Endless Dantian

Vol 4 Chapter 1988: Bow

"We are soldiers of the Putian Dynasty. If you treat me like this, do you want to cause a war between the Putian Dynasty and the Vulcan Sect ..."

General Zhi Zhiyu's face was bruised, and he roared,

They are soldiers of the Putian Dynasty, representing the dignity of the Putian Dynasty. This person forced them to kneel in front of them, which is equivalent to * naked face.

"I know you are from the imperial dynasty, if not, you will not start ..."

The young man chuckled and turned to look at an iron armored soldier: "These people have been imprisoned by me, and the rest is left to you. Be sure to let them admit that they are the killers of the squadron! Let them confess their sins!"


铁 The iron-armor warrior nodded, and then there was a hint of doubt in his eyes. He wanted to ask, but he didn't dare to ask.

"Say something!"

Liao Rong was majestic.

"Yes ... they are people of the Putian Dynasty, and belong to one of the eight major forces. They should not shoot against the execution team, and the execution team is also an eight disciple disciple ..."

铁 The iron armored warrior thought for a moment, still asked.

虽然 Although his eyesight is not good, he can still see that these people cannot be murderers in front of him. Why does the master have to make himself admit it?

I did this, and if I knew to the Putian Dynasty, I would definitely be punished even if I was not low in Vulcan Sect!

"Stupid!" He snorted when he heard the question: "I already knew that they must not be murderers, but ... only if they are murderers can this case be brought to an end!"

"Ended earlier?" The Iron Armor blinked, still unable to figure out what was going on.

Since you all know that they are not murderers, isn't this torture?

有 What's the benefit of doing this? Why did the case end earlier?

"Although our Vulcan Sect has occupied a single place, it is still a lot worse than the eight major forces. The execution team formed by the eight major gates was destroyed by people in our Vulcan city. The severity of the consequences, needless to say, you should Think of it too! "

Seeing that he still didn't understand, he shook his head and explained again.

His subordinates. Although it is good to do things, there will be no errors in the execution of the order, but my mind is a bit too slow. They all said so clearly, it is not clear.


The iron armored warrior nodded.

God of Vulture is supreme in Vulcan Realm. But in the whole world of the gods, they can only be regarded as first-class forces. Compared with these super forces of the Putian Dynasty, they are still a lot worse.

The executive team is composed of eight super powers, and their status is conceivable. They were killed by the masses at their site, and the severity of the consequences was already known to them. If it weren't for this, they would not have been well rested these days. Searching around.

It's just ... what does the seriousness of this matter have to do with these people?

This ... he still doesn't understand.

"You also saw the scene of the execution team. The murderer was very clever, leaving no trace. It is almost impossible to find out completely!" Shao Shao shook her head: "So many days have passed now, yet The news. Many people at the Eight Great Sects have been dissatisfied ... There is only one way to keep them blameless. That is ... find the killer! "

"The murderer can't find it, and he has to find it ... It's not difficult to find such a thing. It's a big deal to find a few dead ghosts, but ... if you do, it will definitely cause suspicion. It's easy to find out, by then ... we must all be unlucky! "

"It's better to divert misfortunes than that!"

"These people are from the Putian Dynasty, and they just have a contradiction with the execution team. As long as they are admitted as murderers, the contradictions of the eight forces will be concentrated in the Putian Dynasty, and we will be safe ..."

When I saw him, I really didn't understand, and I was too lazy to hint, and said directly.

"This ... that's the case! Master is terrific!" The iron armored soldier admired heartily.

The eunuchs were destroyed by the masses in Vulcan City. The pressure from the eight major forces was too great. It was indeed the best way to transfer to the Putian Dynasty.

The Emperor Pu'er Dynasty belonged to the eight major forces, and told others that they were doing it. Even if they were full of opinions, they would not be overly oppressed. If they were not good, they would talk to each other and finally leave them alone.

Anyway, the eight major forces have not seen this happen once or twice. It is not surprising.

"Know the reason, do not hurry up!"

After I explained, I snorted.

"Yes ..." The iron armored warrior said no more, he smiled, reached out and grabbed a soldier and brought Zhi Zhi to the front.

"Recognize that the execution team is yours. These people can survive, otherwise ... you know!"

After talking, a cruel smile appeared on his face, and his mouth was raised, and he did not control General Zhi. He agreed to disagree, and his palm was suddenly hard.


兵 The soldier's head exploded immediately under his strength, and the body fell to the ground.

He did this, obviously there is only one purpose, you promise to also promise, you also promise to promise!

As long as you dare not agree, all of these subordinates will die, none left!


Understanding the opponent's purpose, General Zhi 捏 clenched his fists and turned pale.

The other party tortures him and forces him ... It is shameless to threaten his life!

These subordinates were born and died to accompany him. They are already close to each other as brothers, and let him watch one by one die in front of them.

怎么 "Why? Don't admit it? It doesn't matter, there are many others behind, I will kill them one by one until you admit it!"

铁 The Iron Armor licked his lips ~ www.readwn.com ~ with blood in his eyes.

"You despicable! Come directly to me for anything, don't touch them, they are all innocent ..."

Shouted General Zhizhi.

He never dreamed that the other party was so despicable.

"Innocent? Hey!" This iron fighter sneered: "I suspect now that they are the accomplices who killed the execution team. As long as you don't admit it, they ... are in danger of escape!"

"You ..." General Zhi Zhi's heart seemed to be scratched by a knife, but he had no choice but to resist.

The other party is a naked threat. As long as you do n’t admit it, these people will inevitably die, and admitting it ... is equal to causing trouble to the Putian Dynasty, and depending on their cruel and ruthless looks, they will certainly not let go of this brother!

Doesn't it ... have been on the battlefield for so many years, that the army would be annihilated here?

"Okay ... as long as you do n’t do anything to them, I can admit that the execution team is my hand!"

He hesitated for a long time. General Zhi Zhi saw that the other party would kill people at any time, so he bowed his head.

"No ... the general cannot admit ..."

I heard the general say, all the soldiers shouted at the same time, and burst into tears.




◇ [To be continued. "This text is provided by The Shining Shadow Group @kirlin trace". If you like this work, you are welcome to subscribe for rewards, your support is the author's greatest motivation. 】

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