Endless Dantian

Vol 4 Chapter 1979: 1 finger

The eyes opened and looked around.

In his eyes, the strength of this middle-aged person is not high, only to complete the kingship. Among these people waiting to be hired, they are not conspicuous, but I do not know why, giving Nie Yun a sense of impenetrability.

Several kings have been killed in the consummation of the king's kingdom, and they can't see through ... Nie Yun can't help but have a hint of interest.

"I'll give you time to think about it. Twenty-one thousand days, hire me to guarantee that you can accomplish what you want to do ..."

Shu Cheng didn't see Nie Yun looking around, sneered and came over, determined what you looked like.

In his opinion, as long as this person wants to hire the Emperor Realm, he can't pass this hurdle. Here he is the biggest overlord. He said that he should not be allowed to go, and who would never dare to go. Only obediently accept the price you proposed!

This kind of thing hasn't been done once or twice. It can be done every time. It's nothing.

However, just when he thought he would compromise, the teenager waved his hand: "No! I have found the right person!"

After turning, he turned to the middle-aged man who was not far away.

"court death……"

Shu Cheng was interrupted, without giving the slightest face, Shu Cheng became gloomy, and became a little dazed.

I've been crazy here for a long time, I have never seen such a stubborn customer!

If your strength is unbeatable, look at the manners, the breath radiating from your body, but Wang Jing, this kind of strength dare to do so, it seems that you really do not want to live!

With a cold hum, Shu Cheng's feet a little, his body fluttered over like a phantom, his fingers spread out, with a strong sense of oppression, like a stormy sea.

The realm power unique to the mid-imperial powers. It was like tearing up the space, and immediately came behind Nie Yun.

He wasn't trying to kill this person, he was trying to establish a prestige, and gave him power to let the other know. Don't choose your own price!


Wei Buxin on the side did not expect that Shu Cheng dared to attack the customer, and his face was so scared that he rushed forward.

The big customer in front of him, but thrown away billions of existence, and brought him to hire people in order to make a good relationship. In case no one can afford responsibility because this guy completely offends.


Before coming to Shu Cheng, a cold mang stabbed up.

Shu Cheng had known that he would block, and stayed behind, Han Mang was left behind. With a powerful force in the middle of the imperial realm, pierced the space and came to the front.


Although Wei Buxin is a businessman, his strength is not to be underestimated. His five fingers are like hooks, like iron claws. If he pinches it gently, he will crush the sword, but his speed is fast. After this block, it is too late, and Shu Cheng ’s open palm has come to Nie Yun's heart.

"Hey. I won't kill you, but I will let you remember the lesson! Let you know the consequences of not listening ..."

It has long been calculated that Wei Buxin could not have had time to rescue, Shu Cheng smiled, and the whistling palm was pressed down.


Just when everyone thought that the young man who had come to hire someone was going to be unlucky, the boy slowly turned around.

Slow movements and even a bit lightness. But without any extra movement, the **** were close together. Point out lightly.

The palm of his hand had no power at all, as if it depended on the flesh alone. It also seemed to be rushed in a hurry without any power.

"act recklessly!"

Seeing a boy from the king's realm, he dared to use his fingers to resist the full palm of his strong middle-class imperial realm. Shu Cheng sneered again and again, and opened his fingers to grab the opponent's palm and crush it.

Who knew that before contacting his fingers, his pupils shrank and he immediately felt a chill in his heart.

In order to reach his level, Xiu was able to predict the danger in advance.


His face sank, and it was too late to shrink his hands!


Accompanying the teenager's expressionless snoring, his finger was already on Shu Cheng's palm.

His movements were light and agile, as if there was no power, but Shu Cheng, the party, exuded a deep fear from the heart. A strong sense of panic filled the whole body and kept trembling in the air.


However, it was too late. The palms in contact with the other's fingers were like porcelain made of stone, and a sound of "click! Click!" Sounded continuously, and cracks began to spread to the entire arm with the spot in the finger of the teenager.


In the blink of an eye, the whole arm shattered and turned into powder and fell to the ground.


"How is this going?"

Everyone thought that this boy was going to be unlucky. Who knew that the ending would be reversed, and Shu Cheng ’s arm was shaken into powder, and everyone was stunned.

This is the arm, the body of flesh. According to the normal situation, even if it is cut off, there will be blood flowing out, flesh flew ... Now it is just like porcelain, it is broken into powder, and no drop of blood flows out. What is going on?

"The space of the Peak Royal Realm is broken ... Are you the Peak Royal Realm?"

Shu Cheng's arm was broken, and he retreated back and forth, seeing the thick fear from his eyes.

Others don't recognize the horror of this trick, he knows it very well, this is the space fragmentation ability only the strongest in the realm of the imperial realm. It seems that what he just broke is the arm, in fact, it is the opponent who uses the powerful ability to break the space Crushing, the space is broken, and the arms inside the space can't resist it, and it breaks into dust!

In this case, each piece of minced meat is wrapped in a broken space, and naturally there is no blood flowing out, and even what it is broken into is not visible!

Ignoring his nonsense, Nie Yun turned and walked towards the middle-aged man.

He has no peak imperial power, at most only the peak imperial realm. The reason why he can make this effect is precisely the perception in the library these days!

The use of the power of the space of the world of objects to break up caused a crack in the universe of the world of God. Even if you are close, the power is just a top quality imperial realm. You can show this effect at once. The power of the world's space is emitted, and he can clearly feel the weakness of the opponent's tricks and use it!

If the opponent's attack power is smaller ~ www.readwn.com ~ it must not be so serious, but he did not keep his hands. The result is self-evident, the injury is more terrible, and it is generally attacked by the strongest peak of the realm!


Seeing that the young man ignored him, Shu Cheng showed anger, but did not dare to move forward. If the other party is really the peak of the imperial realm, he would not even count the ants in front of others.

However, he did not dare to trouble Nie Yun, but Nie Yun did not intend to let him go. He had no pity and sympathy for this kind of bully.

When the palm of the hand was flipped, a large cloud of Vulcan coins fell on the ground and issued a "Boom!" Sound, and then a faint voice sounded, as if saying something simple.

"This is 200 million Vulcan coins. Whoever killed him is his!"

(The final exam will be closed tomorrow after the final exam. It may be busy in the second half of the month. Laoya will take his father-in-law to Xining for inspection. After finishing it, he intends to go around. Since writing the King of Fighters, he is now seven or eight years old. I have never taken my daughter-in-law out, and I feel that I owe a lot! So ... I will try my best to keep improving in the second half of the month, but there may be more time for one update. Please report in advance. Do n’t hit me.) (To be continued)

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