Endless Dantian

Vol 4 Chapter 2007: Can only live 1

According to some data records, although the immortal in the painting is a dangerous place for nine lives, it is also the supreme land of the imperial practitioners.

The imperial realm understands space and enhances its strength. The immortal in the painting is something that can only be made when the imperial realm is completed. It contains all the full understanding of space by such a strong person, and training in it can make the strength increase faster.

Because of this, many major gate forces will deliberately put some outstanding disciples into the painting, so that they can better understand the true meaning of the space and grow rapidly.

The immortal in this painting will certainly not be as smooth as in Zong Men, and can smoothly realize the creator's upright meaning, but Nie Yun is confident that as long as he works hard, he will definitely be rewarded.

Standing at the bow of the boat, he didn't feel the same emotion as everyone else, but closed his eyes quietly and realized everything around him.

The blood in the blood pool was surging, and the big ship was swimming on top of it, and it seemed that the huge waves would overturn and fall into it at any time.

Standing firmly on the deck, the body was constantly undulating with the huge waves. Nie Yun seemed to see that the vortex in front of him was formed by the thin lines with the laws of space. These were intertwined, like a fishing net full of wrinkles.

These fishing nets are accompanied by tidal changes, with special mysteries, and even him, can't find out in a short time.

"Look, there is a new world ahead!"

Realizing, a shout sounded, looked up, and really saw a huge world appear at the end of the vortex.

This world looks like a floor plan, hanging directly in front of it, like a suspended continent, with mountains and lakes, lakes and oceans, and everything, nothing strange.

"Welcome to the world in my paintings! Presumably you already know who I am before coming!"

Just want to take a closer look at how big the flat world is. A voice came from nothing, like a thunderstorm.

The voice carries vicissitudes and long distances, and is transmitted to everyone's soul, word by word is very clear.

"That's right, I'm Yugaki! Your elder Vulcan Sect!"

"It must have been hard to find here. Well, the people of Vulcan Sect are not good things. It took so much effort to find this place, no need to guess, they are all greedy people!"

There was a joke in the voice. With a touch of resentment, it seems to have great hatred for Vulcan Sect.

After hearing these words, Nie Yun, Luo Hao, and others looked at each other and saw helplessness and vigilance in their eyes.

The other party knew that the person who came in was Vulcan Sect, and he was unfriendly. I am afraid that the so-called ruins are not so easy to obtain. On the contrary, they are likely to be full of danger.

Sure enough, everyone no longer had to guess, the voice in the air continued to speak.

"To deal with your greedy Vulcan sects, in accordance with the nature of my life, I will kill you all! But ... I'm dead now. I don't want the legacy that I worked so hard to disappear, so ... of you, I One will be accepted as a disciple. Everyone else will die! "

The voice was cold, revealing a strong sense of killing.

"I will set up checkpoints to evaluate you later. Each level will get a certain number of points. Those who have more points will become my disciples. As for everyone else, they will all die!"

"Now ... you have a total of six people. Only five can enter the first level, otherwise. All are obliterated! So ... one of you must be killed and killed before entering the world in the painting. Those who get priority access to the world right!"

The voice said that it was a little bit more indifferent and indifferent: "Now there is less than half a column of incense from the world in the painting, you have to do it quickly. If you want to be a strong person, you do n’t have enough heart to kill. Definitely dreaming, haha, let the killing begin! "

The sound disappeared.

"Only five can enter the first level?"

"To kill someone?"

"What is this rule? Only one person can inherit the line, and everyone will die ..."


Everyone looked ugly, and at the same time they could not help but step back, and the mutual trust between them became vigilant.

No one knows who will suddenly shoot, kill the other, and compete for the only opportunity to enter the world in advance.

"Don't be nervous, Elder Yuan Yuan's words may not be credible. It's because he deliberately wanted to split us!" Nie Yun said in a secret way when he saw everyone's attitude and behavior.

Everyone was vigilant against each other, and the original unity was completely destroyed. Beware of each other and fight with each other, let alone inheritance. Otherwise, everyone will die here!

"Elder Yuan Yuan is by any means the strongest group in the world of God. Even death, with the power of the immortals in the painting, it is easy for us to deal with us. Why bother to work hard?"

"Yeah, he wants to kill us. It's very simple. Since he said that, he must have his own purpose. If we don't execute it, he will be trapped alive here. Don't say that we can't get out of the ruins. "

"He has vengeance against Vulcan Sect. By doing so, we are killing each other. He also finds the pleasure of revenge. If we don't do this ... he will definitely take the shot and force us to obliterate! So, sorry brothers, To protect myself, I can only shoot at one of them! "


Hearing Nie Yun's persuasion, instead of relaxing, everyone became more nervous. One by one, they were wary of each other, and each of them showed disbelief from their eyes.

Elder Yuan Yuan can just know that only one of the six of them can become his disciple and survive, and everyone else will die. Therefore, from now on, everyone must be vigilant, even if they say it well, it may be behind Will play underhands to **** this only place.

"you guys……"

Seeing the expressions of everyone, Nie Yun knew that it would be useless to persuade him. Just now Elder Yuan Yuan's words were like a thorn, which penetrated into everyone's heart and could survive. No one wants to die. This alone, No one can believe it ~ www.readwn.com ~ Everyone no longer need to be anxious, I have a suggestion, I don't know if you can listen to it! "

Seeing that the atmosphere was a little tense, the big ship was getting closer and closer to the world in the painting, and time was not enough, Luo Hao stepped forward and spoke loudly.

"Suggest? Come and listen!"

"Say, we all listen ..."

Everyone came over.

"The meaning of Elder Yuan Yuan just now is very simple. One of the six of us must die in order to return the safety of others. The situation is now ... even if we don't want to do this, we can't refuse it!"

Luo Hao looked around for a week and said, "So ... only obey! Since someone is going to die, I hope that someone who can die will have dignity instead of killing each other!"

"Dignity? Don't kill each other? Luo Hao, you don't want one of the six of us to commit suicide!"

Zhao Ran's face sank. (To be continued)

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