Endless Dantian

Vol 4 Chapter 2011: Limited time run


Nie Yun raised an eyebrow.

The flame at the fingertips increased instantaneously, rising more than two feet high, and swung toward the wick again.

Beacon Dantian kept spinning, and the flame power had reached the limit he could bear.


Sure enough, the wick burned, and the light reflected in the bright red liquid of the blood pool, which was slightly yellow.


As soon as the oil lamp ignited, the bronze round door opened a certain mechanism, slowly contracted to the ground, and disappeared in front of it a moment later.

Lift your foot into the slender channel behind the door. Inside the channel, there is a seal left by the strong, and the water in the blood pool cannot be poured in.

Taking a few steps in the passage, the stagnation in front of me was swept away, and then a huge world appeared before me.

Picture world!

After finding the exact location, he actually walked back from the blood pool of the serpent everyone feared!

"It still needs the pure flame power of Vulcan Sect!" Without any complacency, Nie Yun thought about it.

If you want to get out of the blood pool, lighting the wick is the key. At this step, there is no pure flame, and the core blood of Vulcan Sect cannot be achieved at all.

From summoning ancient ships to opening the bronze round door, the core bloodline of Vulcan Sect is needed. The more pure, the better, he does not think this is a coincidence.

Elder Yuan Yuan's design may have his own purpose and intention.

"Welcome to my drawing world!"

Under consideration, the voice of Elder Yuan Yuan from the ancient ship resounded again: "You can discover the secret of the blood pool and walk out from it, indicating that you are a smart man! And you are the core disciple of Vulcan Sect! With these things, I want to be my disciple. Not enough! "

"Here is a time for Huoxiang to rush to Huqiupo! Where there is something to wait for, flying is not allowed, only running, the time can not be reached in time ... directly erase!"

The sound is the same as before. With the meaning of coldness, after speaking, he was silent, without any movement.

"Tiger hill slope? Time for a joss stick?"

Nie Yun's face sank.

He got the complete map, knowing the location of Huqiupo and the distance to it, even if he walked straight, relying on his current speed. It's impossible to finish in a fragrant incense!

This is simply an impossible task!

But if you do n’t run, you can foresee that it will definitely be wiped out.

Even if Elder Yuangyuan had already died, relying on his surpassing strength during his lifetime, he left a lot of means. It is very simple to obliterate only Wang Jingfeng's own.

"Come on!"

Knowing that time is not waiting for someone, Nie Yun rushed straight in the direction of Huqiupo in the direction of his teeth.

Fortunately while walking, thanks to jumping into the blood pool to get the complete map, otherwise, Huqiupo could not be found at all, how to go?

Know the direction. The specific locations are so embarrassed, there is no map. It's just a matter of blindness.

"Three thousand Qingyun Road!"

Knowing that time is not waiting, Nie Yun no longer complains, speeds up under his feet, and blinks on the ground to transform into dozens of unreal figures.

Three thousand Qingyun Road, the supreme cheats of Qingyunzong of the floating heavens, was for him at that time. The speed can be greatly increased by learning this trick, but the current strength. The effect has been small.

After arriving in the universe of the universe, he modified and perfected this trick again. At the moment when it is displayed, it still has a lot of effects, making his speed suddenly increase by 10%!

Yicheng doesn't sound like much, but he can get to Huqiupo with a little more confidence.

"Talent Master Talent, Phoenix Wings!"

At this time, there was no reservation. Nie Yun threw out all his hole cards, and the speed increased again. Only a layer of dust was left on the ground, and people appeared hundreds of meters away.

The space law of the world in this painting is exactly the same as the universe of the world of God. Even after exhausting all efforts, it is estimated that it is still impossible to reach Huqiupo in Yixiang time.

"You have to think of a way ... Since Elder Yuan Yuan left this assessment, it cannot be an incomplete task ..."

Knowing that it was difficult to complete, Nie Yun kept moving forward at the same time, and she was thinking at the same time.

He is very confident that flying alone is not allowed. Many imperial powerhouses cannot match his speed. That is to say, Luo Hao, a mid-level imperial powerhouse, cannot fly by flying alone. Run, the latter was too late.

This kind of speed can't complete the task within a time period, which indicates the abnormality of the task!

Since Elder Yuan Yuan said that he should accept his disciples, it is impossible to kill his disciples. There must be any way to accomplish the task, which he ignored.

Just like the previous blood pool, if you ignore it, it is impossible to get a complete map, and it is impossible to determine the specific location of Huqiu **** so quickly.

"Since entering here, all assessments have been related to the flames ... is this also true?"

After thinking about it for a while, I never thought of any method. Nie Yun moved in his heart and thought of a possibility.

Whether summoning an ancient ship or lighting a wick, it has something to do with flames. Elder Yuan Yuan is of Vulcan origin and is this so-called limited time running assessment also related to flames?

"The flame also has the effect of increasing speed, and may be used for this ..."

Thinking of this, thinking is like finding a thread, and can no longer contain it.

People who practice the power of fire and wind are very fast, because these two have the effect of increasing speed. Perhaps the purpose of the other party's assessment is not necessarily to complete the task within a limited time, but to evaluate his application of flame!

"Vulcan Sect must have a way to drive the flames to increase speed ... Unfortunately, I haven't learned ..."

Nie Yun scratched his head, feeling depressed.

I do n’t know how many years of Vulcan Sect inheritance, there must be a martial art to control the speed of increasing the flames. Unfortunately, he is not a Vulcan Sect, he has not learned it, and naturally will not use it.

"By the way, there seems to be similar martial arts in the dwarfing clown ring. I don't think it is very useful, so I don't see it ..."

Suddenly, Nie Yun thought of what he had obtained from the uncle.

As an inner disciple of Vulcan Sect, there are still a lot of martial arts skills. The clad ring left has martial arts about the speed of the flame. Although he has seen it before, he does n’t care if he does n’t learn it. , Did not go to study, the situation is now critical, and can only be sold now!

After searching for a while, a cheat book appeared in the world of things, and in a blink of an eye, the knowledge in it came into my mind.

"Good ..."

This martial art is not difficult, and the martial arts talents in the body are running, and the mystery is immediately understood.

Coo coo coo coo!

The power was operated in accordance with the requirements in the cheats, a boiling sound sounded, and the whole person became a burning flame.


The speed increased immediately and was faster than just now.

However, there is only an increase of less than 10%. I want to complete the feat of reaching the tiger hill **** within a certain time ... still can't do it!

ps: Recommend a book, the author is a friend in my real life, just started writing a book! Newcomers are not easy, everyone encourages you! Hehe!


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