we can buy a lot of great resources, and go back later, we also have a lot of capital!"

"It's no wonder that countless law enforcement disciples are vying for it, it's really a fat poor ..."


The voice of the dialogue sounded, and the three figures gradually came over, with deep excitement in the words.

A king of ascension plus a small chaotic ocean, in their view, being able to sell 100 million Vulcan coins is a big profit, directly 3 billion, has become 30 times, this gap almost excites them Without passing out, even if you return to the old nest, it is difficult to contain.

"Huh? Don't talk, something's wrong ..."

Laughter was filling the room, and the sudden advancement stopped abruptly, a vigilant voice sounded.

Hearing this, the other two seemed to be aware of the difference, and their hearts sank. They hurried forward in two steps, turned around, and reached the location of the cell passage.

"What about those ascended?"

Seeing the empty cell, the three of them stunned at the same time, and their scalps were about to explode.

These ascendants represent their wealth, why didn't it take a long time to disappear?


Just when they astonished the Ascendant's slaves disappeared ~ www.readwn.com ~ A sword-mangling "嗖!" Shot from the ground, without any warning, no murderous and murderous, as if it appeared out of thin air, without roots. reason.


The three captains of the King's Kingdom were astonished that the Ascended Man disappeared without any awareness of the danger. It was too late when they saw Jianmang, and there was a crisp sound, and Jianmang passed across the throat of a young man without stopping at all. .


The young man's head slumped down until he was dying. He didn't figure out what was going on, even more unexpectedly, someone would hide in front of their nest and take action against the disciples of their law enforcement team.


Opinions beheaded one of the three. Jianmang didn't hesitate and pause for a moment. He picked it lightly and stabbed another youth with an impossible speed.

This speed surpassed Tiandao, and the naked eye only saw it, and it had not yet responded, and it had appeared in front of the eyes. (To be continued)

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