Endless Dantian

Vol 4 Chapter 2019: ? Elder B's past (below)

The raging anger burned the heart and lungs, and Elder Yuan Yuan broke out!

He smashed the pipa buckle with the locked power, and by using the method of self-damaging 800, broke the seal, and killed the brother who was galloping on Liu Meng on the spot.

The man who beheaded and killed this beastly heart found the poisonous antidote in Liu Meng's body in his storage ring!

Give the beloved woman an antidote, and the girl woke up. Although she can't move in these years, she is unconscious, she knows everything that happened to her!

"It was Brother who killed Master ..."

Liu Meng's first sentence when he woke up was this, Elder Yuan Yuan's scalp was going to explode.

"After you left, my brother kept giving me diligence. At first I felt that he was your brother, and I promised your commission to take care of me. It's hard to say too much. Who knows ... worsening, keep saying you're dead, follow Only he is happy ... I slap him in anger! As a result ... "

Liu Meng's eyes were filled with tears: "He apologized to me that night, saying that he was wrong, begging me to forgive him, and so on. Seeing that his appearance didn't seem to be fake, and that he believed it was true, and he did it ... The medicine was taken, and the day took me ... took me ... "

"When I woke up, I wanted to commit suicide, stopped by him, blocked the strength of my whole body, and supported him in his residence, for his release every day! At that time, I just wanted to die one day earlier ..."

"Until one day, he was misbehaving against me. Master came here and found his rampant behavior ... furious to drive him out of the school ..."

"He used the same tactics and knelt to admit his mistakes, saying that once it was passed out, the prestige of the Master would be damaged, and the Master would hesitate. Then, when the Master practiced, he rushed over and said you were dead and found your Relics ... As a result, Master went into trouble and died by being abused by him! As for why the elders were not found out, it was even simpler. These elders were bought by him. Because of his pride, Master had a bad relationship with other people. The inspector will be left alone ... "

"Killing Master. Not counting me, he obviously has the antidote but doesn't let me wake up. He has to vent on me every day to satisfy his abnormal psychology ... Ma Lang, allow me to call you one last time. ... I'm sorry for you, I wish I could be together in the next life ... "

Before Elder Yuan Yuan responded, she saw blood flowing out of the corner of Liu Meng's mouth, which just woke up, and she broke her heart.

"Do not……"

His elder brother hissed, his elder tears rolled down: "It ’s not you who are sorry for me, but I am sorry for you! If you do n’t know me, you can live happily and carefree, but after you know me. Worry all day Say, you still suffer from this doom ... I didn't protect you ... "

Elder Yuan Yuan blame himself.

Although Liu Meng was in the form of a beast, she never harmed anyone, nor did she do anything harmful and carefree. After knowing him, she did n’t give a little happiness, but let her suffer this kind of crime, and finally committed suicide. ... he suddenly felt that the whole world had collapsed.

"I can't let her die ..."

In sorrow, Elder Yuan Yuan came up with an idea. Gather Liu Meng's dissipating souls together, hoping to find a chance to revive them.

Just when he wanted to go out and find a way to revive Liu Meng, countless masters of Zongmen dispatched!

They didn't allow Elder Yuangyuan to explain, they went directly to the siege. It can be said that the entire gate was chaotic at that time.

Elder Yuan Yuan retreated and many of the elders in Zongmen seemed to know what he was going to guard. He deliberately attacked the lamp that contained Liu Meng's residual soul. In order to protect this soul from being beaten, he had to seal it. Among the paintings, among the immortals.

Later, Elder Yuan Yuan successfully escaped the pursuit of many elders from Vulcan Sect. But at this moment is also close to exhaustion.

He forcibly broke the suppression of the pipa buckle, and the root cause has been damaged. In addition, he has fought against countless elders. The injuries are so serious that he can no longer survive. Because of this, he can no longer afford to escape the hunt.

Knowing that the most dangerous place is the safest place, sneaking back to Vulcan Mountain, hiding in the fairy in the painting, and dispersing the whole body for repair.


Nie Yun opened his eyes again and found that he was standing in front of Wan Juantu. Everything before it seemed to be a dream.

That's it!

No wonder the events of Elder Yugaki were not recorded in the books of Vulcan Sect. This is what happened!

A peerless genius who created the nine changes of the Underworld, was killed by a villain. Even if the Vulcan Sect is confused, it can definitely be found out afterwards. It is a shame and shame from any point. It is no secret.

"Brother Nie Yun, are you dead?"

I felt the sad life of Elder Yuan Yuan in my heart. I was about to reach out and pick up the 10,000-volume map to complete the task. I heard a sound of surprise and turned around. I saw Luo Hao, Zhao Ran, and others, I do n’t know when to stand Behind him, he was surprised to see him appear here.

It was Cui Yao who spoke with his kindness.

At this point, these people did not know what assessment they were going through. They looked a little bit embarrassed, one had messy hair, and their clothes were damaged, but fortunately, everyone was not injured, but their breath was a bit weak.

"I'm lucky I haven't died ..."

Unexpectedly, these people will also appear here, Nie Yun said casually.

"Let's not die ..."

Luo Hao smiled deeply.

"How did you get here? Is it also the assessment?"

Ignoring the meaning of his smile, Nie Yun looked at the crowd.

If these people suddenly appear, is it also an assessment?

If so, what is their assessment?

He didn't believe these people in front of him, and he could, like himself, practice the Ninth Change of the Nine Fires to the fifth change, and come here in two days!

It is not his arrogance. The difficulty of Nine Fire Nine Changes cannot be accomplished by normal practitioners. If he does not have the talent of Dantian, he will certainly not be able to do it!

"We are also assessing, and the content should be similar to you, ten thousand pictures!"

See Nie Yun standing in front of Wan Juantu ~ www.readwn.com ~ Luo Hao.

"Wan Juantu? Your mission is to get Wan Juan?" Nie Yun frowned.

"Yes, our task is to get 10,000 rolls of maps, but no matter what, so many of us who get the maps are the same!" Luo Hao nodded.

"Who gets the same picture? Any other requirements?"

Nie Yun was strange.

It should n’t be. There is only one copy of the 10,000-volume map. If the task is to complete the map, it should not be the same for everyone.

Otherwise, how to distinguish between winning and losing?

It's like running. No matter whether you reach the finish line or the length of time ... what's the point of competition?

"Of course there are requirements. The 10,000-volume map is under great pressure. Whoever is closest to the map will have a better chance of inheritance!"

Luo Hao said as he walked over. (To be continued.)

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