Endless Dantian

Vol 4 Chapter 1984: condition

"What's the matter?"

"Dasao is actually the peak of the imperial realm?"

"Last time I deducted more than half of his Vulcan coin, and now he shows his strength, won't he kill me ..."

"It shouldn't be, if it's really hands-on, it should have moved just now. It seems that we are all not opponents ..."


Nie Yun and others all left, and the employees around them recovered from the shock, one by one with big eyes and small eyes, full of fear in their hearts.

Just now, whether this young master or that big sister-in-law who was bullied by them every day, gave too much shock, it was difficult to digest for a while.

"Don't think too much about it, what about so much money?"

Just as everyone was stunned, a voice called out.

"Yeah, what about the money? When I killed Shu Cheng just now, I also contributed, and I still have injuries!"

"Who isn't hurt here? Why do you want to take more?"

"Hey, I suggest you better not grab it, otherwise, by the young master, we must not be able to survive!"

"Everyone just fought, they all worked hard, I can't seem to divide evenly!"

"Nice, even ..."


When I saw Vulcan Coins all over the ground, I wanted to rush to **** them, but in the end they all stopped.

That master ’s tactics are so powerful that if he hides on one side and peeks, it would be miserable if he was offended by robbery.

Anyway, 200 million Vulcan coins, even if they are evenly divided, they can each be tens of millions, and they can't spend their entire lives. It doesn't make much sense to grab or not.

So ... there was a scene in the innermost area of ​​the employment market that made everyone astounded. Everyone did not scramble, but received methodically. How much does each person take?

Don't blame them for being careful. The scene just now is really shocking. Although the money is good ... life is more important!

After these people divided the money, they immediately left Vulcan City, and they have never been hired again. They have become obedient riches ... Of course, these are the last words, and it has nothing to do with Nie Yun.

At this time, Nie Yun has returned to the auction house.

"President Wei, you have a place to find me a quiet place!"

Stopped. Nie Yun commanded.

Before he left the employment market, he knew that the middle-aged man had followed him, and he was quite satisfied with his decision.

When it is time to make a decision, you must make a decision. Luck is not always on a certain person. Once you lose it, you want to grab it, which is basically impossible.

Wei Buxin was quick to do things, and for a dozen breaths, he vacated a room.

There are various restrictions around the room. Even the strongest peaks in the imperial realm can't eavesdrop and peek at what happened inside without destroying it.

As soon as he entered it, Nie Yun knew that this was the place where Vulcan Auction would discuss details with important customers. The highest level reception room.

Wei Buxin also hated fun, arranged all this, and went out. Soon there were only two middle-aged people in the room: Nie Yun and Yun Zhong.


Nie Yun was thinking about what the other party would say, but he saw the middle-aged man kneeling softly on the ground in front of him: "Please ask my son to save me!"

"Do you believe I can save you?"

Nie Yun was not in a hurry. Asked with a smile.

This guy didn't believe it just now, I didn't expect it to be a long time. Has completely changed attitudes.

"My son can see the nine mysterious fingers in my body, which means that he can save me. I was too suspicious just now. Please forgive me, too!" The middle-aged man was busy.

What he said was in his heart.

Fear of being chased after all these years, this one spit out the situation in front of him, and thought he was caught again. This was a bit disorientated, calmed down, and suddenly realized that this was not the case.

If the other party finds himself, according to that person's nature, he will be endlessly humiliated, even if he does not die. The boy in front of him has not only been humiliated, but also given enough respect. Not that person, or that person's subordinates can do it!

"I can undo the nine mysterious fingers in your body! But ... I don't want to force others. I'll talk about my conditions first, and you agree before you agree!"

Nie Yun said lightly.

"Want to hear the details!" The middle-aged man bit his teeth.

Although reluctant, there is no way, Jiutuan Xuanyin Finger is too painful. When encountering a person who can help to solve it, if you don't grasp the opportunity, you will definitely suffer forever in the future and you ca n’t turn around.

"I want you to be my attendant, obey my orders unconditionally, and protect my safety ... But rest assured, I won't let you do death or do something unethical!"

Nie Yun stated his requirements: "The deadline is three years, that is to say, you must be my attendant for three years. As long as three years later, it doesn't matter where you want to go, and I don't care! In the three years as my servant, no matter what you see or hear, you can't divulge a word. Anyone is allowed to say ... If I can do it, I will help you. If you can't do it, please leave! "


The middle-aged man couldn't say a word and stayed where he was.

"What? Can't this be done?"

Looking at his expression, Nie Yun frowned.

"No ... not ... I think the conditions proposed by the son, too ... less!" The middle-aged man then responded, busy.

He had already prepared for the other party to ask for a price, and never dreamed of it ~ www.readwn.com ~ The conditions were so simple.

Being a three-year attendant ... it's too easy!

In fact, if the other party is serving as an attendant from now until the end of life, he may agree!

In just three years ... For a peak cultivator in the imperial realm, it is almost no different from a few breaths, and sometimes a retreat passes.

For his shock, Nie Yun laughed and did not explain.

He has just arrived in the world of God, and his foundation is unstable, so he turned to the Emperor Realm to serve as a servant, for safety and for travel convenience.

The reason why it is set to be three years is that he knows that any external force is not as powerful as himself. After three years, his strength will definitely be many times stronger than now. Even if he does not reach the imperial realm, he will certainly not be as embarrassed as now. Already.

In other words, he has confidence. After three years, even if the universe of the world is strong, he can break out of his own world!

At that time, the peak of the emperor's realm was already there, and if he was willing to leave, he would not leave, and he stayed. It had not affected him much.

"I Yuan Jiu, now I swear by my destiny Yuan Shen, as long as the son helped me heal Jiu Xuan Yin Finger, I am willing to be his attendant, life and death will not change!"

The two sides had no opinion, and the middle-aged man did not hesitate, and immediately swore an oath.

"Okay, let's start now, but ... I'm taking you to a place now, you can't resist!"

After hearing his oath, Nie Yun did not dissuade him.

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