Endless Dantian

Vol 4 Chapter 1975: No matter


After hearing what he said, General Zhi Zhi knew that he could no longer be discouraged, and he shook his head: "Her Royal Highness, please be careful. If anything happens, send me a message and I will bring someone right away!"

"Good!" Nie Yun nodded and agreed.

After chatting for a while, General Zhi Zhi saw that he did not follow him back, and he was anxious to return to his life and had to get up to leave.

As soon as they left, Nie Yun's heart moved, and a messenger jade charm appeared in the palm of his hand.

It was the one left by the Vulcan auction house Wei Buxin.

"Have you heard about Lingtai Lingyue?"

When he saw the message on Yufu, Nie Yun's heart moved.

His intersection with Wei Buxin is Lingtai Lingyue. The other party is now looking for himself, and must have news and eyebrows.

"Miss Bier, go back to Vulcan Sect first, I still have something to do, just leave!"

Rejecting what Bier wanted to follow, Nie Yun fluttered and flew straight towards the auction house.

Now no matter who he is, he thinks he is the prince of the Putian dynasty. In this case, don't reveal the identity of the ascendant at the highest level. Therefore, the less you know about Lingyue, the better.

His position is not too far from the auction house, and after walking for a long time, he came here again.

There are no auctions today, much colder than that day.

"Stop, there is no auction today, please come back!"

When he came to the door, before entering, several young men wearing armor were blocking him.

"I have something to ask your president!" Nie Yundao.

"Find our President?"

When a young man first started to look at Nie Yun's youthful appearance, he couldn't help laughing. "You're looking for the president. I'm looking for the Lord of the Vulcan Sovereign! Go away, this is not the place where you mess up! Otherwise I'm welcome! "

After talking about the spear in his hand. Whimpering.

Although he is a guard, his strength is not simple. Has reached a half-step king.

What is the status of auction house president Wei Buxin? Even the owner of the city must be treated equally. It is ridiculous to find him in his twenties.

"Hurry up, Vulcan Auction House can't be troubled by anyone!"

"Leave now, don't care about your rudeness, otherwise. Don't want to leave ..."

"Get out, think we dare not beat you ..."


The remaining guards laughed at the same time.

They all feel that the teenager in front of him has lost his heart, and the governor is noble, how can anyone see everyone!

When he heard the other party was so rude, Nie Yun's eyebrows frowned, but he was not angry, and he said, "Trouble pass through, otherwise, I really leave. I'm afraid you will be punished!"

He himself throws billions of God of Wealth, and if Wei Buxin knew that he was driven away by several guards at the gate, he would definitely want to kill them. Nie Yun didn't want to do it because of his own affairs. Involve others, kindly remind me.

"Punished? Funny, who do you think you are? Elder Zongmen or the Lord of the City? I finally warned you. Get out now, otherwise. We really want to get started!"

The young man at the front screamed fiercely. His face was like a knife.

"these people……"

Seeing that these guards did not listen well, Nie Yun was helpless and had to take out Wei Buxin's messenger jade card and send him a message.

"What is it like to make a noise outside the door?"

Immediately after sending the message, a thick voice sounded, and then a middle-aged man strode over.

"Nothing to do ..."

When they saw this person, the crowd froze at the same time, and stood upright and respectfully.

"What happened?" Mo Guan was unhappy.

"Return to the steward, this is to find the president, we are driving him away ..." The former youth hurriedly explained.

"Looking for the President?" Mo Guanshi turned his head to Nie Yun and glanced at him, showing contempt.

He has been with the president for many years. Nearly all of the core disciples of Vulcan Sect and the young talents of the major forces of Vulcan City have known each other. He has never heard of such a character. However, after all, he is very knowledgeable, unlike other people. As reckless as anyone, he could not help asking: "Dare to ask the young master's name ..."

"My name is Nie Yun!" Nie Yun said lightly.

"Nie Yun?"

Mo Guan frowned. After thinking about it for a long time, I didn't think of any surname Nie. The language turned and hummed: "I'm sorry, our president is waiting for a distinguished guest. I don't have time to see you. Please return. Come on! "

"No time to see me?"

Nie Yun froze and immediately understood.

It seems to be the effect of the 200 million sealing fee. Wei Buxin did not tell anyone all his information, even his subordinates.

"I'm waiting here, it shouldn't affect you!"

Understand this, Nie Yun nodded secretly.

Although Wei Weixin is only profitable, he is not useless, at least in the matter of confidentiality, he has done a good job.

"The auction house is not where anyone wants to stay. Please leave, otherwise, I can only use coercion!"

Seeing that the boy did not leave, he still wanted to stay here, and Mo Guan's face sank, his eyes gloomy.


As soon as his words fell, several guards in front of the door would be erected at the same time. It seemed that as long as Nie Yun didn't leave, they would shoot.


Seeing their attitude, Nie Yun shook his head, turned and walked out, and disappeared in front of everyone in a blink of an eye.

"A kid who doesn't know the heights and heights, how can the president see so easily ..."

"Fortunately he runs fast, otherwise, see how I learn!"

Seeing his powerful "knowledge", the guards muttered a few words.

"Okay ~ www.readwn.com ~ The next time I meet this kind of guy who doesn't know the heights of the sky, I just grab it and don't have to worry about it ..." Mo Guanxi snorted, trying to learn a few words, and suddenly heard A series of anxious footsteps came from behind.

"What's wrong? Panic ..."

The footsteps were a little flustered, and Mo Guan raised a brow, turned and scolded, and then spoke only half of the words, suddenly his face became pale, and the words lingered in his throat: "President, aren't you ... waiting for important guests? Why did you come down? "

The owner of the panic step was the president of the auction house, Wei Buxin. At this time, Wei Buxin had anxiety in his eyes. He didn't look at him and kept looking out, as if looking for someone.

"Mo Xiong, did someone come to me just now?"

After looking around and not finding the "God of Wealth", Wei Buxin's face sank.

"Looking for you?" Mo Guanshi froze. "I haven't seen it!"

In his opinion, what made the president so mindful was surely a powerful figure who had never thought of a shabby young man.

"I'm a young man, not very old, and he looks like he's eighteen or nine ..."

Wei Buxin frowned and said, "Just send me a message saying that it was right at the door. Someone stopped him. Why was he gone? People?"

"Not old? Someone stopped him ..."

Hearing this, Mo Guanshi and a few guards stunned at the same time, and almost fell to the ground. At this time, I don't know who the president said, it's really stupid!

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