Endless Dantian

Vol 4 Chapter 1995: map

Although Nie Yun said that money belongs to everyone, he did not say who the sparse thing belongs to. Wei Buxin is a smart person who knows how to choose. He didn't see the sparse ring and handed it over directly.

知道 He knows that the covetousness makes the young man in front of him unhappy.

When I saw the other party's interest, Nie Yun didn't say much. He reached for the ring to receive the object, and his spirit moved to see the contents inside.

The first thing that caught my eye was the 300 million Vulcan coins that had just been received, and Jin Guangcan was piled on one side, like a hill.

When I saw this money, Nie Yun couldn't help feeling, what's the use of desperately chasing, people die like a lamp, and in the end it's not their own!

I have accumulated a lot of things in addition to money. This unfortunately is a disciple of Vulcan Sect. In addition, as a member of the Xingtang, I usually have a lot of respect and a lot of oil.

Although Vulcan coins are only a few million, they are somewhat inconspicuous in his eyes, but all kinds of rare treasures, exotic flowers, dazzling, dazzling.

"It's worthy of being punished, terrific!"

Looking at these things, Nie Yun couldn't help but sigh. To be honest, these things are also a lot of useless to him. After all, he now needs to promote things that are repaired, not flashy items.

It is useless to him, but if you give these things to someone, you will definitely be able to add a lot of gimmicks. The deliberate collection of these rare items must be related to the identity of his disciple. There are gifts and there are gifts. Money is immutable, and it won't produce amazing results.

"Hmm? What is this?"

He glanced boringly at the things in the ring, and Nie Yun's eyes fell on dozens of black octagonal stones.

石头 The shapes of these stones and spirit stones are similar, but the light is restrained. There seemed to be dragons dormant.

"Is this ... these are **** stones?" Nie Yun's eyes lit up.

With these stones, the spirit came closer. I feel aura of refreshing, refreshing. I am afraid it is the so-called **** stone.

The coins circulating in the God of Fire are Vulcan coins, and the Putian Dynasty also circulates coins specially made by the Putian Dynasty. Although there is a certain exchange relationship between them, they are often not in circulation.

It can circulate throughout the **** world, and even the major forces are regarded as treasures, it is this kind of **** stone!

"Well enough aura, the current strength of the world of things ... it can't be copied!"

I looked at it for a while, Nie Yun marveled.

The world of receptive objects can copy countless Vulcan coins. But there is nothing that can be done about these **** stones.

These divine stones look ordinary, but they contain a breath that makes people's strength and soul replenished. When the aura is full, if you throw it into the ocean of chaos, any one can trigger a vortex of aura and create a master-level power!

I have to say that the creation is magical, and Xiu Lingtiancheng.

The spirit moved. A divine stone appeared on the palm of the hand, and the palms were folded together to draw the aura from it.


The body immediately wanted to eat the Dabu Wan, and the turbulent breath filled all the meridians of the body. The practice that made him pause has made progress again.

Although this progress is much worse for him to help Yuan Jiu to detoxify, it is also more than ten times faster than his usual practice!

"It looks like I will have to practice more **** stones ..."

Yan Nieyun secretly decided.

No matter where you cultivate. Step by step is the king, relying on opportunity alone. How can there be so many?

Put dozens of **** stones as a ladder for future practice. Nie Yun continued to look at the rest.

There was basically nothing behind him that made his heart beat, or his eyes brightened. Just as the mental power was about to withdraw from the ring, something suddenly caught his attention.

Is an old dark yellow stone stele with some patterns on it. It seems that it has been stripped of color because of its age. Some of them are unclear, and it can be seen that it is a map.

"Will this guy still have a treasure map?"

Xie Nieyun aroused curiosity. As soon as the spirit moved, this stele appeared in the world of things.

In the outside world, his power is limited. In the face of this broken stone monument, he can't see exactly what is depicted on it, but in the world of things, it is different. With one idea, he can easily restore his original appearance and let the faded color. Come back again.

Let the stele hover in front of him a little.


Some unclear lines on the stone tablet were slowly exposed.

"This is a map ... but it seems to be divided into several parts, this is just one of them!"

I looked at it for a while and found that it was a map. However, looking at the edge should be a whole divided by people, and at most one-fifth of his hands.

"The lines on the map have a burning flame, which should have been left by a master of Vulcan Sect. Could it be ... this is the relic said by the disciple Gu Yang, the gatekeeper of the library?"

This idea came up in Yun Nieyun's heart,

When he came out of the library before, the gatekeeper disciple named Gu Yang from the library had invited him to a relic left by a vulcan predecessor. He didn't agree. Looking at the breath from this map gave him this feeling. .

In order to reach such a state of his mind, Shu Xiu has an open mind and an idea and an idea cannot be groundless!

I glanced around and saw Gu Yang's jade charm among the remaining items.

Yan Guyang once left this thing for him. The soul is the same, and it is easy to recognize.

"If this thing is really a map of the ruins, it would be good to look at it in the past ..."

I glanced at the other side of the stele ~ www.readwn.com ~ There are some handwritings left on it. Although I can't see exactly what it is, it shows the power of the handwriting master. I am afraid that it is more terrible than Yuan Jiu!

This strength has already stood at the pinnacle of the universe of God. As long as the great emperor does not take action, he is the master of the world.

怎么 How easy is such a relic left by such a person.

"This is not bad ..."

Put the stele in the world of things and don't take it out.

I do n’t know if the relics that Gu Yang said were the same, and they did n’t tell them whether to leave, so do n’t worry too much.

"Unfortunately, even though this guy is a mid-term imperial powerhouse, he doesn't even have an imperial soldier ... it's a poor ghost!"

I finished reading everything, and Nie Yun couldn't help shaking her head.

家伙 This guy is a middle-class imperial power anyway. There is no imperial soldier in the ring, so to be honest, he is really drunk.

How could a disciple of the Church of the Fire God Zong Xingtang be so poor ...

Originally, with the promotion of strength, he felt that the weapon was a bit uncomfortable, and he wanted to find a new one ... It seemed that the hope was shattered.

"President Wei, the death of 宭 可能 may cause a lot of trouble, and the rest will be left to you. How to eliminate the trouble, presumably you know better than me, and there are better ways to solve it ..."

Ning Yun withdrew from the ring, and Nie Yun looked at Wei Buxin. (To be continued ...)

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