Endless Dantian

Vol 3 Chapter 193: Open black round beads

Did the father's affairs involve both the Luo family and the royal family?

Although Luo Family Supreme Luo Tianxiang's strength is also the highest peak, the combat effectiveness is not much different from Huo Gang, it is not worthy of attention, the key is the royal family!

The royal ancestor Fengyu has reached the highest peak a hundred years ago. Depending on the supply of an empire, it has been repaired to an extremely high level, even if it is not much different than the Mitian Sect's Yahong Sovereign!

Hundred-flower lords are far from rivals!

Had it not been for this great strength, the Kamikaze Empire would have been overthrown!

It is also a coincidence to defeat the Baihua Sovereign yourself. If you want to defeat the royal ancestor Fengyu, it is simply not realistic!

Unless you have reached the peak of your true energy accumulation!

Don't look at the Supreme, there is only one level, but the difference in strength is great. If converted into power, having the power of 10 elephants is the extreme level, and possessing 9,000 elephants is still in the extreme category, which shows the gap!

"Regardless of his strength, if my father's arrest was really related to the royal family, I wouldn't mind launching a killing ring and letting the entire palace blood flow!"

Although I was afraid in my heart, I was not afraid. Even if the ancestors of the royal family were powerful, they were not bad. The three supreme demon pets cooperated, together with the understanding of the mountains and rivers, and the earth, even without the lord of flowers and Huo Gang Help, victorious Feng Yu, at least he can't treat himself!

The Supreme Strong can fly, but he can also escape, as long as he is not stupid, he should not force himself too tightly!

After all, once you escape. Find opportunities for sneak attacks on his sons and grandchildren. I'm afraid none can live!

I talked with Tieyan for a while. Tieyan didn't know much about the news. However, according to the known information, the Zhao family was not only related to the royal family and Luo family, but also linked to an inexplicable force. Yun Ji's endless Yatianzong did not participate in it.

"Okay, you guys keep investigating. Tell me exactly when you have the news. I plan to sprint these days to see if I can improve again!"

Nie Yun arranged a sound.

Although the promotion to the Supreme level will slow down, but the stronger you are now, the better it is for saving your father and others, and you can't relax at all!

"My lord, this is the vitality of our mercenary regiment. I know this thing is also useful to the Supreme. Otherwise, Huo Gang will not come, and I will give it all to you now!"

When speaking, Tieyan had sent someone to take a jade gourd over.

The inside of the jade gourd is full of golden yellow gas. At a glance, Nie Yun knew that it was the Yuanjing gas that had been used before, only in terms of capacity and quality. It was several times higher than what I got from Yanagisawa!

Although knowing that the spirit of Yuan Jing is a good thing, Tie Yan also knew that he could not enjoy it with his own small mercenary group. The other party saved himself and others, and took it out as a reward.

"I won't quit. Thank you!"

Thinking that his third level of Lingxitian's physical training hadn't reached Dacheng before, Nie Yun would no longer quit. Reached for the hoist.

Once the third layer of the Rhinoceros training body is completed, the physical strength will definitely exceed 50 elephants. Then you can open the black ball and take out the contents!

Nian Yun really wants to see what magic is there for so many people looking for!

A few more words were arranged. The sky was already bright, and Nie Yun would no longer leave. He found a quiet courtyard under Tie Lan's leadership and settled down.

It is worth mentioning that Meng Quan, who had to compete with Nie Yun, has become very good since he knew the true age and strength of the teenager, and has no arrogance before.

Because he also knows that being arrogant in the presence of the supreme strong is to seek death ... than talent, he is not worthy of mentioning shoes to others, the first day of what is called the iron rock mercenary group may be in front of others, but fart !!

What capital can be arrogant?


In the silent room, Nie Yun sat cross-legged beside the bed, the whole person glowed golden light, and in front of him was a horizontal jade gourd, which was empty and empty.


I don't know how long, Nie Yun opened his eyes suddenly, his muscles crackled like a dense firecracker.


The firecrackers continued for about half an hour, and Nie Yun spit out at once, and his eyes shot out a golden light, which illuminated the whole room!

"I thought it was very close to the third floor, and it only took one foot to succeed. I didn't expect the facts to be so simple. All the essence of the gourd in the gourd was completely absorbed and luck was included, and it was completely completed ... "

Standing up and feeling the change of muscles in my body, the golden light in Nie Yun's eyes slowly hidden, and the whole person smiled.

Before, I felt that it was not far from the third floor of the Spirit Rhinoceros Body Cultivation in the secret room of Liucheng Ze. I thought that I could break open at the door. I did not expect to completely absorb the essence of the gourd and completely succeed!

The spirit rhinoceros refining body reaches the third level, and the body defense is comparable to the royal weapon. Even if you stand on one side and let the ordinary supreme strong attack, there will be no damage!

It ’s okay to simply defend it, and physical strength has also made a qualitative leap. Nie Yun felt that with a flick of his fist, he could squash the iron block, and even the royal weapons could be broken!

"The physical strength has exceeded 50 elephants, and the true strength has also improved. Now try again to see if you can open the black ball!

With a flick of the wrist, he took the black ball out of Narita Tanada again, clasped his hands tightly, and exerted both physical and energetic power!

Hum! Click! Click!

The power was exerted to the extreme. First, a bright white light flashed, and then a series of crisp sounds were heard. The black beads were like crushed cooked eggs, and there were thin cracks!

"It's about to succeed! Drive me!"

Seeing the crack, Nie Yun knew that the success was about to happen, his eyes brightened, and his strength suddenly increased again!


Finally, the black cylinder could no longer withstand the powerful force ~ www.readwn.com ~ completely cracked from the middle, revealing the contents inside.

This thing is only the size of a cherry, round and smooth, just like pearls.

Seeing something pearly, Nie Yun's eyes flashed with excitement.

Breaking the black beads, he already knows the black outside, but it is just the obstructive method left by the super strong who made this thing. The real darter Dantian is this cherry-sized thing!

This super strong can be terrible! It can peel Nagoya Tanita from the human body and make it into a container containing things.

With emotion in his heart, Nie Yun stretched his spiritual power towards the darling Dan Tian in his hand, and then glanced at him. Suddenly his eyes were wide and his face was filled with shock.

"This ... this ... how is this possible? Now ... fortune!"

Forgiving his excellent mental quality, he couldn't help yelling in surprise, no more calmness than before! (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point (m) to vote for recommendations and monthly tickets. Your support is my greatest motivation.)

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